5. Forgiveness

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That night the full moon illuminated the camp site. Unlike during the day, the air at night is much cooler and windier. Filming outside is indeed more draining, it's no wonder that many people are already asleep when the night is still so early. You've just finished drying your hair with a towel, the drowsiness you previously felt has disappeared with a cold shower. You're thankful you don't have to share your tent with the rest of the crew, even though there's quite a bit of film equipment stashed in your tent you don't mind at all. At least you can get your own personal space.

Luckily, at the camping site there is a small and rather traditional shop that is open until midnight. After paying for a cold bottle of soju, you sit cross-legged on the front porch letting the cool breeze dry the excess water in your hair. The shop owner's golden retriever comes up to you, sweetly leaning against your leg. You stroked his head gently until he fell asleep.

From a distance, you can see a shadowy figure walking to your direction. But due to the limited lighting, you can only guess who it is. You just hope whoever that person is, he's not Choi PD or Jeonghan. You're too tired to answer Choi PD's questions about tomorrow's filming schedule. Meanwhile, if it was Jeonghan, it would be awkward.

"Oh, it's you. I thought you looked familiar from afar." Wonwoo greeted with a gentle smile.

You gave him a small wave, "I thought I'm the only person awake."

"Some of the members are still awake so we play some games."

"Let me guess, you lost and they made you come here to buy something."

"Exactly what happened." He laughed and fixed his glasses. He then went inside the shop to buy some juice. By the time he returned, he was holding a kitten.

"This guy keeps climbing on my feet." He said while sitting on the front porch as well. He took a sip of his watermelon juice, he even offered you one.

"Probably because he know you're the cat person here." You politely declined since you've already got your own drink.

"I am. How did you know?" Wonwoo chuckled lightly.

"I did some research." You admitted before taking another sip, "Wouldn't it be strange if I'm totally clueless about the group I'm working for?"

"I mean...." Wonwoo let the kitten lay down on his lap to stretch his arms, "There are thirteen of us so I guess you can take your time."

While the two of you were enjoying your drinks, Wonwoo talked about the various games the members like to play while drinking. The topic gradually shifted to how Wonwoo first started liking cats years ago. He tells you it all started after a kitten approached him. You listen to him intently while petting the golden retriever who was still fast asleep.

"So you often donate to cat shelters? That's very nice you." You said, really sincere about the compliment.

"It's impossible to take care all the cats myself, right. That's the least I can do."

Both of your attention was drawn to the sound of feet stepping on dry grass coming a few meters away from the porch. You and Jeonghan both looked surprised by each other's presence--didn't expect to see each other. When Jeonghan stopped, the sound of footsteps could still be heard a few steps behind him. Unknowingly, your grip on the soju bottle tightens as soon as you see Rena--the beautiful crew member who is said to have a crush on Jeonghan.

"Oh, sorry, did I take too long?" Wonwoo immediately apologized, suddenly remembering the others were waiting for the juices.

"No, that's okay, it's fine. Most of them fell asleep anyway." Jeonghan answered.

"Oh, hi! I thought all the crews are asleep already. You're Y/N right?" This is the first time Rena has spoken properly to you, "I'm Kang Rena."

"Y/N." You return the handshake politely.

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