Day 4, Sage

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The Sages can hear Link through their vows. But the hero doesn't know that, does he?

Tags: Link & the Ancient Sages, Sages, TotK Spoilers, Angst

"Good job Tulin!" rang through Tulin's subconscious, waking him from sleep. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, groggy.

What was Link doing out so late?

"Hit him in the eye!" sounded a moment later, followed by a victorious, "Yeah!"

Tulin smiled. He was glad to be of some help today.

"Damn fish wont fucking cooperate."

Riju nearly spit out her water. She was at a very important meeting, and such an action would not be appropriate. But she couldn't stop the smile that crossed her lips. Buliara glanced at her sidelong, questioning. Riju opted to say nothing.

Did Link not know they could hear him through their spirits? Did he know four of the most powerful leaders of the world knew he had such a foul mouth?

"Nice," he said a minute later. "Thanks, Riju."

Riju had to stop herself from saying "no problem," despite her power used for such frivolous activities like fishing.

"Damn rusty weapons."

Yunobo smiled. "I can help."

"Thanks, Yunobo."

"Of course, Link."

"I wish I could've thanked Mipha for the armor," Link muses to himself.

Sidon halts in his tracks.

"Goddesses, I miss her so much."

Tears welled in his eyes. Yona came up beside him, placing a hand atop his.

"Sidon? Whatever is the matter?"

"Nothing, dear." Then a moment later, "Can we visit Mipha's statue today?"

Yona smiled. "Of course, Sidon."

"I wonder if Daruk liked cats more."

Yunobo grins. He looks up at the statue of the mighty Daruk and recalls a story Zelda told him once, of Daruk being frightened of a dog.

"I bet he would've liked cats."

"I miss Zelda. So much."

Four hearts across the Kingdom ached for the young hero. They couldn't imagine how hard it actually was for him. He had been alone for so long five years ago and seemed unbothered to the naked eye. But now he knew better. He had a home, a job, a family. Many close to the Princess and Knight thought them to be engaged or even married already. But now the four sages had an inside to the hero, and they realize he was much more used to normal life than he let on.

"I want her back so bad."

Sidon sits on his throne, sorting through papers. Riju was in a steaming bath, alone for once. Yunobo was in the caves of Death Mountain leading explorations. Tulin was at the shooting range with his father.

Sidon puts the papers down and puts his head in his hands. Yona looks on, concerned.

"What's the matter, dear?" she asks.

Sidon sighs. He hasn't told anyone about Link, what he hears. "It's... Sir Link. I can hear him through my subconscious. Sometimes I'm able to block it out, but other times..."

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