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I haven't stopped thinking about Jacob since our night together. I know he's on a mission with the FBI I can't ask about but I worry if he's okay and if he's safe. I know it was only one night but that man did things to me I could only ever wish to dream about. I never once expected to go for a guy like Jacob. He was every guy's wet dream, even a womans. I've met guys like Jacob before he's adored and worshipped by everyone he's got that persona. He's likeable to everyone. So it's only right to say he soaks in any attention he gets. We didn't get a chance to talk about past relationships as he was heading on his secret mission, but I was glad to see him in the light of day when he let me take him it was obvious he was a top where I was a vers. I like dicks as much as the next gay guy.

"Hey, what are you thinking about bro?"

I snap out of my thoughts about my sexy not so quiet stranger, the beautiful blue-eyed Jacob.

"Bro what are you doing here, I thought you were working?"

"I am. I just thought I would visit my baby brother. Am I not allowed?"

"Who sent you, Levi?"

"You wound me, Rory."

I glare at him.

He sighs. "Mom asked me to pop in. She's worried about you, Roars."

"She needn't be Lev. I can take care of myself."

"Again I'll ask you what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing much."

"You can tell me Roars. I won't laugh or judge you."

I sigh and give in or he'll be on my ss about it until the end of eternity until I finally give in an£ tell him everything. "I met someone."

"You do that everyday bro. Give me something new."

"He's an angel. "

"Oh oh your dick whipped."

"You promised Lev."

"I know I'm sorry." he looked at me apologetically. "So tell me what this guy is like and how he's managed to get my little bro so dick whipped?"

I glared at him, unappreciative of his comment.

He holds his hands up in defeat.

"His name's Jacob, I met him at a bar a few days ago. We clicked like really clicked, we drank and flirted with each other. We had the most amazing sex."

Levi grins. He hasn't seen me this happy and ecstatic in years. "So what does this Jacob look like?"

I sigh and smile. "Perfect. Not my usual type of guy but perfect in every way imaginable. He's tall, a little taller than me, stocky. Muscles that go on forever are the ones you can tell he's taken his time to get by keeping fit, not like the assholes that take steroids to get them. He's got the brightest blue eye you've ever seen. Ones that you could die on and go to heaven. He's an FBI Agent."

"Woah backup brother, and FBI Agent do you think that's really wise?"

"Maybe, maybe not I won't know until he returns from whatever mission that they've sent him on."

"I think you should forget about this one bro and find some other guy that doesn't work in a dangerous job."

"Says the guy who's hiding a woman in his home away from danger. We're both in the same boat as her bro and don't tell me it's different. It isn't."

"It is."

"How is it? Tell me how different your situation with Scarlet is to mine and Jacobs."

"Scarlet is carrying a child Roary of a man that's in prison and whoever helped her out last time isn't interested in her with the child in toe I am."

"So what's the dif, Lev? Jacob may have a dangerous job, but at least he's got one."

"Scarlet is working for me. She insisted on it. She worked previously and she enjoys doing something different. Do you even think this Jacob guy will consider anything different than being an FBI Agent?"

"I don't know, maybe we'll find out when he returns."

"If he returns. His job is dangerous Roars. He tasks risks everyday ones that could end up with him des bu5 he still takes them. Think about it, Roars."

"I already have."

"Well don't only be prepared for the best but the worst."

"I am."

"Good." he breathes heavily and sighs deeply. "Now we've discussed why Mom was worried about you and she has every right to invite us to supper tonight so try and act normal, well as normal as you can."

"I will."

He slaps me on the shoulder and squeezes it. "I'm here for you brother no matter what."

"Thanks, Lev."

He nods and takes his hand off my shoulder. "Get some work done and I'll see you tonight," he smirks.

"You will."

"Later brother."

"Later bro."

He nods, smiling leaving the office. I know he's right but I've finally found someone that ticks all of the boxes, he makes me turn to goo without knowing. He's the only guy that's got my heart without him even knowing he has.

I lean back in my shirt and sigh. I remember walking into my London office. I had dropped him off. I immediately did a background search on him and found out he was legit. He had been an FBI Agent after going to the police academy after he left college. It took him six yees to get to where he was today. He'd got more than a handful of arrests behind him over the years including those of his friend's ex-husband, her ex-boyfriend and his ex as well. He was a kick-ass FBI Agent and he has been on a lot of dangerous missions and come back in one piece, but what if this mission didn't bring him back alive but in a body bag? I don't know if I could stomach that even if I had only known him for one night he had if it's something in me that no other man could ever do. I sighed and stretched before sipping my coffee and talking on the phone to potential investors and setting up meetings. By the end of the workday, I was bushed but I knew I had to go to my parents for supper or I would never hear the end of it.

I headed over to my parents home in my most prized possession, my Plymouth Hemi Barracuda. What a car it was, it was part of my classic car collection and by far my most favourite of them all.

I pulled into my parent's driveway twenty minutes after I thought they knew it was me by the roar of the engine. I cut the engine and slid out of my car. I closed the doors and was alarmed I thought no one was stupid enough to try and steal one of our cars.

I headed to the door and it opened revealing the most beautiful woman in my life: my mom. She still looks good in her late fifties as she did when we were growing up. I admire her so much.

"Darling boy." she said, opening her arms out to me.

I smiled, stepping ng it no them. She wrapped her arms around me and I did the same kissing her on the cheek. "Mom."

She pulled away to take a good look at me. She squints her eyes at me as if she's analysing me. "You work too hard, Roary. You need to get out more and find someone to settle down with."

"Maybe one day mom."

She nods and smiles, sliding her arm under mine and pulling me onto the house. I lock the door. "Look who I found outside."

Levi and Dad smile at me. "You were heading out to make sure he turned up darling."

"Oh hush," she says, smiling. 

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