Things Like That Don't Fly Here

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Aspen POV

When we got to the house, I just had time to use the bathroom before I got called into the office.

"What? Why, does she need to go there?" Ashton asked Kyler when he came to tell me to go to the office.

"We just need to ask about something," Kyler responded. I didn't want Ashton to come with me because I sure as hell didn't want that to be the way he potentially found out that Levi had found us. So I quickly followed Kyler while giving Ash the 'I'm fine' look.

When I got to the office, I was surprised to see ALL of the brothers in there, with Theodore in the middle since Francesco (dad) was still on his business trip. Although I've gotten somewhat used to these men, the sheer number of them against me was quite unsettling. And I still didn't understand why any of this was a big deal. All I frikkin did was go stand next to Everett.

"I heard something happened at school today," Theodore started.

"I just-" I tried saying but was cut off by Ezekiel.

"Did he ask you to speak?" he snapped at me as if whatever I would have to say was so insignificant I should just cut off my tongue. I quickly shook my head and kept it down, waiting for whatever were to come next. I felt a few steps come closer to me and I shuddered while taking a step back.

"Listen, we've been going easy on you because you just lost your mom and we know this is a big change for you, but that does NOT under any circumstance mean you can break one of the rules we set for you," Theodore said. That's when I remembered the few rules that we were told in the beginning and one of the biggest one, which was that we can not tell any lies.

"May I speak now?" I asked cautiously, still keeping my eyes trained on the floor.

"Look at me and speak," Theodore ordered. So I obliged. "Tell me why you were hiding and why you were lying," he said.

"I just...didn't want...uh... someone to see me walking away," I said, sounding unsure to even myself. I looked to Kyler, hoping he would give me a sense of comfort but all I saw was his narrowed eyes trained at me.

"Why? Did someone do something to you?" Kyler asked me.

"N-no! I just didn't want to walk with him,"

"Him?" Everett, Theodore, and Kyler all asked in synch, seemingly getting even more agitated with me. I flinched and backed up a bit more.

"Did 'he' do something? What did he do? Who is he?" Kyler asked all at once. I didn't know what to say. We decided not to tell anyone about anything that happened to us, or about Blake, or The Guild. Keeping that part of us in wraps may make them actually accept us. So I know I can't tell them about Levi, because then I would have to explain why I was hiding from him.

"It was nothing! No one. No one did anything. Could I not have just wanted to stand next to Everett? Was it wrong to feel safe with someone for once!? Is it wrong that for once in my life, I FELT LIKE I HAD SOMEONE WHO WOULDN'T LET ME GET HURT!?!?" I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I don't care what you think of me, but I'm not going to let you berate me when I didn't do anything wrong!" I snapped and swiftly turned, hoping to just run out of this room. Instead, I was greeted by Ezekiel's deathly glare as he stepped in front of me.

"What the f**k do you think you're doing?" he seethed.

"Ok Ezekiel, language," Kyler chided from behind him, but right now I wasn't focused on him, the only thing that was circling my mind was how much hate I could see in Ezekiel's eyes. They weren't like Levi's eyes, which show lust, pity, and amusement, no, Ezekiel's eyes showed hate and anger. And it was directed at me.

"You think you rule this house? That you can just turn your back on Theo and act like nothing happened? Even I can't do that and expect to go unpunished, much less you. You're nothing in this family, remember that," he sneered at me right before getting pulled from in front of me by Everett. I didn't care at that point. Since I wasn't anything in this family, I took one more glance at Kyler and Theo's disapproving eyes and left the room without a word.

I stormed into Tamsyn's room and banged the door behind me, hoping the other boys would hear it.

"Hey, what happened?" Tamsyn and Ashton both asked me at the same time, worry all over their faces. After I told them what happened, to say they were mad would be an understatement. Of course, they had a different perspective, since they knew who Levi was and that only made them madder. I almost didn't want any of them to go downstairs for dinner because I knew nothing good would come from interacting with them. I already decided I wasn't going to go.

A little while later, we heard the doorbell ring and then a girl's voice through the halls. We put two and two together and figured it was probably that cousin of ours that was supposed to be coming soon.

At around dinner time, Everett came to tell us to come down for dinner. The entire time, he wouldn't even look me in the eye. Probably because, no, definitely because he was the reason everyone in this house hated me even more now.

"We're not coming," Ashton said defiantly. At this, Everett narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Listen, don't make the situation worse than it already is," he said.

"That's funny, coming from you," Ashton spat back and stepped closer to him. "We're not coming. Deal with it."

I know for a fact that if it were anyone other than Everett who came to call us, they would've practically forced us out of the room, but instead, he just sighed and left.

Tamsyn POV

I was mad. Not just at how they treated my little sister. Not just because we're going to have to deal with Levi soon. Not just because our mom was dead. Not just because we have no family anymore. I was mad at everything.

It was Saturday so I was prepared to deal with the boys when I went downstairs, but what I completely forgot about was the cousin.

"Oh hey look who it is! Is this the kidnapped princess or the bastard twin?"

My eyes widened as I turned to face the blue-eyed brunette standing in front of me with her arms at her hips and a taunting smile on her face.

"Heh. I wouldn't call her a princess. More like a prick on our side that we were relieved from. But then of course unfortunately the pricks always end up coming back" Ezekiel said as he got up from the couch and walked to the brunette.

"Aah, so you're Tamsyn," she said, eyeing me from head to toe. At that point, the rest of the brothers, except Sebastian all walked in to the living room.

"Um, yes," I replied, about to go the kitchen to get myself something to eat, when I was halted by her screechy voice.

"Hey don't turn your back on me like your stupid sissy did."

You best believe, that if it was just us two, I would've had her on the ground, begging to be released by now. But I couldn't do that with everyone watching. I could tell Kyer didn't like that she called Aspen my "stupid sissy," but before he could say anything, she got a phone call and walked away. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure before opening them to glare at...really anything, but it ended up being right at Theodore. And he didn't like that.

"Tamsyn. Don't look at me like that. And you know you guys are in trouble," he said. I looked at him in confusion, because what did I do wrong?

"Dinner last night," Kyler said, after noticing that I didn't know what he was talking about.

"I think we're going to have to go through our rules once more and delve deeper into the consequences," Theo said. "Also tell Aspen that she can't avoid the consequences of her actions. Things like that don't fly here." 

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Day Lilac

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