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Ciarán leaned closer to me and pressed his lips on mine, licking my bottom lip. I groaned, opening up, he slid his tongue on and began to explore my mouth. My tongue slid over his and he grunted kisses me deeper with a hunger I have never known. We kissed hungrily until we both pulled away to catch our breath. He curled my hair in his fingers and smiled. "I've got a lot of work to do today so I'm going to drop you off at the hotel after brunch so you can pack your things and once I'm done we can go and get something to eat and chat about the things we haven't been able to in the past few days. I hope you're up for living here with me Jacob. I'm a very busy man and I hope that you'll be able to join me with some of my business dealings once your holiday is over. I want you to hand in your notice and work for me. I'm a very important man, Jacob. I work with an iron fist and I expect everyone here to work just as hard.

I am also a very, very sex driven male with a high labido so I hope you can keep up with me."

I gulped "I hope so too."

He smiles. "I want you to be happy here Jacob and I want you to fit in."

I nod unsure of what to say.

"Come on baby, let's get up and get dressed then we can eat before the day begins."


He kisses me softly and rolls away. "Use the bathroom first Jacob I won't be long."

I nod and head into the bathroom. I relieve myself, wash my hands and face then brush my teeth before heading back to the bedroom. Ceiron is already dressed in a short sleeved shirt making his tattoos stand out making him look more delightable. "See something you like, baby?" He asks grinning.

I nod and he chuckles.

"It's all yours, baby, but I really need to finish getting ready so I can drop you off at the hotel and get to work." he says heading into the bathroom, closing the door.

I grab my clothes off the floor and dress before slipping in my trainers. Cieran returns to the bathroom shortly after and he slides on a very expensive looking watch, clips the back and smiles. He heads over to me, lacing our hands together before he opens the bedroom door and leads us out. We head down stairs and outside to his mercedes. He lets go of my hand and he unlocks and disarms his car with the click of two buttons on his key fob. He opens the door and I slid in, he closes the door and sprints around the car getting in closing the door.

He turns the key in the ignition and the car roars to life he shits geass and pulls away. We sit in comfortable silence until we get to the bistro.

Ciarán cut the ignition and put it into park and we got out of the car heading inside. We sat down and a waitress took our order. Ceiron looked at me and grinned. "So tell me Jacob. Where do you come from originally?

"Birmingham. But I moved to London a little over ten years ago. I left Birmingham when I was eighteen and moved around a lot."

He nods. "So is London your last port of call?"

"Who knows. I haven't met anyone who is willing to put up with me long enough to move from there."

"So what do you think of Ireland?"

"Well it's certainly different from the busy city life. It's so laid back here and so relaxing."

"Do you fish Jacob?"

"I can't say I've ever tried it."

"Maybe one day when it's quiet I'll take you out on the family boat and do some fishing."

"I'd like that."

He smiles again. "Excellent." He pauses then continues. "So how long have you worked for interpol? Jacob?"

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