Lets start a band!

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The next day in Tsukasa's room.

Tsukasa: (Sighs) After yesterday's realization, I need to get my mind back in order. 

He then grabs his bass guitar.

Tsukasa: Hm, I guess I can do a street performance. That should keep my mind in control. I hope.

On scramble crossing, Toya was playing his electric guitar, without an amp.

Toya: ~~~~!

Passerby A: That kid, he's amazing.

Passerby B: His voice is quite soothing, he can even hit high notes!

Passerby C: But the song he is playing, its kinda sad.

???: Where is that song coming from?

??? POV: It sounds so dark, like an Elpis, that is found from the depths of despair.

Toya: ~~~~~?~~~~?~~~!

???: Toya?

Then Toya ends the song. The small crowd then clapped, then they leave.

Toya POV: I didn't know that a small crowd here. I better leave before they start asking.

???: Toya-kun!

Toya: Hm?

Saki and Kanade walk to Toya.

Toya: Saki-san? Yoisaki? You guys were listening?

Saki: Hai! I was about to ask Kanade about something, until we heard a melody playing.

Kanade: By the way, what were you going to ask me?

Saki: You guys have "that" file.

Kanade: Hm?

Toya: Yeah, I do. Why?

Saki: Follow me!

Saki then presses the Untitled and it teleports her to the music school Sekai. 

Saki: Miku, Luka, we're here!

Miku: Saki! Kanade and Toya too!

Luka: What brings you here?

Saki: I've been thinking about this lately, why don't we find something we can do together. All of us!

Toya: What do you mean?

Kanade: What are you thinking exactly of doing?

Saki: I was thinking, lets start a band!

Toya: Eh? A band?

Saki: Hai! Kanade you know how to play the drums, right? You told me you know how to play when we were walking down main street.

Kanade: Yeah I did.

Saki: And Toya, you know how to play the electric guitar, right?

Toya: Yeah, that's true. But however, we don't have a bass player.

Kanade: Ah, that's right.

Saki: Hm, what can we do in the meantime while we look for a bass player?

Miku: How about we help you guys first with working together as a band. 

Luka: We'll still help you guys even though you found yourself a bass player.

Saki: Really? Thanks Miku, Luka.

Luka: No problem.

Kanade: There is a drum set in here, right?

Miku: Don't worry, I brought it here, just in case you guys would come.

Kanade: Thanks, Miku.

Saki: Now then, lets set up!

As they started to set up.

Toya: Yoisaki, can you count us in.

Kanade: Okay. 1,2,3!

The three then start playing. With a simple band melody.

Miku POV: By listening to their playing, I'll be able to help them with things they need to work on. 

Luka POV: The melody is nice. But there is a part that their slowly drifting from, and now their back to the melody again. But they play pretty well together.

Then the three of them end the song.

Saki: How was that?

Miku: That was really nice. It kinda shook my heart.

Toya: However Saki, I noticed you drifted the melody somewhere. 

Kanade: Ah yes, towards the middle you drifted a bit, but was able to get back together.

Saki: Ah sorry about that. I'll make sure to listen to it next time.

Toya: That's good.

Luka POV: They were able to point it out? They sure have a lot of music experience.

Kanade: My hands hurt a bit.

Saki: You might get that sometimes, its like a full body workout.

Kanade: Yeah, I just see that. 

Toya: Its getting late, so we better head home

Toya was checking the time, and it was getting late.

Saki: Ah, that's right. We better head out, Miku, Luka.

Kanade: Bye Miku, Luka.

Miku and Luka wave bye as they teleport themselves out of the Sekai.

Luka: I got a feeling who the bass player is.

Miku: Good news, he has found his problem. But the bad news is that he can't find a way to solve it. He has to find his way out.

Luka: Lets just hope he soon fines the file and hopefully we can help him.

Miku: I hope so.

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