Helping a friend

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At school in Kamiyama, class 1-B, Toya was concentrating on the lyrics of the song that Saki and Kanade had composed.

Toya POV: Hm, the song that heard yesterday, I think there should be part that mentions about how things should go back to where they were. But....

Toya: (sighs).

Nene: Hm? 

Nene POV: He's been concentrated on writing something for quite a while.

Toya POV: But I can't lets things go back to where they were. That's how life is after all. But we'll meet again someday. Picturing all this with this music is quite nice. I better play it to see if it works right.

Nene : Why is Toya on his phone?

Toya then presses the song file that Saki sent him that both Kanade and Saki had sent him. He lowers the noise down and listens to it. But he had no idea that Nene was listening.

Nene POV: Wh-what is this song. Its pulling me in so much. Who composed this? Was Toya writing lyrics?! Did he composed this?

Nene: It sounds so nice and sad.

The song then ends and Toya opens his eyes.

Toya: This is perfect.

Toya POV: I'll send this in tomorrow.

Toya then looks out the hallway window and sees Akito and some others, Mizuki included.

Mizuki: Ya-ho, lil-bro.

Akito: Hm?

Mizuki: Where are you going?

Akito: Oh uh...

Toya: Akito.

Akito: Oh Toya, lets have lunch.

Toya: Okay.

As Toya and Akito left...

Mizuki POV: Akito...

On the rooftop...

Toya: Akito, you can't keep this up you know.

Akito: (Sighs) I know that but, I still think its the best choice for me.

Toya: Akito...

Toya POV: He's only been talking to his classmates, me and Momoi, lately. 

Toya: Hm..

Akito: Toya, you good?

Toya: Oh, yeah I'm good. Akito can I tell you this?

Akito: Sure, What is it?

Toya: You're trying to run away, that way you can't hurt them.

Akito: ..!! Toya...

Toya: You know Akito, let me tell you this, its okay to run away, but there are times you have to open up more. Besides, where the Akito I know?

Akito: Seriously, Toya? Its kinda funny when you say in that way.

Toya: (Chuckles). You know, the bell is going to ring. I have to go now.

Akito: Bye!

As Toya leaves...

Akito: (Sighs).

A few hours later, its the end of school, Toya was packing up his things, when Tsukasa was outside his classroom, waiting for him.

Tsukasa: TOYA!!

Toya: Tsukasa-senpai, I finished the lyrics for the composition.

Tsukasa: You did?!

Toya: I worked after dinner last night and during lunch. I was able to finish it.

Tsukasa: I couldn't get any ideas what to write. I'm not sure how to help the group, now.

Toya: Tsukasa-senpai...Let me tell you this, there are ways you can help with the song. By the way, there is a part that I might need to improvise.

Toya then points to the point and Tsukasa took a look.

Tsukasa: I think you need to add something like a feeling there or a type of feeling in that part.

Toya: I can improvise it during practice. Your a good Improviser, Tsukasa-senpai. I told you that there is a way you can help.

Tsukasa: Toya...Thanks, Toya. But, just call me Tsukasa.

Toya: Okay then, Tsukasa. Just remember this, we're all in this together, and that is what matters.

Tsukasa: Arigato, Toya.

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