First Day of School Pt. 2

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Tamsyn POV

"You good?" Alina asked as she waved her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, sorry, just zoned out for a sec," I said, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to stay awake.

"Yeah, I could tell," the boy in front of me scoffed, his eyes still glued to his phone.

"Do you have a problem with me?" I finally snapped. The entire class period, he's been ignoring me like I didn't exist and has been only opening his mouth to make snarky comments. He looked up at me as if he were surprised I even spoke up and narrowed his eyes at me.

"What? No," he said, although his tone said otherwise.

"Tamsyn, don't mind him. He's always like that to new people," Alina chirped up from beside me.

"Well, he'll need to fix his attitude because I don't tolerate blatant disrespect like that," I said while raising my voice just a notch. The boy put his phone down and glared at me before turning his body to face Rosie who was sitting beside him.

"Do you hear a mouse or something?" He asked her just loud enough for me to hear. Rosie widened her eyes and slapped him lightly on his head. Well, if there's something I learned today, it's that this boy gets slapped quite frequently.

I decided against replying to his remarks and turned my attention to Alina, who had been trying to get my attention for the past couple of minutes.

"So can I call you Tammie?" she asked, hope shining through her eyes. I widened my eyes at her and immediately nodded my head. The only people who have ever called 'Tammie' were Asher, Aspen, and my mom. Hearing Alina call me by my nickname made me feel all fuzzy and cozy inside, and I couldn't help but feel happy. She suddenly grinned at me amusingly, and I looked at her a little confused.

"Wow, I didn't know you could even smile that big," Alina said while chuckling. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I quickly turned around. After class was over, Rosie and Alina stood at both of my sides and insisted on walking me to my next class. I gladly obliged since I didn't even know where it was anyway. Without our teacher breathing down our necks, we were able to talk more freely in the hallway. I slowly felt myself letting loose and allowing my sarcastic and goofy side to peek through.

Once we got to my second-period class, I bid them goodbye and realized that the boy was trailing behind us the entire time. I looked at the three of them, this time the boy in the middle, as they walked away. Remind me to ask for his name next time I see him.

Second period went by in a blur and honestly, I missed having Rosie and Alina next to me.

In third period, we had assigned seats, and low and behold, guess who was on my table?

The first two boys who came to the table were the good-looking guys from first period. I made sure to avert my eyes from them and not gawk and to be completely honest, they weren't really my type. I just wanted to make sure the other girls in the class knew that too. The seat right in front of me was empty, but then, halfway into the class, the boy walked in with his head in his phone and stopped right in front of me. He looked up from his phone, and I swore I heard a sigh escape his lips when his eyes settled on me. I couldn't help myself; I sighed, too. He quickly dabbed up the two other boys at the table and sat down. A couple of minutes later, our teacher gave us some free time till the end of class. As I was about to lay my head on the desk for a couple of minutes of bliss, one of the guys sitting beside me poked my shoulder with his pencil.

"Oye!" I whisper-yelled, glaring at him. He had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, and the attention he was giving me was already earning me looks from the other girls.

"Dang, you're a feisty one, aren't you," he said, smirking. I ignored him and focused my attention back on my desk. And then I felt a poke again. And again, after I didn't react.

"Bro, just leave her alone," the other guy with brown hair and light brown eyes said. I thanked him in my brain because after that, his friend finally stopped poking me.

I looked over to the name tags on the sides of the table and saw that the blondie's name was Gale, and the brown-haired one was Eren. I looked over to the boy's side of the table, but I just saw that his nametag had been ripped off. I decided it wasn't that big of a deal and put my head on the table, successfully this time.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and slowly opened my eyes. Damn. There is no way I actually fell asleep. I quickly lifted my head from the table and was blinded by the bright lights of the classroom. And the classroom was empty. I tilted my head to see the person who had woken me up and was surprised to see the boy standing next to me, his jet-black hair covering his hazel eyes, so I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Good Morning, sleepyhead," he said smugly. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him in confusion.

"Why are you still here?" I responded.

"I just wanted to see your face when you realized that you just missed half of lunch," he said. My eyes widened, and I slapped my head for being so stupid. My goal was to just go to lunch and sit somewhere first so that I wouldn't have to ask anyone if I could sit with them. I groaned and was about just to put my head back on the table when I felt the boy lightly tug my hand.

"What!?" I snapped, glaring at him.

"Calm down; this teacher hates it when her students stay in class after she leaves without permission. You should probably leave," he said while putting his hands up in surrender. I hesitated before finally getting up and swinging my backpack over my shoulder. When the boy didn't make a move to walk outside with me, I stopped and looked at him in confusion.

"Wha- oh right. Do you know the way to the cafeteria?" he asked. I looked down and slightly shook my head. I heard him sigh and walk out of the door. I took that as a sign to follow him and did just that.

Soon, we were in the cafeteria, and my eyes immediately found Everett on a table surrounded by a bunch of people, most of them looked like what you would call 'jocks'. He had two girls basically on his lap, whispering things in his ear. I averted my eyes from the scene before he realized I was staring and let myself be covered by the boy's body. I didn't realize I just kept following him until we got to a table, and I snapped my head up at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Tammie!" I heard Alina exclaim. I smiled weakly at her as I scanned the table she was at. It was just her, Rosie, and now the boy also joined them. I was about to turn around when I felt a tug at my hand again. I fought myself not to flinch at the physical contact and glanced back to see Alina looking at me curiously.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Uuh, to find a place to sit?" I replied, looking a little unsure. At my words, the boy stifled a laugh and gazed at me in a scrutinizing manner.

"As if you have any friends. You're just gonna look like a loner," he scoffed. I pursed my lips and was about to take my leave when I realized my hand was still in Alina's grasp, and she didn't let go.

"Nuh-uh. You're sitting with us," she said to me, determined.


"No buts, come on," Rosie said, making space for me beside her. What was I gonna do, reject the offer? The boy was technically correct; if I left, I would just look like a loner.

I shyly let Alina tug me to the table and sat down next to Rosie. There wasn't much time left for lunch, so I didn't even bother taking out my food to eat. Instead, I got to know Alina and Rosie a bit more. Turns out it is 'absolutely despicable' that I have never seen 'The Summer I Turned Pretty' or 'The Hunger Games' ever in my life. 

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Day Lilac

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