Chapter Twenty Five

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Song of the Chapter: What About Us by

When Bobby found out about the baby, he offered for Skyla to move back in. She had been traveling for days, trying to find herself and figure out what she needed to do and where she was going to go. The moment Bobby offered her a space in his home, as if she didn't know she always had one, Skyla agreed to staying with him. She needed a stable place for herself and her baby, at least until she found one herself.

Skyla had felt her heart clench when she walked into the room she had shared with Dean. All of their things were still in the room, and that made her sad. She knew she needed to move Dean's things out of the room, but she couldn't force herself to do it. The most she did was put away all the things he had left laying around, and she grabbed a small box to pack up his deodorant and other hygiene things she didn't want to lay around.

She had tapped the box shut, and slid the box under her bed. She couldn't get herself to throw the box away, because it reminded her of Dean, and it all smelt like him. She knew it was farfetched, but she reasoned with herself that there was a possibility that her baby could be a boy, and one day he'd be able to have his Dad's clothes to wear. It wasn't a good argument, but it was something that helped her not feel like a horrible person for not being able to get rid of Dean's things.

Once she had gotten all of Dean's things the way she wanted them, she began to go through her own things. She realized that she would need to stock up on some new clothes, since she would eventually not be able to fit the clothes that she owned because of the baby. She wasn't going to get rid of the clothes, since she knew that she would eventually be able to fit them again once she had the baby.

"When are you wanting to buy a crib for the baby?" Bobby asked, once he was sure that Skyla had a bit of time alone with her emotions.

"I'm going to wait a couple of weeks," Skyla replied,"I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm pregnant and Dean's not here..." She trailed off, and Bobby nodded.

Bobby understood that she was hurting, since he was hurting too. Dean was like a son to him. He loved Dean as if he was his own son, and losing him hurt like hell, especially once Sam ran off. Sam claimed he was looking for a way to bring Dean back, but Bobby had a feeling that it was just Sam's way of getting away from the hunter life like he had always wanted to do. Sam had wanted out of the life for a long time, and that opportunity was given to him when Dean died, and there was no one else to drag him back into the life.

"You want burgers for dinner?" Bobby asked, trying to cheer Skyla up a little.

"As long as there isn't any bacon," She replied,"the smell of bacon makes me sick."

"That must be torture, considering bacon is your favorite food." He joked, making her groan.

"It is torture," She answered,"I stopped at a diner the other day, and this lady was eating bacon and eggs. I walked past her, and I almost threw up all over her. I had to leave the diner and go somewhere else. She made the entire diner smell like bacon, and I couldn't handle it at all."

"I'll go out and pick up a few cases of water tomorrow, but I should have a few bottles in the fridge right now." He commented, and she quietly thanked him.

"Are you making curly fries?" She asked, as she grabbed herself a water,"I'm really craving curly fries." She admitted, and he chuckled.

"I'll run to the store real quick, and I'll pick up a few snacks that should keep you happy for a couple days." He replied, making her smile.

"Thank you, Bobby, really, you're the only person I have left, and I'm truly thankful for you." She said, making him smile as well.

"No need to thank me," Bobby answered,"You're family, idjit."

Skyla laughed, as Bobby grabbed the keys to his car and headed out. He didn't want her to feel upset or sad at any moment if he could help it, and if that meant he had to buy out the store, he'd do it for her. Like he had told her, she was family, and he loved her as if she was his own daughter. He was devastated for her when he had found out about the baby, and he knew Dean wouldn't be around to help her raise the baby. He would never be able to meet his child, and that was beyond sad.

Bobby bought plenty of curly fries, since he figured if she was craving them now, she'd most likely crave them again later. He also bought plenty of cookies, snack cakes, chips, and fruits. He knew she needed to eat healthy, but she wasn't known for that, and neither was Dean, so he doubted the baby would like healthy foods.

When he arrived back at his house, he found Skyla asleep on the couch. A small smile made its way on his face, knowing she was exhausted from a lack of sleep and the excessive amount of emotions she had been feeling recently. So, he quietly carried everything into the house and put it away, before he began cooking for himself and Skyla. He knew the smell of the food would wake her eventually, but until then, he was going to let her sleep. She needed as much rest as she could possibly get for her body to get back on track to help her and her baby stay healthy...

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