Day 24, Korok/kikwi/kokiri

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Why could this scrappy, overburdened boy see Hestu, of all people?

Tags: Gen, Humor

The korok's game of hide and seek wasn't supposed to end like this.

It began as an elaborate prank on Hestu, but he never seemed to catch on until The Deku Tree told him the forest children were running off, and to go look for them. Hestu, of course, agreed and set out at once. He didn't know exactly how many had left, or that they were still leaving to find hiding places throughout the Kingdom. He was simply happy to help.

The task, it seemed, would take much longer than anticipated.

Hestu traveled through Hyrule paying no mind to any travelers. He did, however, keep clear of stables or anywhere children would wander. But the average man on the road didn't spare a glance in his direction, showing no indication they could see. And Hestu continued his search, one by one sending forest children back home along the way. He only thought once or twice that it would be nice to have some help.

Then came along a boy – older than a child, perhaps just barely a man – dressed in old clothes that were too small for him, and a wild, untamed look in his eye, on an equally unbroken mare. Hestu was more than surprised when the boy stopped in his tracks to gawk at him, and again when the boy offered to help him.

The boy's name was Link. Perhaps the Deku Tree knows him.

Link had found some forest children already. Hestu struck a bargain to get some help on his scavenger hunt: Link helps find koroks, and Hestu will use his magic (something he rarely does) to help Link on his journey, whatever that might be.

Link visited Hestu whenever they crossed paths. Hestu realized the more they met the more grown Link seemed to look. How Link could see Hestu remained a mystery the two of them didn't bother questioning. Link assumed all people could see the forest children until later. Hestu chuckled when Link told that story.

Then Link appeared at the Korok Forest itself, tired and disoriented from the smoke in the Lost Woods. But he still spared a moment to talk to Hestu, and exchange some of the korok seeds he collected before going to talk to the Deku Tree. The amazing part was that the Deku Tree woke up to acknowledge Link. Hestu had never seen such a sight.

But then Link pulled the Sword the koroks kept under their care. It began to make sense after that.  

1,900 of these hoes across both games. All for a pike of shit. What kinda sick game is this. /j

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