~Part 12~

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"Hm?" Zoro raised his brow as if he forgot what they were talking about.
"What else happened?" Robin asked.
"You seriously don't remember last night at all?" Zoro gave a curious look.
"I only remember certain parts. But how did I end up waking up in your bed?..." She paused for a moment as he stared at her with a look so mesmerizing. "Did we...?" She stopped herself.
"We didn't do anything you would regret, if that's what you were wondering." He sighed, disappointed that it was the truth and nothing happened between them.
"You weren't really acting like yourself because of the pain medicine Chopper gave you. As the gentleman I am, I didn't want to take advantage of you in such a state." He teased.
"Please." Robin said a bit sarcastically.
"Hey, all I did was bring you to my room to keep an eye on you. We just slept in the same bed, that's all. But, in all seriousness, how's your wound? Are you feeling any better?" Zoro said worriedly, but desperate to change the subject quickly.
"I'm fine for the moment. Thanks for asking. The only thing bothering me is that my whole body is sore, and I still don't know why." Robin held her head for a moment as the headache came back.
"Well maybe it's just one of the effects of the medicine." Zoro suggested. "You're still recovering from a gun wound as well."
"Are you sure you're okay?" Zoro came to Robin and held on to her for a moment then put one hand to her forehead. "You don't have a fever."
"I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy, and a little nauseous."
"Lay down and rest. I'll have come look at you."
"Okay." Robin walked to her room as Zoro watched her.
Sanji looked down at Zoro from up above.
"Nice going, Mosshead. You got my beautiful Robin-Chan-"
"I did not! We didn't even do anything!" Zoro interrupted before Sanji could say anything. "She just slept on my bed next to me. That's it." Zoro crossed his arms.
"Good. I swear if you even think about touching my Robin-chan-"
Zoro glared at Sanji then walked away saying under his breath, "'I swear if you even think about touching my Robin-chan.' Tch."
Zoro walked to Choppers room. By this time everyone was up and doing their own things. "Hey Chopper. You think you can take a look at Robin? She said she was feeling dizzy and nauseous. Think there's anything that can help her with that?"
"Of course!" Chopper turned around and grabbed a vile off the self filled with pills. He took on out then handed it to Zoro. "Here. Have her take this. It should help her a little bit. Just give her a glass of water with it."
"Okay, thanks Chopper." Zoro went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water then went to Robin. When he walked into her room he found her laying on the bed sleeping. He put the pill on the nightstand with the glass of water. He smiled at her and she laid in the bed peacefully. He sat down on a chair, looked up at the ceiling and sighed.
"What a piece of work this woman is." He closed his eyes slowly then opening them and watched as he got lost in his thoughts. "First you get shot, and worry me half to death. You finally recover and now you're not well again." He shifted his attention out the window and pouted. "Hurry and get better so I can see you smile again." He said softly.
It was quiet and peaceful for a while as Zoro sat in the chair across from her bed, waiting for her to wake up. He drifted off after a couple of minutes and fell sleep.
Luffy then busts the door down, upon hearing of his unwell friend.
"Robin!!!!" He shouts. "Robin are you okay?!!"
Robin's eyes open slowly as she sees Luffy looking at her worriedly. "Sanji! Hurry up with the food! She looks hungry!"
"Luffy! Let Robin rest, you idiot!" Nami hits Luffy on the head.
"But I want to make sure Robin gets better."
"Well leaving her alone for a while will help!"
"Robinnnn~Chwannnnn! I made a delicious-"
"What part of leave her alone don't you guys understand??!!!"
Robin smiled then sat up in the bed.
"Robin are you okay? Sorry about those idiots coming into your room and waking you up." Nami came over.
"It's okay. I think it's about time I woke up anyway."
"Sanji made you some food if you would like any."
"No it's okay. Thank you though Sanji." She looked up at him.
"Anything for you, Robin." He went to go out the food away.
"Hey Sanji, since Robin doesn't want the food, can I have it?" Luffy followed after Sanji, then came back and peeped his head through the door. "Feel better soon, Robin."
"Thank you, Luffy." Robin smiled. She noticed Zoro sleeping on the chair across from her, then the water with the pill on the nightstand. She smiled then took the pill. "Hey, I'm going to take a nap. Thank you for checking in on me."
"No problem. Get better, Robin!" Nami walked out and closed the door.
Robin slowly got up out of the bed and walked toward Zoro. She smiled at him and stroked his hair. "Thank you." She gave him a kiss on the cheek then laid back down to rest.

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