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At the music school Sekai...

Miku: Everyone, your here!

Luka: It looks like you guys have found your true feelings.

Saki: But how?

Tsukasa: I think I know why.

Kanade: Hm?

Tsukasa: There was something that you said, Toya. 

Toya: Hm?

Tsukasa: An inspirational message.

Toya: An Inspirational message?

Saki: (Gasps) I think I know what he means!

Kanade: Toya, you said that we're all in this together. Remember?

Toya: Hai, I did. 

Tsukasa: There's a reason behind that, right?

Toya: Of course. A few weeks, VBS had split up and I didn't know what to do. But as days went by, I wanted to stay with them. I came up with that to remind myself and others that its okay to be alone, or if your behind. But we're altogether as one, no matter what happens.

Everyone then seemed somber..

Tsukasa: Toya....

Saki: When our groups disbanded, we had to suffer the consequences without them. Being alone had to be one of them.

Kanade: That is absolutely right. First out pasts, now the consequences with must suffer. But still, there are times we can make new memories.

Toya: She's right, this isn't goodbye. Its more of a "see you later".

Miku: (Cries) That was so beautiful!

Luka: I feel like you over exaggerating a bit.

Miku: Eh?!

Tsukasa: Fufu, come on, we need to head back.

Saki: That's right!

Toya: Bye!

The next day at the park...

Saki: We put everything together, and the song is complete!

Kanade: Finally!

Toya: You do realize that we only took 4 days to make this.

Tsukasa: But it was all thanks to you Toya.

Toya: Tsukasa...

Saki: Ah, I forgot to tell you that Kanade and I have decided what to call our band!

Kanade: How about Unity/Star?

Toya: Unity/Star? I like it.

Tsukasa: Hai! Me too.

Saki: Then its settled, Unity/Star it is.

Toya POV: At first, I thought the world had shut down for me when our group disbanded. But now I have the time to make new memories.

At the Music school sekai...

Luka: I'm glad they've found their true feelings.

Miku: Me too.

Luka: We're gonna help help them find them along the way after all.

Miku: Hai! By the way Luka, look! A shooting star!.

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