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Song of the Chapter: Let Her Go by Passenger

      Skyla and Dean went everywhere together. John and Sam didn't care, since Dean was happy and that's all they could ever dream of. Dean and Skyla had met on Skyla's twenty first birthday. She and Dean became close almost immediately, becoming a couple only weeks later. As time went on, they became practically inseparable. Dean had Skyla "move in" with him, though they really didn't have a place to move into. She just lived with them in every hotel or motel they stopped at, and even their car at times. Her and Dean didn't care, as long as they were together.

      Tensions were rising though, between John and Sam. Sam was tired of being treated like a child and like a soldier. Dean was treated like a soldier as well, but he and Skyla tried to make it seem less than what it was. Sam hated how brainwashed Dean was towards John. Sam could even tell that Skyla was becoming more and more brainwashed as the days went on, which made him feel even worse.

       He had known Skyla for three, almost four years. He didn't meet her until she and Dean had been a couple for at least three months. He knew they were talking about marriage. They never spoke of kids, knowing Dean's line of work was far too dangerous for a family to be raised. Sam knew it was dangerous, which made him despise his father even more. He despised his for putting his children in the line of such danger, all because John wanted revenge on the Yellow Eyed Demon.

      Now, Sam did want revenge, but he didn't think the revenge would cost him his whole childhood and possibly his whole life as well. He needed to get away, and fast. So, one night while Skyla was out getting dinner for them, Sam decided to break the news to his brother and father.

"I'm leaving for Stanford." Sam blurted out, causing both hunters to look over at him.

"What do you mean you're leaving for Stanford? Your place is here, with us, hunting down the demon that killed your mother." John stated, but Sam only shook his head.

"No, that's yours and Dean's life, not mine, not anymore. You may have brainwashed Dean, and even Skyla, into thinking you're only doing this to catch the thing that killed Mom, but you're not. You're too far into this, and I want out before I'm too far as well." Sam said, beginning to pack up his bag.

"Sammy, you're talking crazy right now. You just need some sleep. Sky will be back with food any minute. You can eat and then get some much needed rest." Dean argued, trying to calm down the situation between his father and younger brother.

"No, Dean. I'm done. I'm going to Stanford. Neither of you will stop me. Tell Skyla I said goodbye." Sam replied, picking up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

         Sighing once more, he walked towards the hotel door and opened it.

"If you walk out that door, Sam, don't ever come back." John spat, glaring at his youngest son.

       Taking that as the final straw, Sam walked out of the hotel door and closed it behind him. He was finally free, which was all he could ever wish for.

       Dean and John sat quietly for a moment, before John looked over at Dean.

"We need to leave. When we get out of here, we're going back to how it should've been." John stated, and Dean nodded.

"Alright, I'll pack mine and Sky's stuff." He replied, but John shook his head.

"No, just me and you, Dean. Skyla isn't cut out for this life." John said, as Dean frowned.

"Yes she is, she's been with us for almost four years now. She hasn't compromised a hunt, and she hasn't gotten in our way." Dean argued, but all John did was glare at Dean.

"I'm doing what is best for us, Dean. You need to leave her behind. We can't start where we left off, if we carry extra weight." John stated, as Dean glared at him.

"I love her, Dad." He said, but all John did was frown again.

"Love will get you killed, Dean." He replied, before the hotel door opened.

      Skyla walked inside, unknowing of the conversations that had went on when she was gone. She sat the food down on the table, as John glared at Dean. Dean listened to his father's orders though, and stood to his feet.

"Sky, can we talk outside for a minute?" He asked, and she nodded.

     Skyla followed Dean outside of the hotel, and they walked all the way down to stand by the Impala.

"Sam left us. He wanted out. He's headed to Stanford as we speak." Dean said, causing Skyla to nod.

"I can't believe he actually left. I didn't think he would. I mean, he's told us before that he wanted out, but I didn't think he'd do it seriously." Skyla commented, as Dean nodded in agreement.

"I know, that's exactly what I thought, too." He replied, looking over at his beautiful girlfriend.

      It went quiet between them once more. Skyla didn't pick up the tension that was building inside of Dean. Dean hated having to leave his girlfriend. He loved her with everything he had in him. She was his best friend. She was his life. She was his home, and he was leaving it all behind.

"Sky, I'm sorry." Dean began, causing her to look over at him.

"Sorry? For what?" She asked, feeling nervous.

"Dad wants to leave, but he doesn't want me to take you with us. I-I have to leave you behind." Dean said, and she felt her heart begin to beat out of her chest.

"A-are you serious? Y-you're just going to leave me like I was nothing to you, all because your dad told you, too? Maybe Sam was right. You're just a foot soldier, you can't think for yourself." Skyla spat, shattering Dean's heart.

"I am so sorry, Sky. I-I love you so much. I don't want to leave you but I don't have a choice." Dean cried, as tears fell down both of their faces.

"Yes, you do have a choice, but instead you're following your father's orders like the good little soldier he made you to be. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you in the end. I love you, Dean, but I'll never forgive you." She stated, before turning and walking away.

       Dean cried for almost an hour that night, after he watched her walk away without a second glance back at him. He knew he tore her heart out, just as he had done himself. John didn't care. He just wanted his son with him without any distractions. He could care less about his son's happiness, especially after Sam took off. John believed that Dean didn't need anyone but him. He didn't need someone whispering in his ear, potentially giving him reasons to leave as well. John was only protecting himself...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I got the idea for this chapter when I was listening to Jensen's band Radio Company. Their first ever released song, Sounds of Someday, was the inspiration for this story. The song is amazing, so I highly recommend you all check it out.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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