Broken Pieces

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As eda was driving home with Raine in her car, she decided to luz's and kings school, because she didn't want to take a chance of them Hitch-hiking again.  "Alright rainestorm, were gonna make a quick stop, k?" Eda said. "Anything for you, walnut" Raine teased. Eda scoffed playfully, rolling her eyes. "We both know you could never resist me" eda said, and Gave them a side eyed smirk.  Raine blushed slightly and chuckled.
Dis eda and Raine flirt often? Well no not really. However when they did, it didn't mean anything, or so they thought. Both in a relationship, so they kept their flirting platonic, and occasional, besides they were just Messing around. 

As eda got to Luz, and kings elementary school, she sat back and sighed. Raine noticed the look on eda's face, and looked down, then back at her. "Everything alright?" Raine asked. " fine" eda answered, ad she messed with her hair, to calm down. "Eda, you know I can tell when your lying" Raine teased. Eda chuckled. "Jack.. Forgot to pick up the kids.. Yesterday.." Eda said, as she looked over out her window. "What!? How did they get home!?" Raine asked clearly concerned.  "Lily.. Saw them trying to hitchhike home.. And picked them up" eda explained. "Well thanks goodness they were okay" Raine said in a small sigh. Eda looked at Raine with teasing smirk. "Goodness?" Eda asked. Raine rolled their eyes and waved her off.

Luz and king walked up to the car and one of the teachers opened the door doe them, and helped them climb in. "Hey kiddos" eda said, as she turned to them. "Hi mom!!" Luz beamed. "You guys remember Raine don't you?" Eda asked gesturing to them. "The starburst person!!" King squealed. Eda looked confused, but Raine indeed pulled out startburts and gave Luz and king some. "Yayy!!" Kuz and king cheered.  Eda chuckled and shook her head. She wasn't the type of mom to be strict on suger, so she didn't mind.  "Thank you Raine!!" Luz and king beamed. "Your welcome guys, remember don't eat all of them before dinner" Raine said. Eda smiled sweetly at Raine, she loved how well Raine treated her children.

When they arrived at eda's house, Luz and king sat at the table, to do just whatever.  "Alright, so my hoodies?" Raine asked. "Fine, fine, come on" eda said in a playful way. 

As eda led raine to hers and jacks room, they heard strange sounds. "AhH~ dont stop!" A females voice said. Eda nd Raine immediately stopped as they heard this.  "Uh.. Eda.. Whats going on?" Raine asked. "I-im.. Not sure.. " eda mumbled.  "Come on! You bitch take it!" A males voice said.  A voice eda knew to well.. Her husbands voice.  Eda's heart dropped completely.. She could already tell what was going on. Raine was able to put together what was happening as well, and took eda's hand.  "Please!~ harder!!~" the females voice said. Thats when Raine froze. That.. That was Stephenie.   Eda and Raine walked into the kitchen where the sounds were coming from, and just as they thought, Jack was going down on Stephenie, on the kitchen floor, and if thar wasn't bad enough, there was a camera man there, specifically a camera man from pornhub.   What makes it worse was Jack and Stephenie were  going at it so hard they didn't notice eda and Raine, untill eda screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?". Jack and Stephenie looked over, and scrammbled to get dressed. Just then there were two high pitched screams. Everyone, including the camera man looked over, and sawn Luz and king. " EW!!! WHAT AM I EVEN LOOKING AT!?" king screamed While Luz just completely passed out from shock.   Eda froze at this very moment, she wasn't good under pressure, and well neither was Raine.. But they were slightly better than her. Raine immediately went over to Luz and king. "You guys go to your room, and don't come out untill me or your mother come get you, understand?" Raine asked. King nodded. Raine picked up Luz and king, and put them in their room, then shut the door.

Meanwhile, Jack had at least gotten pants on, and tried to hold eda, who was now in tears. "E-eda! Honey I'm sorry! This.. Us! It's not what it looks like! It's just for show!" Jack said lying pathetically, then tried to reach out for her. Eda shook her head, and took a step back. "No! D-dont you dare touch me you sick fuck!" She yelled, and ran away in tears. Just then Raine came back to get eda, O ly to see Stephenie, pushing Jack. "You said you were single!!" She yelled. Raine started crying at that moment as well. "So did you!" Jack argued. "You told him you were single?" Raine asked, in a small whimper. "R-raine! Sweetie! I.. um" Stephenie couldn't come up with anything to say. Raine shook their head. "Dont come home.. " they mumbled, than ran after eda. 

Raine went to the room, Eda and Jack shared, and saw her knees crying. Raine locked the door, and sat down to hold her.   Eda and Raine both cried about the situation together, in each others arms.  Soon enough there was banging on the door.  "Eda! Eda please! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" Jack begged. Raine held eda closer, as they head this, while eda just stayed where she was.  

After a few hours, eda and Raine composed themselves, and decided on what to do.  Eda started packing a bag, it would be just for about a week so eda could figure out what to do.   Raine of course offered to let her and her kids stay with them, and eda accepted since she didn't know what else to do.  As eda was packing, Raine left, for Luz, and kings room. "Raine! Is mom okay? Why was she yelling?" King asked. "Uhh.. Dont worry about it.. But, pack a bag.. You twoa re staying with me me for a bit" Raine explained. "How come? Is mom coming?" Luz asked. "Yes.. Your mother is coming, just uh.. Who ever packs the fastest wins!" Raine said. Luz and king immediately rushed to win. 

Raine of course helped them back their bags, so eda wouldn't have to worry, then all of a sudden heard a lot of screaming. "YOUR NOT. TAKING MY SON!!" RAine could hear Jack yell. "I'M TAKING BOTH OUR CHILDREN YOU SICK, PERVERTED, MOTHER FUCKER!!" eda screamed. Luz and king paused hearing this, so Raine distracted them. "Hey guys come on! Keep going the winner gets more starbursts!" Raine said. Luz and king cheered, and kept packing.

Raine then helped Luz and king into the car, then Stephenie tried to read on with them
"Rae-Rae! Please! Dont leave me!" She begged. Raine, teared up, then just went to eda, who was screaming at Jack. Raine took her by the waist, and led her to the door. Jack was stunned by this but couldn't get a word in, because they drove off. 

When they got to raines apartment, luckily they had a guest room for Luz and king.  Eda got them settle, and in front of a TV. Pizza was being ordered because neither of them would be able to cook in such a mental state.  

By night time, eda was on her phone looking for apartments of her own.  She needed to get everything together very quickly.  Eda had savings of all the years she'd worked, and because it it she was financially stable on her own.   Now she had worry worry about being a single mother.. And that scared her

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