Part 11~

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Robin woke up finding herself next to Zoro. She panicked for a second as she was trying to remember what happened last night. All she could remember was falling asleep on Zoro's shoulder after getting back from that crazy encounter with Kaguya and Kira.
She didn't remember getting into bed at all. She tried to get up, "Unn..." She forgot she just taken a bullet to her side. But her whole body was sore, and she didn't understand why. Another glimpse from last night flashed through her mind.
"Were we drinking last night?" She asked herself. Her head started pounding.
As she got up out of the bed she realized she was only wearing a tank top and her underwear, which she usually never wore to sleep.
She heard Zoro moving around in the bed. I wonder if he remembers anything...
Robin got up out of the bed slowly.
"Mmmm..." Zoro moaned as he turned around in the bed.
Robin snuck back to her room and put some clothes on, then went up to the deck to see if anyone was awake.
As she walked up she noticed Franky knocked out cold. He was even drooling.
"Hm? Franky?..." she poked his face. He didn't wake up and just kept on sleeping. "Guess we all got a little drunk last night..." Robin started walking and lost her balance a bit. She put her hand on the wall and held her head.
I must still be a little tipsy from last night.
It was still pretty early, most of the crew was still out, Robin continued wandering around, found Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Brook on the deck asleep, just like Franky.
Seemed like Sanji and Nami went to their rooms. Luffy had a strange red mark on his face though, might've been smacked by Nami.
Robin continued trying to remember what happened last night. Glimpses of her and Zoro together appeared, and others with the crew, but they were still blurry.
"Robin?" Zoro came up to her. "What are you doing up? You should be resting still."
"I'm just trying to figure out what happened last night. You don't need to worry about me. I'm okay, just a little sore." Robin replied. "But I have a question... Do you remember anything about what happened last night? Did we have some sort of party?"
"Well..." Zoro began.
Zoro's Flashback
"Hey how about when Robin wakes up from her nap, we have a party?" Chopper suggested. "I'm sure she'd enjoy that."
"Yeah, but we shouldn't let it get too out of hand. She's just recovering from getting shot, Chopper, we can't overwhelm her." Nami said.
"Yeah, wouldn't want Robin-Chan re injuring her beautiful body." Sanji said.
"Yeah! Let's have a party! Sanji, make us some food." Luffy suggested.
"Yeah, some food would be nice." Nami added.
"Anything for you, Nami-Swannn~! I'll make some drinks too, to celebrate." Sanji started making his way to the kitchen.
"Sounds great!" Nami replied. "Luffy, Franky, start helping me make the preparations. Zoro, keep a close watch on Robin, okay?"
"You got it." Zoro look down at Robin with a light smile. He was so relieved she was going to be okay.
"Zoro..." Robin said softly. She opened her eyes slowly and looked up at him and smiled.
"You okay? You had me worried for a moment." Zoro looked down at her.
"Yeah I'm okay."
"So you feel up for a little party? The crew's preparing one."
"A party sounds nice..." Robin smiled. "I'm glad everyone turned out to be fine."
"Yeah, but it was your life that was on the line." Zoro had a concerned look on his face as the moments when he almost lost her replayed in the back of his mind.
"Ah! Robin-chan! You're awake!" Sanji rushed over with drinks on his tray. "Care for a drink?"
Robin took one off of the tray. "Thank you Sanji." She smiled
"Robin, you shouldn't mix alcohol with your medication, it would have some really bad affects on you." Chopper suggested.
Zoro stole the drink out of her hand and drank it quickly.
"Nnh, Zoro.." Robin looked at him in surprise.
"Can't take the risk." He winked. Robin laughed.
Then as the night went on, everyone was drinking except for Robin. They even had a drinking contest.
"Careful Zoro." Robin warned him while giggling a little.
"I'm not gonna lose to the curly eye browed cook. *hic* He's gonna eat my dust." Zoro responded to her.
"Okay." Robin laughed.
"Let's go moss head!" Sanji rose his drink. "I... won't..." and in that moment Sanji was passed out on the floor.
"Haha! What now eye brows?" He chugged his beer some more then burped.
"Had enough yet?" Robin laughed.
"Hmmm?" Zoro turned his attention toward her. "Nah, Im just getting started." He leaned in and kissed her.
Then he hugged her tight.
"Zoro..." Robin said softly.
He was hugging her so tightly.

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