Ending Marriage pt2

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When it was almost time to go, eda was in her room changing. Raine had borrowed a suit from Darius that he couldn't wear anymore. Raine just put on the White shirt, and pants, put on boots, added a chain to the side on the pants, and put on a choker.  It was nice, yet a little edgy.  Lilith was there, because she needed someone to watch Luz and king. "Remind me how you got in the situation again?" Lilith asked. "Uh.. It's.. Complicated" Raine mumbled. "Finally got my hair right.. " eda mumbled as she walked out.  Eda had on a black dress that came off her shoulders, and was a little wavy at the bottom with 3 inch black heels, and her hair put up in a high ponytail.  As Raine looked over and saw eda. Their jaw dropped, cheeks flushed, and speechless. "Is.. This to much?" Eda asked. "Absolutely not, you look gorgeous" Lilith said, then glanced over at Raine. "Raine, eyes a little higher there, my friend" Lilith said with an unimpressed tone. Raine blushed more knowing they were caught. As eda and Raine left for the door, eda looked back as Luz and king who where rolling around. "Be good for your auntie lily! I love you both" eda said then she and Raine left. "Auntie lily.. Where do babies come from?" King asked. All Lilith could mutter out was "Uhhh.. "

Once they got to the car, Raine insisted On opening the door for her, which made eda laugh so little. "You know I can do it myself right?" Eda asked. "Anything for my princess" Raine teased. Eda blushed slightly. "Since when was I your princess?" She asked with a playful smirk. "Since I just said it" Raine said with a prideful smile. "You.. Are just the worse" eda said in a small laugh. "Alright.. So tell me about that little skank" eda said as she pulled out a mirror. "What? Ew.. Why" Raine asked. Eda let out a small giggle. "Just do it, we need a competitive edge" eda insisted.  "Okay.. She wears designer clothes, has blonde highlights.. Only drinks smoothies.. Frappuccinos.. And .. This weird green stuff.. And now I'm pretty sure she'll fuck anything that moves" Raine said. Eda started laughing at the last part. "10 bucks she vegetarian" eda said. Raine sighed. "I owe you 10 bucks.." They said, which only made eda laugh more.

When the got to the restaurant, eda and Raine met Jack and Stephenie at the front door. Jacks jaw literally dropped seeing eda. While Stephenie was absolutely smitten by Raine, this wasn't intentional but a great ego boost for eda and Raine.  

As the 4 adults sat down, Raine glanced over at Jack who was definitely checking eda out. "Jack, where do you work?" Raine asked. "In a manager at chick-fi-la" he said with pride, eda had to catch herself from laughing. Raine then looked down at their phone, then whispered in edas ear. "Il be right back" eda nodded, and held their chin, just to put on a little show. "Dont take to long, Rainestorm" she said in a hushed tone.  Raine got up and left, leaving eda with Jack and Stephenie. "You know I never knew you could look like that, doll" Jack said looking her up and down. Eda just looked down and said. "Because you never wanted to go anywhere but a bar" eda mumbled under her breath. "So what's it like?" Jack asked. "Excuse me?" Eda asked. "Life without me, whats it like" Jack asked with a egotistical smirk. "Productive and semi-stress free"  eda answered. "I bet Raine is that stress" Jack said under his breath, that wasn't very Decruite. "No..i take care of our children" eda said back. 

When Raine got back they could see eda was visibly upset, so they took her hand.  Eda smiled and glmaced over at them. Raine winked at her, and that let eda know to start the show. "Raineee, move your hand" eda combines playfully. "Nope, I like my hand right where it is" Raine said back. "Come on.. Not in public" eda said with a smirk glancing at them. "I swear to God Raine.. Move your h-haa..." Eda said, letting out a small fake moan. Jack and Stephenie looked at eda and Raine in disbelief wondering what Raine was doing, but really, they weren't doing anything. This was just eda being dramatic and petty, and Raine playing along.   "You suck" eda said with a light blush in her cheeks. "Your one to talk" Raine teased. You could see the jealously in jacks eyes, and it was like looking at gold for eda.  Then seeing how annoyed Stephenie was, was a complete win for Raine.

