Chapter 16

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It's now Friday, the day of the homecoming game, and the day before the homecoming dance.
School is over, and the group is heading over to Leo's, the pizza place that Mike took El to about a month ago.

"Are you sure this place is good?" Dustin asks for the tenth time as the five of them walk down the Midtown streets. Lucas is unable to be with them, as he's with the team getting ready for the game in a few hours.

Mike rolls his eyes, "Dustin how many times are you going to ask this?"

Dustin puts his hands up, "My bad, you know I'm serious about my pizza."

"Yes it's good, Dustin. Mike and I have eaten here before." El says as they reach the restaurant.

As Will holds the door open for everyone, Mike is frozen in place, staring at a newspaper rack.

"Mike? Are you coming?" El asks, looking at him with her eyebrows raised.

Mike's eyes scan over the newspaper over and over, reading the hurtful words.

El notices him staring at something, and she walks up beside him, "You okay?" She asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Mike finally snaps out of it and turns to her, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

"What are you-" she pauses when she looks at the newspaper. She slowly reads over the words, Masked Menace Terrorizes Town, Citizens Call For Arrest!

"Why are they saying this about him?" El asks curiously.

Mike just shakes his head, "I don't know." He answers after a moment of silence.

Then, another question comes to El's mind, "Wait... why do you care?"

Mike realizes that El might be onto him, and he quickly shakes his head, "It's just... I'm selling pictures of this guy to the Bugle, and they are just... destroying his reputation. I feel a little guilty about it, I guess." He shrugs.

El nods, "But you're just doing it to help your mom out. You don't have a choice."

Mike exhales, "Well... maybe I do." He turns and walks into the restaurant.

El just looks at him sympathetically, and all she can think of is how unfair this is. How unfair that Mike lost his father, and was forced to grow up a lot quicker than everyone else his age. Nobody deserves this, especially not Mike.

El then walks into the restaurant, where she and Mike join the rest of the group at their table.


"What do you mean you can't help with the warrant?" Hopper asks in anger as he slams his hand on the commissioner's desk.

Loeb just remains expressionless as he sits with his arms crossed at his desk, "I mean, I can't get you a warrant."

"And why not?"

"Where's the evidence, Hopper?" Loeb asks, throwing his hands up.

"I-I don't have any, but I'm telling you, this is the guy! I'm telling you!" Hopper exclaims, practically begging Loeb to believe him.

Loeb just remains silent.

"Are you kidding me!? You're one worthless son of a bitch. You know that?" Hopper yells, storming out of the office.


"Yep, see, mine's better." Mike states after he takes a sip of El's milkshake.

"No it isn't." El protests playfully, hitting him on the chest softly.

Max and Dustin watch in disgust, while Will just smiles.

Max just laughs, "Wow, you two confessed your feelings to each other a few days ago, and you're already acting like a disgusting couple."

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