Chapter 7 : Write and Talk.

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Stuck in this room? Cant get out? Place seem weird but somehow nostalgia? Soda that taste like water? A pizza that doesnt even taste at all? Dont have someone to help? The phone cant call anyone?

Its clearly happen to Commander right now. Not sure how he even get into this stuff. He supposed to get out in this room and escape.

But here he is. He just stuck in this room and just continue and just eat pizza and drink water. Right now, he just lay on the bed. He didnt seem to know what day already now.

[ DAY 7 ]

"Nothing new."

Commander sighed as he just continue stare on the ceiling. He feel so much lost now. He doesnt remember how long he already stuck in this room but what he know is that this whole thing clearly will start to drive him insane for sure.

But somehow. He didnt. Even with no help of anyone, he seem still calm for it. Although, he still worry but what happen for everyone especially to his team.

But now. He starting to just feel..calm. Its a new feeling for Commander as he never feel this way before. Usually he will be quite tense but this time just..nothing. He didnt feel anything at all. Just a calm feeling...

"Hmm.." Commander continue stare the ceiling for it. He feel bored as all he did just lay on the bed and continue stare on the ceiling. He then remember something. Its like his head suddenly recall a memory. He dont know what kind of memory is but it seem like its a familiar one..

"Commander, what do you usually do when you upset sometimes?"

"Huh..? Well uh i dont know Scout..."

Commander look at Scout. He know Scout is a type person who always ask a dumb question but this one is not the thing he expect coming from him.

"Why you ask that?" Commander look at Scout in curious and confused look. He want to know what make Scout ask the question like this.

"Uhh..if i tell you, are you gonna mad at me?" Scout look back to Commander. There a hints of him being nervous. Commander can see it.

"Just tell me Scout. I am more curious than mad."

"Well okay just.. you are Commander right? Commander like you probably have a lot job to do right? You are our leader and you basically have to responsible with anything that happen to our team."

As Scout try to explain for it. Commander try to paid attention and hear the explaination that been give by Scout.

"What im saying is..that you probably get blame by a lot people before. Not to mention, how often you get hate also when you end up screw up. Some saying you are nothing speacial like the other tower. A lot people saying a leader like you must dont have to do more work to deal any problem at all. Am i right Commander?"

Scout look at him. He can see Commander suddenly start to became silent when he hear the explaination from him. He hope he didnt end up offend Commander. Then Commander start to speak.

"Soo..what are you trying to say here Scout..?" Commander speak in most quiet way. Scout notice this behaviour and he feel a lot guitly. He feel like he make Commander feel a lot hurt but he try to talk for it.

"What im trying to say is...are you okay Commander? Like everyday i see someone argue you, you look..almost calm..well there a time you can be mad but..seriously are you okay, Commander??"


And that the moment Commander knew, that word hit a lot of his feeling. Usually, Commander didnt really care so much anymore but as soon Scout ask him about his feeling, it like he didnt expect someone actually and it just make him start to rethink again if he actually fine or no.

"Uh..Commander?" Commander then snap back into reality. He realize he have been silent really long and that make Scout getting worried.

" sorry, Scout... and about the question you asked..well.." Commander stop himself to speak for it. He wanted to talk about it but at the same time he didnt want.

He know Scout is worried a lot about him. Which he didnt expect at all from him. Scout is basically the youngest tower in this teams and most of the tower around 20 or 30 and there also some of them is 40 while Scout is still 16 age year old. Scout is inmature and a troublemaker for it but Commander didnt honestly care as long Scout didnt cause so much big trouble. Usually Scout probably never notice this.

But this one is much different. Scout end up notice him and basically asking him and worried a lot about him. But he didnt want him to get involve in his problem. He still a teen age, he cant just let Scout help his problem as he want Scout to just being happy despite the apocalypse happen in this world. He still young to get invovle aldult problem.

So he decide to not tell about it.

"Im fine Scout. It just it can be tired sometimes you know?"

As Commander sighed a bit. But even so he try to smile a bit to Scout so he didnt make Scout worried about him so much.

Scout notice this and he know Commander hides something from him but he decide not to ask question again as he didnt want Commander feel uncomfortable on it. He just smile at him again.

Both of them sit back silent. Scout try to think a sort of conversation he can think for it and then he get an idea.

"Commander? Have you heard what Medic tell me today?" Scout smile at him

"Hmm what is it?" Commander look at him in curious look. He wait for Scout to explain

"Today i told Medic that i wanted to talk about my feeling but too shy to do it so but she say i can write my feeling on the book. It say it does help you feel a bit better!"

What Scout saying is actually a lie. He didnt see Medic today.

"Ahh i see..Writing..writing your feeling for it..."

as Commander think a bit for it. Scout in another hand was actually suggest Commander to try it. He know Commander never wanted to talk his problem. That guy is mysterious in his own way. So he hope that this way might can make Commander feel a bit better for himself.

"Maybe i should try it.." Commander shrug a bit but he seem like he can give it a try for it.

"You should. I think its cool."

Scout laugh for it. But even so he laugh, deep down he actually worried a lot about Commander. He see him as father figure. However he try to cover his worry on it.

"Writing eh..?" As Commander finally snap back to where he was now. He then sit on the bed look at the desk. There a still book for it.

"Perhaps i should try.."

Commander slowly get up and walk toward the desk. He sit on the chair and grab a pencil for it. He open the empty book.

At first, he dont know what should he write first so he decide to tell his current life right now. Those writing somehow end up making Commander seem a bit happy. He feel like he can pour all his feeling together by just writing it. So he decide to write about himself. Soon later, he write about his friends and then his enemies and many more.

It seem there nothing new happen to Commander but atleast Commander can express himself by just write anything he want.

Nobody gonna stop him.

He alone.

Word counts : 1332 words

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