Parking Lot Brawl

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Third POV

With Sebastian, Ezekiel, and Everett at school and Francesco and Theodore at work, the house was relatively peaceful. Kyler stayed home so the kids weren't home alone and did his work from his office.

"Hey guys! Are y'all hungry?" Kyler asked as he knocked on the kids' door. Tamsyn opened the door.

"I mean...we did have breakfast, so we're not really hungry," she answered.

"Nonsense, that was more than five hours ago. You must be hungry," he said. Tamsyn and the twins looked at each other and shook their heads. The breakfast they had would be enough for another a couple of days as well. Hesitantly, Kyler finally gave in and let them be without eating lunch for the time being.

Tamsyn POV

After we finally got Kyler to leave us alone to eat lunch, I turned my head to the pile of books that he gave us so that we wouldn't be bored. I looked at the book at the top of the pile and it said, Percy Jackson. I've never heard of that book before. The only books we've ever read were educational or bibliographies. Aspen peered over at the book, Percy Jackson and picked it up curiously. After skimming through the back and first few pages, she sat on the bed and started reading it. Ashton was sitting on the bed as well, leaning against her, and soon fell asleep.

It was 3.15 PM, and the boys were supposed to come back from school soon, so I decided to take a quick nap as well before chaos ensued.

Everett POV

Ezekiel and I were waiting at the school parking lot for Sebastian to drive us home. I was leaning against the car, and I still couldn't shake the weird feeling from my heart.

"Hey, why are being such a jerk today, huh?" Ezekiel snapped at me. This entire day has just been terrible because all I have been thinking about was my brothers talking shit about my younger siblings...and even though Ezekiel wasn't a part of that conversation, he was still treating them like shit.

"Me?! A jerk? Have you been hearing yourself these days?" I snapped back at him. His eyes darkened, and I could tell something in him tore.

"Don't tell me you're defending those stupid kids," he said angrily.

"Don't call them stupid kids. Those kids are your younger siblings!" I yelled back.

"I. Don't. Care. I have nothing to do with them," he said through gritted teeth. I couldn't do it anymore. I stepped closer to him and swiftly pushed him. Watching him stumble backward put a smirk on my face. Obviously, he wouldn't just take it. So I dodged a punch to my face and tackled him to the ground. Ezekiel is stronger than me in most ways and actual fights, but this wasn't a fight with an enemy, it was more of a 'cooling off' fight. But it got quite heated; at one point, there was blood on both of our faces. As I was about to deliver a punch to my dear brother's face, I felt a pair of strong hands break us apart.

"What the hell, guys?" Sebastian asked, looking confused. Ezekiel and I aren't known to get into fights, and the last time we did, we both cried while apologizing to each other because we couldn't stand seeing each other hurt. I was broken out of my thoughts as I felt Sebastian wiping the blood from my face worriedly. He then turned to Ezekiel and grabbed his bruised hands, wiping the blood from them as well.

"Do y'all wanna talk about it?" Sebastian asked the both of us.

"No," we both said at the same time, and then glared at each other. Sebastian just sighed and unlocked the car door, then sat in the driver's seat. I sat in the passenger seat, and Ezekiel was in the back. Sebastian looked at us one last time, trying to hide the worry in his eyes. He was the biggest aloof and 'I don't care about anything' sibling out of all of us, so seeing him worry about us actually made me feel a little bad. It was silent the whole ride back.

When we entered the house, I was expecting it to be a little more noisy than usual, considering there were three more people living here now, but it was as silent as it could be.

"Kiiids~~~ welcome home!" Kyler's voice resonated through the hallway.

"Ky, can you get the first aid kit?" Sebastian asked out to him.

"What, wh-" he started, but then stopped midsentence when he saw Ezekiel and I.

"What happened!? Did someone attack you guys?!" he said frantically as he came up to us to look at our wounds more closely. Ezekiel just grunted and attempted to walk upstairs to his room but was grabbed by Kyler, who looked at him sternly.

"Not so soon, we're gonna patch y'all up, and then you're going to explain what the hell happened," he said firmly. This time, it was Sebastian who attempted to walk away.

"You too, Seb," Kyler said.

"But I didn't even do anything," Sebastian grumbled as he took a seat on the couch.

Ezekiel stayed quiet in the 'explaining ourselves' segment of the interaction as I went off about how he deserved way worse.

"So you guys fought each other?" Kyler asked said, raising an eyebrow. We nodded. He sighed and started treating our wounds without another word.

"Just letting you know, I'm gonna have to tell Dad about this," he said.

"Yea, whatever, but where's Tamsyn and the twins?" I asked, suddenly remembering how quiet it was in the house.

"Um, they've just been in their room the whole day," Kyler shrugged.

"Useless," Ezekiel muttered under his breath, and Sebastian just rolled his eyes.


Third POV

The entire family was gathered in the living room since Francesco called for a family meeting that night.

"Alright, since you guys didn't bring many things with you, y'all are going to go shopping tomorrow for everything you need," Francesco said to the twins and Tamsyn.

"It's okay, we really don't need anything," Tamsyn answered while playing with her fingers nervously.

"No, it's not okay; you three will be going to the mall tomorrow with Everett, Ezekiel, and Theodore. Kyler and Sebastian have some work to do with me, so they won't be able to tag along," he said.

"Why do I have to go?" Ezekiel asked angrily but shut up when he saw his dad's expression.

"Make sure you get supplies for school," Francesco said lastly as Aspen, Ashton, and Tamsyn's faces all dropped with eyes wide.

"S-school?" Aspen asked quietly.

"Mhmm, you'll be starting on Monday with Everett and Ezekiel. Technically, Sebastian already graduated, but he's interning as a teacher assistant there right now, so he'll be there as well," he said. He paused as he looked at the kids's scared expressions and asked, "You guys have been going to school, right?" he asked. The kids looked at each other uneasily, and then finally Tamsyn spoke up.

"Um, we've never been to an actual school before; we were homeschooled our entire lives," she said, trying to make sure her voice wasn't shaking.

"Homeschooled? I remember...your mom...hated the idea of homeschooling kids. Something about learning how to live in the real world or something?" Theodore said, confused. Francesco was also a little confused since he knew how much their mother was against the idea of homeschooling.

"She liked teaching us herself," Aspen said, shrugging. Although still doubtful, they just left it be thinking that Arella (their mom) must have changed a lot after leaving.

I really hope you guys liked this chapter! Please vote and follow!


Day Lilac

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