37. His Home

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🎵 kim kyunghee - and i'm here (a very beautiful song btw)

By the time you arrive at the hospital, you can barely walk straight without someone supporting your arm. The certain spot on your leg where your bone was previously fractured has swollen quite badly. Minghao immediately admitted you to the emergency care unit. He forbade you from seeing Jeonghan unless you had your leg treated first.

After going through excruciating pain, you're not surprised when the doctor told you to use a wheelchair again for a while. It sucks. To be able to only sit still makes you feel so weak, so useless, so bad about yourself. But it's not like you have any other option--especially with Minghao glaring with his sharp almond shaped eyes right next to you. Even so, Minghao was very generous in asking the hospital to provide an automatic wheelchair instead, this way you don't have to bother pushing the wheel or have anyone pushing it from the back to move around.

"Have you met the others?" You asked him, who was walking next to you in the hallway.

"Not yet. I asked Wonwoo to go ahead first." Minghao pressed the elevator button. Wonwoo texted him about Jeonghan's room where being--which was on the fifth floor. While waiting, he glanced down at your feet, "How was it?"

"Hard to describe.. I know it's painful, but my head couldn't process what the pain actually feels like? If that makes any sense..." You frowned awkwardly, trying to explain the indescribable feeling to him.

You always thought Minghao's smile lines were one of his most charming face features. The wider the smile, the deeper it is, the more charming he is. That's exactly how he's staring at you right now.

"Let me guess, there's only Jeonghan in your mind right now."

"I'm really that obvious?"

Minghao laughed through his nose while nodding, "But I'm glad that you two found each other again."

"And why is that?" You smiled at him.

He pursed his lips, thinking of a way to put his thoughts into words, "Just because it looks like he also found a piece of him in you."

The elevator door opened. Minghao helped push you inside after some people left first. The air inside feels cool thanks to the AC, giving you a relaxed sensation after the stressful events few hours ago. When the numbers on the elevator screen showed the fourth floor, you nervousness came again. In just a moment you can finally meet Jeonghan.

"Me too." You finally responded to Minghao as you reached the fifth floor, "In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, I hope my path will always cross with his."

"Ew, cheesy." He replied with a chuckle.

"I know right, that was so cringey." You frowned at your own words.

Room number nine.

Wonwoo was already there talking with Joshua, Seungcheol and Seungkwan. At first their expressions were hard to read, the closer you got the more your heart started beating wildly. Especially when you see Seungkwan's clothes which still have Jeonghan's blood stains on them. If you have about to hear any bad news, you would rather just let time stop.

"Yo." Minghao greeted them.

They simultaneously turned towards you. The small smiles they smiled made you hope you would only hear good news in any second.

"Where are the others?" Minghao looked around. He was sure the two of you were the last people to get there.

"Here and there." Seungkwan shrugged with his hands on his waist.

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