The Crash

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Tamsyn POV

It happened in the blink of an eye. One moment we were driving normally. Aspen was clutching her side where someone had stabbed her with a dagger and mom was frantically trying to stop the bleeding. Ashton was passed out. I was trying to hide the pain I was going through as I eyed the driver, ensuring he was going where he was supposed to be. And in the next second, the car was toppled over, and I lost consciousness.


I woke up with a dreadful pain in my head and immediately looked around for the twins. My heart dropped as I saw they were nowhere to be found, and I was lying in what looked like a hospital bed. I quickly yanked all the IVs attached to my arm off and attempted to stand up. Keyword, attempted. I tried to find my balance as my eyes got fuzzy, and I felt the dizziness start to engulf me. Right then, the doors to my room burst open and a nurse walked in.

"Miss, you can't get up ye-"

"WHERE ARE MY SIBLINGS? AND MY MOM?" I yelled, cutting her off. The nurse made me sit down and then finally started talking again.

"Your siblings are fine. Your sister has a nasty gash on her side, though." I held my breath. "I'm guessing it's a shard from a window that pierced through her skin in the crash," she concluded with a hint of pity in her voice. I let out the breath I was holding. There was no need for anyone to go digging up the real cause of that gash.

"Ashton's ok?" I asked again to reconfirm. She nodded but I could tell there was something she wasn't telling me. Then it hit me.

"Where's my mom?" Silence was all that followed. I started to get impatient. But before I could yell again, a tear escaped the nurse's eye. I couldn't do this. No. This can't be happening. Please. I was begging her with my eyes.

"I'm sorry. We did everything we could." she said simply. I was at a loss for words. I just nodded and sat back down, tears gathering in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. Not in front of her. I asked her to take me to my siblings, and she did. When I entered the room, the silent crying assured me that I wasn't the one who would have to tell them about mom. Without a word, I went and hugged my baby siblings. We sat there for a good hour, and then the same nurse from before came in with another lady behind her. This lady was dressed in casual-formal clothing and had a few files in her arm. I separated from my siblings and stood up.

"Hello, you must be Tamsyn. I'm Maya McMiller, your social worker." the lady said, holding her hand out for a handshake. Although I hated unnecessary physical contact, especially with people I didn't know, I knew better than to anger someone who seemed to have authority. I quickly shook her hand and asked her why she was there.

"Well, you know, your mother was your only legal guardian..." I widened my eyes and remembered that although Blake was my "step-father" to the outside world, mom and him were never married....obviously. "So we did a DNA test on all three of you to check if you have any other family members that can take you in," she concluded. I heard Ashton and Aspen take a long breath as they let it all settle in. I knew we were all thinking the same thing, aren't they going to send us back to Blake...and The Guild? My thoughts were interrupted as Ms. McMiller cleared her throat to get our attention again.

"Your dad is willing to take you in." Suddenly, my legs felt weak, and I heard Ashton run to me, letting me balance my weight onto him. Although he's only thirteen and three younger than me, he's already a couple of inches taller than me.

"Are you ok, Tammie?" He asked me, his voice shaking from the revelation as well. I nodded my head and turned to Aspen, who had her hand over her mouth and her wide eyes trained straight at Ms. McMiller.

"B-but mom said he's dead..." Aspen almost whispered, her voice still weak from all the injuries she sustained. Ms.McMiller looked at her sadly and sighed. I could tell something was troubling her.

"I just got off the phone with him, and although he immediately agreed to take custody of all of was almost as if he didn't know you two existed," she said, making eye contact with the twins. I could tell they were confused, and I could sense a twinge of hurt coming from Ashton's eyes. 

I hope you like the story so far! Please comment below on what you think :)


Day Lilac

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