Day 12, Princess

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Queen and King, not Princess and Sir.

Tags: Link/Zelda, Fluff, Humor, Post botw, Link and Zelda are married

Link walks through life behind Zelda. He couldn't think of a more wonderful way to live.

They got married a year after the Calamity. That was three years ago now. Now, they're focused on rebuilding the Kingdom, since they took over a year trying to rebuild each other.

Despite going everywhere behind Zelda, not many people know who Link actually is. They're always too awed by the Princess – or Queen, now – to notice a clean-cut man walking behind her. Especially since the Link of there here and now is so different from the feral Link that woke up in a cave.

Today, they are at a stable, overseeing the work of a nearby settlement. Zelda sits inside while Link cooks for them. When the food is finished, he goes inside to look for her.

"Princess, the food is done," Link says, smiling at Zelda. She returns the expression and stands.

The title is more of a term of endearment now, than a true title. Link claimed that even if he doesn't remember the time he had to refer to her by her title, old habits still die hard. Zelda didn't complain about it anymore. In fact, she grew to like it.

Someone else at the stable, however, did not.

And older man sat at a table scoffed. "How dare you disrespect the Queen like that."

Both Zelda and Link stopped in their tracks.

"Excuse me?" Link asked, confused.

"She is your Queen , young man. You should address her as such. Call me old fashioned, but that is how it should be done."

Link tried hard not to laugh. Zelda let a little snort escape, which didn't help his composure. Link looked to his wife, a silent question. Zelda gave a hardly preservable nod.

"And I am your King," Link said smoothly, "yet you don't even know my name."

The two left the man sputtering at the table, shocked. Once they went outside, they laughed until they cried.

Over dinner, Zelda asked, "So, can I call you King Link, or something of the like? I believe 'Sir' is quite unbecoming of your rank," she joked.

Link scoffed, swallowing his food. "Don't you dare."

When the older man saw them kiss over the fire, he had no further questions.  

This was so funny to me.

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