Wasn't Supposed To Hear That

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Tamsyn POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache and a grumbling stomach. I looked at the digital clock at the bedside, which read 02:23 AM. I got up from the bed and saw my two siblings cuddling close together at the other end of the bed. After coming to my room following the interaction with Ezekiel, we didn't feel like leaving the room and then we ended up falling asleep before dinner. But they probably wouldn't have called us for dinner anyway...

The headache wouldn't go away, and I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to go look for something to ease the pain in my head or at least something to put in my stomach. Hopefully, no one will be awake at the time. I threw on one of the hoodies Ashton brought along and quietly creaked the door open. Thank goodness for my photographic memory, because without it, I would have been lost in a matter of seconds. Once I found what was probably the kitchen, I started hearing hushed voices.

"Are you happy we found them?" a voice I recognized as Kyler said.

"Of course I am...they're just different," Theodore said. "As Fontanas, I don't know how to deal with them," he said as he sighed. I tensed as I realized that they thought that we weren't worthy of being a part of their family.

"Ashton and Aspen...even saying their names feels so foreign," a new voice, probably Sebastian, said. I decided against entering the kitchen, so I turned to leave. The moment I turned my head, my body went stiff, and my eyes went wide. It was Everett. How long was he here? How did I not detect him? Is he going to punish me for eavesdropping?

But instead of seeing anger in his eyes, I saw hurt and a sense of apology. But that anger didn't seem directed at me, instead, he seemed angry at his brothers. Before he was able to make our presence known to the boys on the other side of the wall, I shook my head signaling for him to just forget about it. 'Please don't tell them I overheard them,' I practically begged with my eyes. Somehow, he understood and nodded before holding his hand out to me. Hesitantly, I reached out to it and wrapped my fingers around his warm hand. He smiled faintly at me and led me back to my room.

When we got to my door, he let go of my hand and took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry. They shouldn't have been saying those things. I swear they love you and the twins. They're just not used to it yet," he whispered. His face showed nothing but sincerity. I immediately knew that Everett was the only one who felt like my brother, other than Ashton of course. I think being only one year apart helps with that connection. Although, technically Ezekiel is also only one year older than me....but he's just different I guess.

Everett gently poked my forehead to shake me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you," I whispered to him and opened the door to my room, only to be met with Ashton's scared eyes as he whisper yelled at me.

"Where were you?! When I woke up, you were just gone!?" He seemed like he was about to say something else as well but then suddenly stopped when he saw Everett.

"Hey, why are you even awake lil bro?" he said to Ashton, who was still recovering from seeing Everett with me.

"Did he do anything to you? Why do you look so sad, Tammie?" Ashton asked me, worry laced in his words.

"Why would I do anything to her?" Everett asked, confusion evident in his face.

"No, Ashton, I'm fine. He was just showing me the way back after I went to the kitchen for some water," I replied, cutting them both off. Ashton hesitantly nodded and made way for me to come inside. I bid goodnight to Everett and closed the door.

Ashton POV

Lil bro. He just called me his little brother. I couldn't help but let myself feel a little warm on the inside.

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