Is That What They Think Of Us?

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Aspen POV

When we came down for dinner, everyone was seated at the dinner table - including Marila. I made it a point to avoid eye contact with everyone as I sat down. There was a thick air of silent tension until Marila spoke up.

"So Ashton, you're the only one I haven't seen so far," she said. All eyes turned to Ashton, and that's when I remembered that no one had seen him in a while other than Tammie and I.

"You're quite timid for a Fontana man, aren't you?" she continued, eyeing Ashton. As always, he just ignored her.

"Heh, well you're definitely just as disrespectful as your sister," she said as she side eyed Tamsyn and I. I grabbed both Ash and Tamsyn's hands from under the table, willing them not to make a big deal out of it. We're already in trouble and there's no point in making it worse.

"Oh? What happened, y'all are awfully quiet now?" she asked.

"They must have learned their lesson," Theodore said firmly. I wanted to roll my eyes at the, but I controlled myself. The rest of that dinner was painstaking and pure torture. Marila and the other boys (except Ash) were talking about a bunch of random stuff while we tried our best to finish our food fast. As soon as we were done eating, we asked to be excused and Theodore let us go.

Third POV

"Why did you guys even let them come back?" Marila asked right when the other three left the table.

"I would ask the same thing," Ezekiel retorted.

"They're our family, our siblings. Why wouldn't we bring them back?" Kyler said.

"Well, yeah...but they were raised by her. Who knows what type of people they are," Marila said with a disgusted tone.

"I agree, they haven't told us much about their past lives. And we shouldn't just let random people come into our family like that, especially with what we do," Sebastian spoke up.

"You should have just let them go to a foster family or something," Marila snarked as she grabbed a drink. "It would've saved you from all this trouble. And plus now you have to protect them too."

"Psh yea, and Theo, did dad even do a blood test to make sure those twins are even his? Didn't that woman run away with some man?" Ezekiel said with a matter-of-fact tone. This question even got Theodore to look at him as if he was thinking about it for the first time. He looked doubtful, almost.

"Ezekiel that's taking it too far. Ashton and Aspen are our siblings!" Everett interjected quickly.

"Sure, they're definitely her children, but can we really call that being our full siblings?" Ezekiel said. Suddenly, Theodore got up from his chair, resulting in everyone following suit. Kyler put a hand on Theo's shoulder as if to calm him down.

"Don't tell me you're actually considering that..." Kyler asked hesitantly.

Tamsyn POV

Let's be real, we were barely out of the dining room when Marila started speaking, and as it concerned us, it was only natural that we listen in. Do I regret it? Not really. Am I angry at what they said? Hell yea. But before I could explode and tell them that Ash and Aspen were their full siblings and that our mom would never cheat, Ashton tugged on my hand urgently.

'Let's go,' he mouthed. I obliged since it seemed like Theodore might walk this way. We tiptoed up the stairs as if we were ghosts, and kudos to all of our training in The Guild because it paid off.

Once we got into our room, I looked the twins in the eye and tried to make out what was going through their brains.

"I'm surprised it took them so long to have that thought," Ash said as he sat on the bed.

"Yeah, I'm surprised making us have a blood test wasn't the first thing they did," Aspen added. And as much as I agreed with them, I could hear the pain and sadness in their voices.

"I miss mom," Aspen whispered as she lay her head on the pillow.

"Do you think...they'll let us visit her grave?" Ashton asked me.

"Um...I mean I don't know why they wouldn't. We could ask," I replied. Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door and Theodore's face after he opened it.

"Be ready tomorrow morning. We're going to the hospital," and then he left, barely letting us even process what he said.

Ashton POV

The next morning, we got ready and met the others downstairs. It was just Theodore, Kyler, and Sebastian going with us, and I already knew the experience was going to be much better than if Ezekiel was going to come with us. By the end of the day, he would probably make us wish we really weren't his full biological siblings. No one technically told us why we were going to the hospital, and I guess they were never planning to.

For some reason, they made us go so early in the morning, it was 7 AM, so the entire car ride to the hospital was personally spent in dreamland.

Theodore POV

Looking at the twins from the rearview mirror, I wondered again if taking this DNA test was necessary. But then I reminded myself that with that woman, anything was possible.

When we got to the hospital, I woke the twins up and noticed they were both in a very grumpy mood. Even more grumpier than usual. I smiled slightly at the similarity between them and Everett and Ezekiel. Whenever they're woken up after a long car ride, they're the grumpiest people ever.

I led them to our family doctor's office and let the twins sit inside the examination room, while the rest of us were outside. Tamsyn insisted on staying with them, but the doctor advised her not to and she couldn't argue against it. Before they took the blood samples, I was talking with the doctor outside of the examination room door about what he was about to do. Full-siblings or not, those twins were my responsibility and family, so I needed to make sure everything was perfect. After I was done talking to him, he went to get some supplies while I waited outside the door. Soon after, Sebastian came up and stood next to me.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked him.

"They're in the waiting room. Tamsyn's sweating her head off, though. It's almost like she's the one who's about to get their blood drawn or something," Sebastian said, shaking his head slightly.

"They've really got a special relationship don't they?" I replied. "I wonder if we'll ever be able to get that relationship back, at least with Tamsyn," I said, reminiscing about the blissful time before the terrible incident happened.

Sebastian and I both turned to the door when we heard voices start speaking.

"So, let's say this dna test comes back negative...what do you think they're going to do?" we heard Ashton say. Sebastian immediately looked at me with scrunched eyes.

"How do they know we're here for a dna test?" he asked me in a hushed tone.

"I don't know, I didn't tell them. Unless one of the other boys told them...they shouldn't know," I responded.

"Pfft, probably throw us out in the streets or something," we then heard Aspen say. My hands immediately fisted up at the fact that she could even think that we would do something like that.

"You really think so?" Ashton asked.

"Bruh, they already hate me. They don't give a damn about what happens to us, believe me," Aspen said.

"You think they' kill us or something?" Ashton asked, which was met with silence from Aspen.

I looked at Sebastian and saw the hurt and confusion swirl through his eyes. I grabbed his arm and walked a bit further away from the door, so they wouldn't hear us.

"Is that what they think of us?" Sebastian asked me, staring into my eyes. 

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Day Lilac

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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