Let Them Be Scared

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Tamsyn POV

I was sitting at the table eating my cereal when the cousin sat next to me.

"Um, by the way, what's your name?" I asked.

"Marila," she replied, seemingly disgusted that I didn't already know. Which made me realize how much I didn't know about this family. Much to my dislike, the rest of the boys came and sat at the table as well. It's like Marila was a magnet, wherever she was the boys went. They chatted with each other for the next like 10 mins while I picked at my cereal, and when I was finally about to get up to leave, Marila called out my name.

"Soo Tamsyn. How has your life been?" I tried not to visibly stiffen as I managed a small smile.


"Yea, I'm sure the death was such a shock," I looked away immediately and trained my eyes on an empty chair as she continued. "And figuring out you have five other brothers must have been mind-blowing," she said.

"I guess..." was all I could muster. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sebastian raise an eyebrow.

" 'I guess' is all you can muster up for your mom dying?" he said coldly. I quickly shook my head and was about to expand on my answer when Ezekiel chuckled.

"Yeah, she's probably been pampered her whole life by her sl**ty mommy and was just happy to come home to a house like this," he said as he laughed with Marila.

"Don't disrespect my mom like that," I whispered.

"What did you say?" Ezekiel mocked.

"I SAID KEEP MY MOTHER OUT OF YOUR FILTHY MOUTH!" I yelled at him. I got up from my chair, and at the same time so did Theodore and Kyler.

"Tams-" Kyler started but I cut him off.

"What? Don't tell me you're just going to stand there and let him badmouth my mother. My mom. The mom that tried her best to protect us even when she was at her weakest," I said.

"Ezekiel, apologize," Theodore said, his body facing Ezekiel. He seemed like he wanted to say something snarky back, but one look from Theodore made him rethink that and he muttered a small 'sorry' to me. But the damage was done. I tried so hard to forget about mom. As bad as it sounds, the more I didn't think about her, the less it hurt. But now, she wasn't here to protect us and to love us. We're on our own. Fighting back tears, I stormed upstairs and joined Ash and Aspen in the 'we're not leaving our room' club.

Theodore POV

I was disappointed. First in Aspen because of what happened yesterday, and then because of Tamsyn. I was disappointed... up until I saw those tears in her beautiful baby blue eyes. The eyes I haven't seen cry in the last thirteen years. The eyes I longed to see for over a decade, and now I'm the reason she's crying. I wanted to wrap her in a hug the moment she ran to her room, but I also knew that she's got to learn some rules. And pampering her is not going to help.

"Ezekiel, don't mention her mom like that," I said firmly. "You know it's probably a sensitive topic. And since when were you allowed to taunt your siblings like that?"

"Kyler, let's go to my office," I told him as I made my way to the office, Kyler right behind me. I was halted right outside of Tamsyn's door when I heard sniffles coming from inside. I immediately looked at Kyler, who's face held a mixture of regret and conflict. As he was about to reach out his hand to knock on the door, but I grabbed it and held it midair as I shook my head.

"They need to learn," I told him. And although I knew it was killing him inside, I led him to my office, leaving the sniffling behind us.

"We need to put some consequences in place for them. It obviously can't be the same as the ones Seb, Ezekiel, and Everett have. They've been raised in the mafia, the others haven't. For all we know, Ezekiel is right. They are weak," I said after Kyler closed the door.

"Don't talk like we can blame that on them. They were taken from us and were raised by that snake. Who knows how they've been raised," he replied.

"I know we can't blame them. If anything we're the ones in the wrong for taking so long to find them. But now, it's our job to make sure they know how to behave and stay safe," I said.

"What should we do? Ground them? Spank them? Can we even do that to the girls?" he asked.

"We also can't have double standards. And....that is the mafia way. Whether they're girls or not. They're part of this family," I said, heavily sighing.

Tamsyn's POV

I decided not to think about what happened and face-timed Alina and Rosie instead. It was unlike me to do something like that, but those two are always asking me to FaceTime, and I'm always declining it. So this time, I decided to actually call them. They both pick up on the second ring and look as astonished as I do that I even mustered up the courage to call them.

"Tammie!?" they both exclaimed at the same time.

"Did something happen? Are you okay?" Immediately followed, which startled me because how did they know?

"Um...no everything's fine," I answered meekly.

"Girl, c'mon. I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but if there's one thing that I do know - it's that you NEVER call us," Alina said, smiling slightly but still having a concerned expression.

"Yeah, you know you can tell us anything right?" Rosie added.

"Yea...but right now I kind of just want to take my mind off some things," I answered sincerely. They both smiled in understanding and (figuratively) took me to another world. A world where I forgot about this messed-up family.

Theodore POV

"Sebastion, call Ashton, Aspen, and Tamsyn for dinner. Don't take no for an answer," I said.

While Seb went to get them, I decided to have a little chat with Ezekiel.

"Listen, I know you're pissed. But that doesn't mean you can have an attitude. Don't take out your anger of mom on to them. I'm warning you, just don't even try with the snarky comments today," I said, as I held eye contact with him.

"Yeah bro, they're probably scared shit of you," Everett added as he put his arm around his twin brother.

"Let them be scared. It's not like I want to be friends with them," Ezekiel commented. I gave him a stern glare and he shut up. 

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Day Lilac

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