Chapter Sixteen

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Song of the Chapter: Main Attraction by Jeremy Renner

Skyla and Dean began to work on their relationship, trying to get it back to where they were. It would never be completely back to where they were, but at the same time, they were older and more mature than they were when they had broken up. Things were different now, and they were going to see how it all worked from there.

Sam had been dealing with seeing psychic visions. He was able to know things were going to happen before they happened, and at times it actually kind of worried Skyla and Dean. The visions would cause Sam major headaches, but they didn't last very long most of the time.

After Sam started having visions, Skyla had gotten worried for him. Once John had died, Skyla really worried for Sam. Skyla kept her mouth shut about everything though, since she knew that Dean could handle it. She didn't want to get into it between the two brothers when it came to something like this.

As weeks passed, the group had learned that Sam was using demon blood to make his visions and abilities stronger. She didn't know much about it, but apparently the demon blood made him stronger. He had some weird powers because of the demon blood he was given when he was only six months old. The yellow eyed demon had really screwed Sam over, but Sam seemed to be inabling his issues.

Sam and Dean were slowly going on the outs. It was definitely annoying, since Skyla was being pulled between the two. She understood both sides, but she didn't want to pick sides, though if she had to, she'd probably choose Dean. She felt like Dean was in the right for this situation.

Sam had told Dean and Skyla about a demon he hadn't killed, her name was Ruby. Sam swore that the demon wasn't bad, and that she was on their side, but Dean and Skyla didn't believe it. A demon wasn't something anyone should mess with. A demon could easily lie and lead whoever believed them into a trap.

Sam and Skyla became on edge with each other after Sam had claimed to trust a demon. Skyla was known for giving the benefit of the doubt, but she couldn't do that with demons. She hated demons, almost more than she hated bugs, but she wasn't scared of demons. Well, if she was in a sticky situation, she could feel a little scared, but that still didn't stop her from defeating them.

While Sam was sneaking around with the demon, Dean and Skyla were spending more time together. They went to little hunts together, and sometimes they were harder than the couple thought they were supposed to be. Dean was mad that Sam had missed out on some of the hunts, but Sam swore he was doing stuff that was going to help them out in the long run. He was trying to figure stuff out on his own, even though that meant leaving Skyla and Dean on their own.

"We almost get ganked ourselves by a poltergeist, and Sam's busy shacking up with a demon." Dean commented, as he drove himself and Skyla back to Bobby's.

"Dean, maybe we shouldn't be too hard on him. He might just be doing this because he's wanting to rebel against us." Skyla said, making Dean give her a pointed look.

"He's not a rebellious teenager, Sky, and we're not his parents. He knows better than to trust a damn demon." Dean retorted, causing Skyla to sigh.

"I know, but I also know that he's the little brother that wants to be able to make his own decisions, even if you and I are mad at him for what he chooses." Skyla replied, and Dean simply nodded silently.

Dean didn't like that she was defending Sam for making such a dumb decision, but he was thankful that she was happy to defend him. He liked that Skyla defended his brother, considering he was the only one that would defend Sam throughout most of their life.

"You wanna go out for burgers and beer, since Sam isn't around to scold us like we're children?" Dean asked, and Skyla smirked.

"He wants us to eat healthy, Deano." She replied, making him roll his eyes.

"I'll eat healthy when he stops making questionable life decisions." Dean retorted, causing Skyla to laugh.

Dean drove them to their favorite diner near Bobby's house. It had some of the best burgers, the beer wasn't horrible, and when Skyla wanted one, they had some of the best milkshakes. Skyla loved their milkshakes, but she didn't have them too often, since they really didn't go with beer. She wasn't always a huge fan of beer, but she drank when she went out sometimes.

Dean knew the drinks that Skyla liked and disliked when it came to alcohol. She hated whiskey, she said it tasted like ass. She wasn't a huge fan of beer, unless it was Corona. She really liked vodka, especially the blueberry flavored vodka. The one flavor she absolutely hated was vanilla. To her it tasted like soap, and she was not a fan of eating or drinking soap. The taste made her think of the scene from the movie A Christmas Story, where Ralphie imagines himself going blind because his parents make him put soap in his mouth for saying a curse word; "The F dash dash dash word."

When she and Dean were younger, they used to watch Christmas movies together at Christmas time, and that was one of their favorites. They planned to continue the tradition this Christmas, if they had the chance to do so. If Sam kept on with the way he was acting, Dean wasn't sure if they'd be able to celebrate a good and calm Christmas. He wanted to celebrate with his girlfriend after not being able to spend it with her for a long time, but Sam may put a real kink in their plans...

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