40. Now & Forever

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🎵 seventeen - 今❣️

Usually traffic jams don't bother you too much. However, this does not apply to one particular day where you have been moving your feet non-stop on the edge of the taxi passenger seat. You kept on checking at the time every five minutes, barely breathing. No, not because of the taxi fare, but because you need to catch a flight to Japan in forty five minutes.

There was a minor car accident just a few meters after exiting the airport toll road. When your taxi passes by the area, the car owners were still arguing--indeed, the cars's situation are quite bad. After passing through that area, the taxi immediately sped off at high speed to the international flight terminal. Only then you'll able to feel relieved and can sit back.

"I did tell you!" Jeonghan's voice pierced your ear right through your airpods.

"YES, yes, we can stop right here--" You said to the taxi driver, handing him a cash without bothering about the change, "Thank you SO much." You smiled before you closed the door and made your way inside the airport terminal.

"You did tell me about the concert ticket but you did NOT tell me that it's gonna be in freaking Tokyo." You said back in the middle of heavy panting while you're walking as fast as you can to the airport check in gate.

"Wait-- What, I didn't??" Jeonghan's voice sounded more panic now, "Shit, are you going make it? I can get you another ticket--"

"NO, no, I'm at the airport already. If there's no delay I can catch the concert tonight."

A crew asked Jeonghan if he wanted something to eat, to fill in his stomach, he politely declined saying he already had some sandwhich earlier, "Sorry, where were we-- RIGHT, What about your coffee shop?"

You were rummaging inside your backpack, felt your heart stopped for a mere second when you thought you've forgotten your passport. Thankfully you didn't, it was covered by your dress, "GOTCHA-- Huh? Oh, mom's taking care of it. And did I tell you that the student from before has started doing part time work at our place?"

"The one with Dino keychain? No, you haven't told me that."

"Yeah, her. She brought me a shortcake she baked the other day, it was so good. I'm not a good baker so, yeah."

It was just last night that your beloved boyfriend--Jeonghan--sent you the e-ticket for his concert. Of course you felt very happy when you first received it. However, when you read that Tokyo Dome is listed as the location, your heart almost stopped. You even made sure if he's got the right one, in case he sent the wrong ticket. The problem is, he actually confirmed it was already correct.

With a great panic and in just one night, you looked for the earliest flight from Seoul to Tokyo from any airlines, any. Searching for flight schedules in less than twenty-four hours was not easy at all. The stress made you really want to smack Jeonghan for his stubbornness. Luckily, after kneeling and praying for countless times, you managed to secured a plane ticket just before the sun rise. Even though the price was twice more expensive compared to the flights which were already fully booked.

You checked the time on your phone, again. There was only less than thirty minutes left. You walked really fast that the backpack on your shoulder started to bounce along. Yup, just one backpack. With limited time, you didn't have enough time to choose which pretty clothes you should bring. Literally, you just opened your wardrobe and grabbed the first outfit you saw.

"Okay, as much as I want to hear about how your coffee shop is doing, I'm really, REALLY sorry. I messed up, should've sent you the ticket earlier." He cried out in panic, then paused a bit to asked the crew about his in-ear monitor.

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