Chapter 14 : Give up?..

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Commander slowly open his eyes for it. He sit on the floor. Looking around. He realize, he now went back to where he belong. His room. He hold his head for a sec. Feeling a massive headache happen for it.

"Damm..My head..he really hit me that bad...How can he so strong-"


He then immediately stand up from the floor and start walk toward inside the bathroom. As he enter, he notice the wall still remain break as there a massive hole now. There still a picture laying on the ground. He walk toward the place and crouch to get the picture. He look at it. It's a picture of his towers.
He then sighed as he look at it.

"..I don't know where I am right now..but I promise once I know how to get out this madness, I will find you guys.  I'm promise..I know you guys are there. I just have to figure out what happening at this point.."

He take the picture and put it in his pocket. He take a deep breath. It's been way confusing for him lately and he still don't know where he is right now.

He then look at other picture. That picture. A picture of him kissing with someone. He then take it and look at it again. He can't figure out who the person is. Hell, the picture didn't even give any clue as the face of others have been censored with black square.

Which leave him feel..odd and yet there a feeling of familiar..

Something that he once know before..

Yet he dont know for it.

"I still don't get my answer yet.. I don't understand why my fear start to coming back again. I thought i already doing well."

With all those weird events that happen on him. He know damn well whatever he in right now. This is not a random place he just stuck. There more for it. But there still something that left him confused with his own fear talk with him.

"What does it mean that it better for him to forgot?.."

That. That the question he looking for. He need to know it. He need to know the truth. He already this close to know whatever happen to him already. He then get our from the bathroom. He scanned the whole room incase there something difference in his room. So far, there nothing at all. Commander can only just sighed for it. Knowing this will be harder than it is.

He then walk around the room. Try to figure out now. Sure, he does done this a lot of times and most of it just him end up stuck on his own idea and can't even think anything that will helpful for it. But he deseprate want to get out. He need to find the truth. And..

Figure out who the person with him

He search endlessly to find anything that he can do for it. The problem is he can't break door. He already did the time he end up here in first place. No matter how much he did, it still won't work. So he continue find a way. After a lot thing of keep walking around the place and also think a lot for it. There only one way to get out. To get out the place, you need a key. A key to unlock the door.

Not just a random. The key that might be special for it. If the door didn't break when he been beat the hell out of that door then the door probably have special ability for it. As weird as he think about it, that might be the answer for it. After all, this whole thing have been quite weird anyway. With that, he continue searching. Anything thar can he relate as a key. He dont know if he will eventually find one but he actually a determine guy after all. If he really need to get out then he need to find a key.

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