I Just Came To Say Goodbye

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I woke to an empty bed and had the angel that came back home with me last night slipped out and escaped without even a goodbye. Doing the walk of shame? I swore I told him that I would take him to his workplace.

I slid out of bed and solid some underwear on heading for the living come dining area.

I smiled at him as I walked into the kitchen. He looked like death and confused. He stretched up and those abs damn I could lick them all day. He heads into the kitchen where I am and I place a glass of water on the kitchen unit with some paracetamol. "I thought you may need these. You could've just woke me and I would've you'd you where to find them." he said, in his husky voice.

He shivered

I smirked knowing the effect I was having on him. I slid my arms around him and pulled him into me kissing the nape of his neck.

He swallowed hard. "Thanks."

"Pleasure is all mine, angel."

He took the paracetamol and a big gulp of water to swallow them. I took a gulp of the water, placing it on the countertop. "My name isn't angel, it's Jacob."


I smiled politely. "I don't mean to sound rude, but I have to get going. I'm leaving today."

"Sure. When will you be coming back?"

"I'm not sure. It depends what my job requirements are."

"I understand. I should never have expected more than just one night."

He turned to look at him. Staring into my blue eyes. "My job is risky, but it shouldn't take more than a few months and I'll be back."

I smiled. "Maybe we can hook up again when you get back?"


I leaned forward. "I want you Jacob and I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes."

He pressed his lips on mine, kissing me hungrily, slipping his tongue in. He moaned and his dick stood to attention, I grinned into the kiss pushing him closer to the cabinets and pulled him up, his dick was solid. "Let me fuck you, Jacob, I gathered you're not a bottom, but just let me fuck you just this once. I can guarantee that you'll never forget me."

He nodded and I smashed my lips onto his kissing him fiercely as he slid his fingers into my ass one at a time every time I added another digit he moaned into his mouth.

I pulled them in and out several times before I slid my dick into his hole. He flinched. "I got you, Jacob."

He nodded and I continued pumping in and out slowly until I became frustrated at his pace and began picking it up, pulling back and ramming it back inside. He moaned into my mouth as I kept pushing and grinding into his ass deep, hard and fast.

His eyes rolled as I hit his g spot. We both moaned as we came to our climax bursting our nuts as the cum exploded on our chests and in my ass.


I nodded, and he continued pumping in and out slowly until he became frustrated at his pace and began picking it up, pulling back and ramming it back inside. I moaned into his mouth as he kept pushing and grinding into my ass deep, hard and fast. He's been the first guy I'd ever let fuck my ass. I had made it very clear to any guy that I was a top and no way in hell would I ever be a bottom, yet here I was letting a guy that I didn't even know from into my back passage moaning into his mouth uncontrollably.

My eyes rolled as he hid my g spot. We both moaned as we could to our climax, bursting our nuts as the cum exploded on our chests and in my ass.


"That was fucking amazing, you're the first guy that has let me give it."

"Well, I won't be making a habit of it, so you had best count yourself lucky."

He smirked. "Let's get cleaned up. I have to go to work, and you have a plane to catch, correct?"

"I do."

He slid out of me and I took my legs from around him. My legs felt a little shaky. I've never been fucked before, not by a man, anyway.

We showered and changed. Rory made sure he gave me a lift to the FBI headquarters; he'd insisted he'd drive me to work. To say he was impressed was an understatement. Now he understood the full relevance of why I would be leaving for so long, yet he didn't question it.

He kissed me softly on the lips and said goodbye.

I walked into the offices full of wolf whistles.

Madaline smirked at me. "Nice to see you had fun last night."

"Don't." I warned.

She grinned. "And he brought you to work too."

"Shut up."

She laughed. "Does he know you won't be around for a while?"

"He does. But not the specifics, but he knows I won't be around for a while."

"Good. Let's go over your assignment, the plane leaves in four hours."

I nodded and we headed into her office.

Once we were done with the assignment briefing, I made my way to the prison with one last person to see before I left.

The officers walked in with Grady, his wrists and ankles cuffed. They had chains going through them. Guess who the naughty boy was then?

They pushed him down onto a seat. I looked at him. He'd lost weight and his eyes were dark, cold and hollow.

"What are you doing here Jacob? You made it quite clear that you wanted nothing else to do with me."

"Oh, I don't. I just came to say goodbye."

He looked nervously at me. "Why? Where are you going?"

"That's none of your concern. Just letting you know I'm not going to be back for a while."

"So, they've finally got you by the balls and twisted it around their little finger. You're finally going it alone. They won't save you. They won't give a shit Jacob, they'll leave you to rot and find someone else to take your place."

"That's bull shit, and you know it."

"Is it Jake? That bitch knows you don't work alone. She's leading you into danger just to get rid of you. Now I'm in here and out of the way, she can get rid of you too."

"Well, I'm willing to take that chance. You see, Grady, we do not all like you and are suspicious of everyone. Maybe if I was like you, then I would never have been torn into pieces by your betrayal."

"I'm sorry Jake."

"Too late for sorries, Grady. You not only betrayed me, my friend, the force, the FBI, but also your brother. You're nothing to me, not anymore. There will be someone looking in on you now and again." I said, walking away.

"Please don't do this alone Jacob, you'll end up in danger. Please, Jacob, I don't want you dead."

I don't want myself dead either, but it comes with the job. It's a risk we all take.

"Stop acting as if you care!"

"I love you, Jacob."

"Well, I don't love you!" I said, walking and slamming the door behind me.

After I said my goodbyes to everyone, I got in the taxi heading to the airport where I'd get on the aeroplane to Ireland to secure my fate in the Irish Mafia's hands.

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