ZoRobin Part 1

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It was night time, and all of the Mugiwaras were going to their rooms to sleep.
Zoro was on night watch, and Robin came walking out of her room with a book in her hand. Zoro noticed her coming outside and called out to her. "Yo! Robin!" He leaned forward as Robin looked up at him. "I thought you were going to sleep with the others?"
He asked rubbing his tired eye and rubbing his head.
"I was going to. But I thought I would rather come out here and be with you for a bit." Robin smiled then sat next to him and opened up her book.
"Alright..." He looked at her opening the book. "How do you plan on reading when there's no light?" He smirked a bit.
Robin used her devil fruit abilities to carry a light up for her. "With this." She said as she turned on the light.
"I guess you have it all figured out huh?" Zoro said with a sigh. "What are you reading anyways."
"It's a love story." She turned towards him and smiled. "A sweet romantic one."
"Hmm.. I never thought you would be into a love story. I just thought you liked history." He smirked while chuckling a bit as he looked at the front cover.
"Well I like all kinds of books. History just happens to be my favorite."
She closed the book then held it up so he could see the cover.
"It's called Dengeki Daisy. It's about this guy who's a hacker, but is also helping the person he cares about most during her hardest times. He's protecting her and doing what she desires. Except at first she doesn't know who Daisy is but then realizes who it is through out the story. It's really good. I'm enjoying it."
"Oh really? Interesting..." He paused for a second. "Are you cold?" He asks while feeling a slight breeze.
"Just a bit." She said while shivering a bit.
"Well..." Zoro said while smirking. "I can fix that." He quickly wrapped his arms around Robin. "There how's that?"
Robin laughed a bit. "That's good." She smiled and looked up at him.
"Want to just go to bed? Or is it too early for that?" He asked while still having his arms wrapped around her.
"Well it's not particularly early..."
"Then we can just go to bed! Unless you have another idea." Zoro smirked a bit.
"Not at the moment."
"Then we'll go to bed!" Zoro said walk getting up and starting to lead her to his room.
"O-Okay..." Robin said slightly blushing as they entered his room. Zoro got into bed then said, "Come on, don't be shy. It'll be warmer in the bed with you in it."
Robin got into bed then realized, "Wait but aren't you on watch duty for tonight?"
Zoro wrapped her into a tight hug. "Well if we hear anything I can just rush out on to the deck and see what's up. But there should be nothing to worry about"
"Okay if you say so."
"Hey do you still plan on reading that book?"
"No, not anymore."
"Alright." He smiled then leans in to kiss Robin on the forehead just when there was a loud noise coming from outside. Zoro got up from the bed then looked back at Robin. "Sorry, I guess I have to go check this out. You stay here, no matter what happens."
Zoro then grabbed his swords and Robin didn't say a word as he left.
When he got outside he didn't see anyone around at all. "What the-" Just as Zoro turned around, a man was there already in motion to attack. Zoro fell to the ground as the man pinned him down. Zoro grabbed him then threw him to the other side if the deck causing a loud commotion. Robin heard all of the ruckus from outside and got up from the bed. She then ran to the deck to find Zoro fighting a mysterious man.
"Z-... Zoro!"
Zoro noticed Robin arrive to the deck at the corner of his eye. He knew he couldn't stop for a moment to tell her to leave so he continued fighting.
And at that moment, a gunshot went off. It echoed throughout the ship.

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