Chapter 11 : Photo

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   Commander open his eyes for it. He look around himself for a moment. He notice that he sit on floor. Seem like he basically just sleep on it. He feel himself getting much worse already. As he continue sitting, his mind continue remember about what happen on the bathtub. Still lingering in his mind. He can't get it out from his head.

He sighed. How can he make himself end up on this state? Over all the thing he been through, in the end..he just alone again.

"How can I be this much stupid..Now no one can save me..I just gonna stuck here forever...This is it. I am forever alone.."

As he continue sitting for it, he dont have much energy lately. He then look at the ceiling. Completly lose the hope for it. He swear himself that he never even wanted to end up in this state where he just being alone,useless and also pathetic. He want to prove everyone that Commander like him can be strong despite not being powerful like everyone sometimes.

But it seem like even himself prove that he is wrong. He just nothing but just a useless person.





"Who am I kidding? It's always gonna end like this."


"I can't just being like this. I have to do something. Can't just sit around in this tight place anymore....Does it gonna be worth it though? Keeping myself awake everytime just to seek some hope that doesn't exist anymore?"


  Commander then get up from it. He then start to wandering around the room. Anything just to keep him sane. What he gonna do? He dont know. Hell, not like he care that much. He then start to look everywhere in the room. Trying to find something that can distract him for a bit. Realising nothing interesting in the room, he then decide to go on bathroom.

  As soon he enter it, he then remember what happen at the time he inside the bathroom. A sudden chill send down his spine, making him feel shiver for it. Although, he decide to brave himself and continue looking inside for it.

Again. Nothing at all. Until suddenly..


He notice there a crack on the wall. Have he see it before? He pretty sure that crack never exist at all. Commander then come forward and take a look for it. The crack are not small but not big either. It seem like it about to break if it got hit by something strong for it.

Then, something click on his mind for it. If he can break the wall, perhaps he can finally get out this room. He dont know if this will possible but there nothing wrong to try anyway.

"This is it..another exit..I need to find something."

He quickly searching something that he can use to break the wall. Surely something that can be strong. But how he gonna find it? That the thing he think right now, there limit item that he can found around him and most of it clearly fragile.

"Cmon, there gonna be something.."

He then notice a floor lamp right next to the bed. That it. He can use that to break it. He then take and bring it inside the bathroom. He is now holding the stand for it

" go nothing. If this thing didn't break then my effort gonna be a waste."

Commander take a deep breath as he keep his hand on the stand, gripping as it like his dear life for it. He then start to swing it multiple time toward the crack on wall. Continue hitting it like there no mercy at all.

The wall start to break already. Commander already start tired but he doest give up yet..No..he can't give up. He know this is the only way he can escape this room once for all. He is desperate. He want to get out. He need his freedom. He is now start to hit aggressive.



" broke."

Commander look at the floor lamp on it. It already bend and mostly the lamp already broke. He then throw it away and make it hit on the wall for it. The wall..despite close to break. It still didn't happen. Commander now start to getting frustrated about this. He then start to hit on that wall. He didnt even bother if this thing will hurt his hand. He continue hitting it.

"Let me get out. LET ME GET OUT."

Commander then give one last hit on the wall when suddenly the wall then finally break and collapse for it. Commander..are stunned for it. He didnt expect that he manage to break the wall for it.

To what his surprised.. its..actually secret room...

" gonna be fucking kidding me."

  He was mad. Mad because all his effort just for it to be secret room. But his angry then went dissapaer as he notice there a chest for it. He then crouch down and open it...


Commander is shocked..its a photo of his team and him. He take a look on the photo that he found. many of it. There a photo of him and his team chilling in summer. There also a photo of him and his team celebrate the Christmas for it. There so many photo that been taken from any event for it.

Commander somehow end up smile for it. The nostalgia get him for it. On how much he miss those moment where there no chaos and only fun for it. It make him feel like he in big family. It would be a lie if he say he dont enjoy those moment. He notice in every photo, he look quite grumpy for it.

"Huh.. I really never smile in any photo wonder Scout always complain about it..I look quite old..heh.."

He let out a chuckle for it. He then sighed. Oh how much he miss for this moment. If only he having it again. It the only time he feel himself peace. He then look at the photo for it. Then he notice..the people in those photo..somehow their face are blurry..except him.. Commander then confused.

"Huh..why everything look blurry.."

He continue look at the photo, trying to remember for it. However..he can't recall who the people on those photo. He can say that his team. He remember his friend names so..why he can't remember the face?..

Commander then continue look at the chest again. He then notice something. Two photo that seem look quite old for it. He look at one photo and notice something. As he look at it, his eyes widen for a moment.. Its a photo of someone kissing him. He assume its a person  he close. However..he can't tell who the person is.

"Wait..this photo...since when I have a lover..?"

He then take another photo for it. This time, instead of blurry. There a scribble all over the people in photo and only him that have his face clear..

Wait. This is not his team. This is someone else..

Is he not remember who those people in photo?..

"This is weird..why there a-"

His word then got cut out for it as a sudden noise come on his mind. Making his head feel pain all of sudden. Commander then hold his head for it..

"Ah!..My head..what happen..?.."

The noise get so much louder. Making his head more hurt. He try to look around but his vision getting more blurry. As he try to stand, he then end up fall to the floor.

"No..wait..what happen..I.. can't.. my..head.."

The noise then got loud and louder...his vision start to get more blurrier..he then end up close his eyes for it..Feeling himself get drag by something..

To be continued.
(Word count..1333 words)

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