A waitress came, and greeted them. "Hello! What can I get you all today?" She asked.  "Ah, I ordered for the table" eda said. "Alright, and the code you were given?" The waitress asked. "Mhm.. 2708931" eda said reading it off her phone.  "Alright! Il be right back, and drinks?" She asked. "Ah..strawberry margarita please" eda said. "White wine" Stephenie said after. "Alright, il be right back"  the waitress said.  A bartender came with the drinks.  Eda tried some of hers and it's was sweet, but really good, Mostly because of the alcohol.   "You wanna try some, Rainey?" Eda asked. "Eh.. You know I dont do well with alcohol" Raine said in a small chuckle. "Pleaseee? For me?" Eda asked, giving a flirtatious look, putting her hand on their shoulder. "Only for you, walnut" Raine agreed.  Jack and Stephenie watched I  silence, mainly because they were both jealous. Then the food came. It was nothing more, than different assortment of meats. Chicken, steak, pork. Everything. Raine leaned over and whispered in edas ear. "I know what your doing.. And I love it"

The entire rest of the dinner was passive aggressive, snide comments here and there, eda and Raine fake flirting. Well they convinced themselves they were faking, but it was all very real.  When the check was paid, they all split the bill although now Jack is broke because he has a pathetic job, and Stephenie lives off him. 

As eda and Raine left the restaurant, Jack caught up with them. "Hey!.. Um eda, can I talk to you?" He asked. Raine looked over at Edaml"you gonna be okay?" They asked. "Y-yeah.. Just wait for me" eda said. Raine hugged her, and went to her car.  "Eda.. I. Want us to try again" Jack said. Edas eyes widen. "What-.. " she mumbled. "I-i want you to come home! We can be a family again" Jack said, holding out a hand for her. "Even if I did actually consider that..everything would be the same" eda said, as the wind started blowing. "Exactly! We had it good, doll.. Just me and you forever" Jack said still holding his had out for her. "You know.. Not once have you asked about our kids..actually.. No scratch that.. You.. Dont have any kids, never once have you acted like a father to them! Not even king who you see at up and down he's your son!  I raised them! On my own! You never talk to them! or spend time with them!  Because you were to busy fucking that Beverly hills slut!! For God knows how long!!" Eda yelled. "Eda honey please!  Just.. I-il buy you whatever you want! Just.. Come back to Me" Jack begged. "You think... You can buy my love?.. You.. Need to get away from me!! Just drop dead you sick bastard!!" Eda screamed. "Well its not like you were the perfect wife, you always complain, never wanted to have sex, your always nagging about my son!" Jack yelled back. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?  You always tried to fuck me after I already sleep!!! I didn't complain! I asked for help!! Because you didn't do anything!! I was your wife! Not your damn maid or nanny!!" Eda screamed. Eda was no crying, even though she tried to stop, then looked back in the direction Raine left in.. wondering if they could hear them. "Oh I get it now.. You in love with that lightweight! I bet your not even dating" Jack said with a evil smirk. "It's non of your business who or who I do not having feelings for!" Eda said. "Do you!? I bet you do!! Admit it!" Jack said pushing her. "Fine! Yeah! I love them! And I probably have since I was in high school! They actually care about me!  Raine respects me! They care for my children! Our well-being! Something you! Should have been doing!" Eda yelled, then tried to wipe her face. Eda took a deep breath, and Jack teard up answell. "E-eda.. I'm sorry! I didn't mean it" Jack said. Eda looked down at her hand, then slowly took off her wedding ring, and handed it to Jack. "Have a good life.." She mumbled, and walked away.  As she got to her car, Raine was leaning on it waiting for her oblivious to everything that had just happened. When they saw eda, they first smiled. "Hey walnut-.. " Raine saw the tears flooding her face, so they held their arms out for her. Raine held eda as she cried, out in the parking lot.

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