Flambable Scares

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When eda got back inside she sat down on the couch, Luz and king were sleep so she could relax.  Eda was on her phone doing who knows what when her phone started ringing. Eda looked at it, and it was her sister.

"Edalyn! Have you seen the news"

"Hey I may be a mother, but I'm not old, who the fuck still watches the news?"

"Well informed people edalyn!"

"Whatever nerd, whats so important you want me to watch the news so bad?"

"Turn it on!"

"Fine fine.. "

Eda turned on the news, and what she saw horrified her.

Breaking news!
A local apartment building is now on fire. Most of the residents are unharmed, however some have been hospitalized! However one resident by the name of Raine whispers is not seen or accounted for.

Eda was absolutely horrified.

"Now do you see why you should watch the news?".

" FUCK!"

The call dropped and eda rushed out the door. She had the key, so she made sure to lock they door. 

Raines apartment wasn't to far, so eda for in her car, and drove as fast as she could with out being a danger to herself and society.   The whole time eda's heart was pounding and felt like even the smallest thing could make her cry right now. 

As eda got to Raines apartment it was blocked off, so eda parked her car and  ducked under the police tap. A few officers caught her trying to run in, so they held her back. "Ma'am! Please we need you stay back!" One of the officers yelled.   "Let me go!! Please! Someone get them out of there!" Eda begged, as tears flooded her eyes.  It took 4 grown men to hold her back, otherwise she would have gotten passed them. "Ma'am! It's not safe for you to be this close! I need you to step back!" Another officer said. "Raine!! Their still in that building!.. Please!" Eda begged. Right then, a firefighter dragged Raine out the building and only then did eda sdrart to calm down.  The officers let her go so eda stretcher she ran over to Raine who was being out in a stretcher.  "Oh my God.. Are they going to be okay?!" Eda asked. "It's.. Not looking good, come by the hospital tomorrow.. " the doctor said, leaving eda there to cry.

Eda finally had the strength to get home, and got back to her apartment, worried sick about Raine. She checked on Luz and king who were fast asleep  which was good because it was midnight.  Eda crawled into bed, put on head phones, and blasted the song. "In the name of love" on a 10 hour loop, crying herself to sleep.

The next morning eda was in a huge rush.   Luz and king were eating cereal, while eda was running around fumbling, while also on the phone.


" uh.. Yes?"

"Okay I need a really big fav-AH! "

"a-are.. You okay!?"

"Yes!! Um.. I need you to come over and watch Luz and king for the day"

"Oh, well of course"

"Thank you so mu- OW! SON OF A BITCH"

"... Are you sure your okay?"

"No no! Do repeat that word!!"

"Dear God edalyn.. "


"I.. Was that Luz and king?"

"Dont say that word! Not untill your 14!"

"Are you okay.. Like.. Mentally?".

" I'm not going to answer! Because I don't have time to lie! Just hurry!-WAH!".

".... I'm ony way"

The call dropped and eda was picking herself up off the floor.  And grabbed her keys and purse. "Okay guys I gotta go! Nut your aunt lily will be here soon! Be good!" Eda said, then kissed them both on the head and left. Luz and king stared at the door, then looked at each other. "Wanna go read her diary?" King asked. "Yeah!" Luz beamed. 

When eda got to the hospital she went to the front desk. "Hi! Um.. Im here to see raine whispers"  eda said, hoping the nurse would hurry. "Ah yes.. Room 201" the nurse said and just like that, eda took off. 

When eda got to their room, she was stopped by a doctor.  The doctor looked at eda up and down then asked. "Are you mx whispers wife?"  Eda imme started blushing wondering why in the world someone would think that. Then realized she was still wearing her wedding ring. So eda did the only thing she could think of. "Um.. Yes.. Yes I am" the doctor nodded. "Well ma'am I am so sorry, but they won't be away for a while, a few really bad burns near the face and abdomen" the doctor informed her. Eda tears up, then took a deep breath. "But.. They.. Will be alive.. Right?" eda asked desperately. "Yes, they will live but this could cause long term damage" the doctor said. "Is it okay if I sit with them?" Eda asked. "Of course" the doctor said, then nodded.  Eda walked in, and sat down next to Raine. They were laying down, looking pretty much dead which broke eda's heart. Tons of bandages around their face, and arms.  Eda took their hand, and sighed. "Il.. Wait for you, rainestorm"

Meanwhile Lilith was taking care of Luz and king.  Lilith was mostly just reading while Luz and king watched TV, and reading her diary.   "What are you two reading?" Lilith asked, thinking it was fairytale or something. "Mommas diary" king said with absolutely no hesitation. Liliths expression changed immediately. "Uh.. Why?" Lilith asked. "Because we want ice cream" Luz answered. "What does that have to do with your mother's dairy" Lilith asked. "Blackmail" king said. "You really are her kids.. " Lilith mumbled. "Okay.. Um.. How about a deal?" Lilith offered. "Negotiation.. Were listening" Luz said. "Give me the diary, and il take you to get ice cream" Lilith said. Luz and king exchanged glances, then gave Lilith the diary.  Lilith put it back in eda's room, and grabbed her keys.

A week passed, eda still went to work, but visited Raine every single day, and had to bring Luz and king.  While Luz and king were watching the hospital tv, eda was on her phone reading on wattpad.  When she heard movement,she thought it was just her kids so she didn't look up.  "Hello?.." It was Raine.  Eda looked up, and smiled immediately. "Raine! Oh my God Im so glad your okay!"  Eda beamed, and she stood over them. "Who.. Are you?" Raine asked. Edas heart immediately dropped, she let go of their hand, and tried not to cry. "R-raine.. It's... Me do you not remember me?" Eda asked
"No.. Sorry walnut, I don't" once Raine said that they face palmed, and eda turned to them.  "Kids.. Cover your ears" eda said, glaring at Raine. Luz and king did what they were told, and Raine feared her. "You son of a bitch!! Who the fuck pretends to have amnesia!? You stupid motherfucker!! You scared me!! What the hell is wrong with you!?"  Eda yelled. "Okay walnut, I'm sorry" Raine said in a nervous chuckle. "Yeah yeah.. Just don't do that again.." Eda said, then Raine took her hand. "Thank you.. For worrying about me" Raine said. Eda blushed slightly. "Anytime" she mumbled. Eda let her kids know they could uncover their earxthen king walked up to her. "We heard everything anyway" he said. "... You cant use those words untill your 14.." Eda said.

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