Chapter 9: A Warm Welcome

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Oliver: Oof-(Falls to the ground)

???: Watch where your goin trash! *laughing as the guy walks away*

Oliver: (I looked up to see the asshole who had hit me, and to my greatest horror, it was exactly the person I never wanted to see for the rest of my life)

Hassan: Never thought I would see this joke again?! You're still as a big of a joke as before trash, you may have lost the baby fat but you're still the same thing you were in middle school (he laughed)

(I...I was at a loss for words... I couldn't believe that thing had returned to my life. Even though I knew he walked away, my mind told me he was still right in front of me, saying the same he said all those years ago. I just kept laying there on the hallway floor and just watched all the people just walking by, laughing at my face, giving me looks and... I don't know why I couldn't just get up. Why, WHY? What's wrong with me? I could've gotten up,  punched him anything I could've-)

???: Hey, do you need a hand?

(I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice that a short, pink poodle had seen me and came to give me hand, I took it with a wide smile)

Coco: My name's Coco, I assume you're the cousin Bluey was telling me about?

Oliver: Oh, yeah, nice to meet you.

Coco: Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's just get to the mess hall, beat standing around here. I'll show you to the rest of the group, I'm sure you've met some of them.

(I gave her a nod as she motioned for me to follow her,  and we headed into the mess hall. When we entered, I saw a ton of round tables with a ton of dogs just talking at each one, she led to me back to one of the ones in the far back as we kept walking towards it, I began to take notes on the two tables that were clearly all just one large group and what all the dogs were doing at the table. I saw Bluey talking to a darker dog in the back and something about both of them seemed...odd. I saw Winnie, Chloe, Luna, a Shibu Inu, and a yellowish dog sitting to the right of Bluey and that other dog. Then also a red dog and a dog with some strange hair sitting really close and talking to a jack russel, a long dog, and a pom-pom. On the other table, a leopard dog and a Japanese Akita talking, then a Pit bull was talking to a group comprised of Mackenzie, Vance, a Retriever, and what I can looked like a Boston terrier talking, and as I finished up my final analysis, I had reached the table with Coco.) 

Oliver: Hey V-

Coco: Hey everyone! This is Bluey's cousin, Oliver, Give him a warm welcome!

(Immediately after she said that, EVERYONE got up and walked up to give me a "formal" greeting)

???: Hey

???: Nice to meet you!

???: How's Australia been so-

Oliver: Can I get some names when you greet me?

Jean-Luc: Oh yeah, I'm Jean-Luc, I also recently moved here and-

Rusty: I'm Rusty and he's Jack (Pointing)

Jack: Yeah that's me I-

Indy (Weird hair Girl): I'm Indy nice to meet you-


Ranger (The Boston terrier): Get out the way Lucker, I'm Ranger glad to-

Snickers (The long dog): I'm SNICKERSSSS

Honey (Yellowish dog): H-hey, I'm Honey, I just-

Konner (Leopard dog): I'm Konner and this is my boyfriend, Graham.

Graham (Akita-ish dog): Oi, mate! *Pushed*

J.C. (Pitbull): Ay there, I'm J.C. the strongest, toughest Agh- *Punched in the gut by Graham*

Graham: That's, what you get.

Judo (Pom-pom): Heyy I'm Judo, we're gonna be-

Oliver: Ok-Ok is that everyone? I feel like I'm having a stroke,

Luna (Akita): No, there's still her *pointing to the shy shibu inu in the back*

Ginger (Shibu Inu): (Walking abit, tooo close to me) Hey, I'm Ginger, I'm sure we're gonna get along great (Giving me a hug and quickly everybody else joined in on the hug as I just kinda stood there awkwardly waiting for the moment to end, when they finally stopped hugging me I broke away and said)

Oliver: OK Cool, now did I get them all?

Bluey: Well, there's some not here right since some don't come to breakfast and others are out and *Bell rings* shoooooooot, which class do you have Oliver?

Oliver: Oh, I have AP Geometry 

Winnie: Cool, I can show you the room!

Oliver: Oh uh nice, who else has it (I said as we all started to walk down the hall towards are classes, slowly losing more members at each turn)

Winnie: Well it's me, you, Chloe, Konner, Ranger, and Ginger in that class.

(I continued to talk to Winnie mainly as we walked and got to the class, the classes in general weren't anything special to start the day, AP Geometry I got to wherever I wanted so I sat next to the five others who had the class, who actually turned out to be pretty chill, mainly Winnie, Ranger, and Konner. It turned out me and Winnie had similar schedules actually had all the same lunches, and me and Ranger also had similar schedules too. We walked to Gym which was nothing special, I had that class with Bluey, Mackenzie, Winnie, Vance, Lucky, Ranger, Indy, