Day 6, Mask

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The kids love Link's monster impressions. Zelda, however, was less than amused. Maybe if the costume smelled better.

Tags: Link/Zelda, Humor, Post BotW, Pre-TotK, Domestic Fluff, Fluff.

"Link?" Zelda called from the shed behind the Hateno house. She'd been in there all morning, going through Link's things, helping him clear it out. It'd gotten a little out of hand.

Link looked up from his own box stiffled a laugh.

"What is this?" she asked accusingly.

She held up a mask made of goddesses knew what, holding it at arm's length because of the smell. It resembled a bokoblin, with button eyes and the smell to match.

"It's a mask," Link said, trying so hard not to laugh at Zelda's disgusted face. "Here." He took it from her and almost put it on his head.



"You're not putting that on! It's smells worse than one of their camps!"

"It's fine," Link said, drawing out the word. "It's gotten me out of more scrapes with those camps than I can count."

He slipped out of Zelda's grip and slid the mask over his head. She was right, it smelled rancid – it could've been made of real bokoblin skin, although how Kilton got a hold of that would be beyond him, and he could hardly see out of the little holes in the nose, and it was too big and top-heavy. It rested more on his shoulders than the top of his head. He shook out his arms and feet and then assumed the bokoblin impression stance that sent the kids in town into fits of giggles. He walked around their garden like a beast until he could hear Zelda laugh. Only then did he take it off.

She was laughing, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. He smiled at the sight. So little did she laugh now.

"There's no way you fooled the bokoblins like that."

"I did," Link teased, tossing the mask to the side. He stepped closer to her.

"They're not that stupid."

"You'd be surprised."

"You didn't wear that around people, did you?"

"The kids here love it."

"I'm embarrassed for you."

He was in front of her now, and he grabbed her by the waist, almost about to kiss her before she shoved him away.

"Don't kiss me until you shower," she said.

Link feigned disappointment. "Alright, Princess." Then he smirked. "But we're keeping the monster masks."

"There are more?" Zelda shouted. Link took off down the garden while Zelda chased him with the bokoblin hide, laughing as they went. 

Short, but sweet. Let them be happy please.

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