Chapter 3: The Creek

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Mike: The one thing I told you to do Vance, was just to tell 'em about what we were gonna do today

(Said Mike and the three boys began walking outside of the house to go on a walk)

Vance: Sorry dad, I got caught up in a conversation and I forgot to tell 'em.

Mike: It's alright Vance, I'm glad you both are getting along well though.

(Vance and Oliver both nodded at Mike)

Oliver: Hey Mike, when am I gonna be able to see Cane, also get a tour of the house?

Mike: You'll get both of those things when we get home in about an hour. Right now, I'm gonna show you Oliver, something that I've shown Vance when he was 13, and will do the same for Cane and Willow they are 13 too. (turning onto a dirt path as he finished the sentence)

Oliver: Soooo, what is this thing we're gonna go do?

Vance: It's-

Mike: WE, won't tell you what it is until we get there, but this spot that I'm bringing you to has a special place in my heart and I'll tell you the story of this place when we get there.

Oliver: I just wanna know because I'm not sure if I wanna go somewhere, I mean it's only been first day here and all-

Mike: Trust me, you're gonna love the place and this will be a great bonding experience between all of us boys. Just trust me Olly.

(Mike continued to lead the other two boys down the path until they finally reached the end of the path, which the only thing in front of them was a decently steep grove leading into the rest of the forest)

Oliver: Is this the place?

Mike: Nope, we gotta keep going straight for a little bit.

Oliver: But that's off the path, and also that a pretty decent drop if we keep going straight.

Vance: If you're careful, you can just slide down the muddy hill.

(Vance then proceeded to slide down the hill with relative ease, almost falling on a rock as he hit the bottom)

Mike: Don't show off too much flair Vance, that's how you get hurt. You ready to go down Olly.

Oliver: I don't Mike, this is pretty dangerous.

Mike: Just hold my hand and I'll make sure you stay safe. I promise mate *holds out hand*

(Oliver then thought about whether to go with Mike or just refuse, he didn't like either option. But he thought of another option that was slightly better than either of those. He immediately attempted to slide down the mud on his own, and nearly fell but managed to stay balanced for most of it before falling on his knees as he reached the bottom)

Vance: *Helping Oliver up* Hey that was pretty good Oliver, way better than my first time going down the mud!

Oliver: What was your first time like?

Vance: I remember coming down here with Dad for the first time and thinking I could do it alone, I ended up falling on my face and eating some mud on accident, I can tellya, worms don't taste good raw.

(The two boys laughed as Mike slid down the hill perfectly in front of them)

Mike: Alright let's keep going, it isn't too much further-HEY, which one of you threw that mud ball?!

Vance: *giggles*

Mike: *picks up a mud ball* You better run before you eat another worm Vance!

(The three boys then ran towards the spot, while still throwing mudballs at each other until they reached a rocky terrain so they couldn't throw anymore mud)

Vance: *Heavily Breathing* Wow... That... was fun!

Oliver: You guys tried so hard to hit each other, and you throw the mudballs way too hard!

Mike: You're only complaining cause you're the only one covered fully in mud! Just gotta get better at the game mate!

Oliver: If I could throw a mudball at you right now, I would.

(The three guys laughed as they finally reached the spot and Oliver was in awe at the beauty of the place)

Oliver: Th-Th....This is beautiful. It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen!

Mike: I knew you'd like it mate, this creek was a place I spent most of my time outside of school from the age of 13 'till the end of high school. It's actually the way I met some of my best friends for life, like your new Uncle Rad. Uncle Bandit, and Uncle Stripe.

Vance: You never told me that's how you met our Heeler Uncles?

Mike: It was something that I didn't think I should've mentioned at the time cause you'd never met Rad before, and he was the mate I hung out here most of all along with your Uncle Cruz and Aunt Rane. 

Oliver: What'd you do here, and why were you here so often cause it seems like there isn't much other than the stunning sight and I guess swimming for a bit.

Mike: Well yeah the stunning sight and swimming is most of what you do when you're here, but when you bring your friend around here, it's an escape from the rest of the world. A place where the stresses of life can temporarily be gone, and everything that may have been pressuring you before, disappears for that short period of time... It doesn't matter how good or bad you life is, everybody needs an escape, and this was mine. I showed you both this because when I was your age, I had a lot of issues of my own that I didn't have the strength to say out loud or fix, but you can't just bottle it up inside, you need to release it in the right way and this escape...

(While Mike continued his speech Oliver ignored most of what Mike said after he said that he had a lot of issues... He just clenched his fist and tried to forget about everything he said as he zoned out at the creek)

Mike: Alright boys, I was gonna let you both have some fun by swimming and talking but we gotta head back home *tapping Oliver* Mate, you hear me?

Oliver: Huh-Oh yeah I did.

Mike: Alright Vance?

Vance: Got ya Dad.

(Oliver just tried to forget everything Mike said as they headed back to the house, and just tried to forget the amount of anger he had toward Mike for everything...)

End of Chapter 3

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