Day 30, Favorite Game

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It's almost like the Kingdom is crying, he thought.

Tags: Angst, totk, gen

Link stood atop the southern side of Dueling Peaks, above the rest of the Kingdom. He was still clad in little more than a torn-up bit of green fabric and sandals that were way to hard to tie. He watched the wreckage of his Kingdom from that height; the stable sending up smoke signals, Lookout Landing in the far distance, monster encampments that hadn't been there in over five years. Now, the sky was adorned with flying masses that occasionally rained down strange rocks, that plummeted to the earth and brought with them the strange plants from the sky islands. A new dragon, gold and blue and beautiful, flew above their heads, seemingly following him. He wondered where she came from, if she was always there, waiting for something. She flew high above anything else, barely visible through the clouds and over the islands.

It began to rain while Link stood in an empty camp, putting out his fire. He made no effort to move along, and sat on the log benches. His back felt empty without his sword, too light. It was strange being without it, but here, he almost forgot about all the questions he had, about his panic and stress that nearly left him comatose for two days on the Great Sky Island. Here, he could breathe a little easier, think a little clearer, even as the rain soaked through his hair and his sandals were wet and squishy when he moved.

He watched the rain fall, and the rocks fall from the sky islands with green energy escaping from them.

It's almost like the Kingdom is crying, he thought.

He stood, and walked through the tears of the Kingdom, hoping his friends would have some answers for him.  

Last day! This was an experience for sure, but I'm so glad I did it. Thank you to everyone that stuck around this month to read these, and left kind comments and kudos! I really do appreciate every one of you <3

If you liked these, I have a general one-shot collection called Legends of Zelda (and Link). If you're looking for something longer, please read Between Them (found on my profile), a novelization of Breath of the Wild. It will be coming to a close in the near future. I also have one-shots and other works in several other fandoms, so please check those out if you're interested!

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