Chapter 8: First Day...

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Oliver POV

(After the bus stopped at the school I did something crazy, I got off the bus, but while walking down I had an epiphany)

Oliver: Hey Bluey?

Bluey: Yeah, what is it?

Oliver: Where do I go to get my schedule and stuff?

Bluey: Oh, can you take up to the office Mackenzie, your class next is English and it's right up there.

Mackenzie: Yeah sure, just follow me up there.

Winnie: I'm gonna go with you guys.

Mackenzie: Why???

Winnie: Because, I have the same class and Mrs. Rutley is a nice teacher and will let me be late to class if I have an excuse.

Mackenzie: So you're this guy as an excuse to be, like, two minutes late? Weird, but whatever.

Winnie: We don't know how long it could take so hey, if I can miss one minute, or twenty minutes, I will take it.

(As the three of us began heading up the stairs of the school, I took a look around as we traversed down the mostly empty hallways that were painted a tacky white and blue with thin, and unusable lockers. After heading down a couple of these strange hallways, we eventually reached the office. Entering into it, there was a slightly larger dog sitting at the desk and on their computer typing some stuff in)

Winnie: Excuse me Mrs. Rottweiler?

Mrs. Rottweiler: Oh yes Winnie?

Winnie: Me and Mackenzie brought up a new student, his name is Oliver Heeler.

Mrs. Rottweiler: Oh yes, Oliver, could you go into the Mr. Collie's office?

Oliver: Uh, Ok.

Mrs. Rottweiler: As for the two of you, you both can head back to your class.

Winnie and Mackenzie: Ok, Thank You.

(As they left, I headed around the desk and headed into Mr. Collie's office, he looked up at me and laughed when he saw me)

Mr. Collie: I was told you would look like Bandit, and other than some small differences, you two look very similar indeed!

Oliver: (Why the hell does this guy know Bandit even?) I'm new here and-

Mr. Collie: Yes, yes, I'll show you around the school, show you your schedule and everything else you have questions about and you'll be back in class by around... period C, which it's a day 1 so it's 3rd period!

Oliver: (This gonna be a long day) Ok thank you Mr. Collie, but what do you mean Period C and Day 1?

Mr. Collie: Oh you don't know anything do you *sigh* ok here's your schedule, take a quick look and then it'll make more sense.

(I took a quick glance at the setup of the paper, it was a 7 day schedule with 7 classes spread across 6 periods each day so...)

Mr.Collie: You have seven classes labeled A-G and in that order, you have 6 classes each day and the last will be dropped, which for day 1 is G. Then for the next day you drop the class you had first which would be A for Day 2 and have all the other classes move up a period and the class you dropped the day before, last. As for Lunches, it depends on where you're in the school but there are 3 lunches, you'll learn which lunch you have for each class soon.

(As he finished that he nodded for me to actually look at the  schedule and as I looked at it, I was extremely happy, since they had actually managed to get a lot of the classes I was taking in the states before. I had Honors English, AP Geometry, Gym, Honors Biology, Honors History, AP Wind Ensemble and I drop Honors Spanish III for today.)

Oliver: Ok I think I get it.

Mr. Collie: Good, now we can begin the tour! (As he got up and walked out of the room and right before he left, he nodded again for me to follow him to begin the tour)

(Overall the whole tour was mostly forgetable since Mr.Collie just walked into each hallway told me the letter for the hallway, and which classes were in it and then walked to the next one. It may have been the long 40 minutes of my life and finally by the time we reached the final hallway, G Hall AKA the Band Hall, Mr. Collie said "Was this helpful?" I was pretty much done and said)

Oliver: It wasn't

Mr.Collie: Oh, I'm sorry it wasn't, I'm sure your-oh I forgot to show you the thing you most likely would want to see!

(He started walking pretty quickly out of the band hallway and I had to run to catchup to him and as he took a left he brought me to a large entrance outside of the Auditorium)

Mr.Collie: This is the side entrance, but it's also the place where we show off many of our accomplishments and most prized student. (Pointing to the side) And I think you'll be a little impressed by some people on our Queensland High School Hall of Fame!

(As I worked over, I looked over the list of names, there weren't many. For the school apparently being around 80 years old, it only had around 12 notable people from their staff department and 9 notable students. But as I looked at the students there were indeed some names that stood out. I only knew four of those names and now I realized why Mr.Collie said what he said. For the few amount of students on here, four of them were heelers and of course they were the "Famous Heeler Brothers" who I had already heard about from Vance about how each dominated their respective sport at the school. All three I knew played touch football, but each also had their own they dominated in, Radley had Football and Tennis, Bandit had Cross Country, and Stripe had Cricket. Each had many accolades but it was also pretty obvious Radley was the best of the three in terms of dominance, his tennis and football accolades were incredible even compared to many others on the list. But also I saw Mike's name there too, it wasn't as many impressive accolades as the three, but he still was really really good, especially at netball? I don't know which sport that is but I guess I'll-)

*Bell Rings*

Mr.Collie: Well mate, this tour took much less time than I thought it would so I'll let you go early and you can go to breakfast. Now remember, if anyone is givin ya trouble, gimme a holler!

(And with that I ran down the hall to the large mess hall ready to finally start my actual first day and finally be able to meet the people I had heard so much-)

Oliver: Oof-(Falls to the ground)

???: Watch where your goin trash! *laughing as the guy walks away*

Oliver: (I looked up to see the asshole who had hit me, and to my greatest horror, it was exactly the person I never wanted to see for the rest of my life)

End of Chapter 8

(Authors notes: Sorry for the upload before, I accidentally posted this chapter earlier when 7 wasn't out so I had to remove it but yeah, sorry abt that)

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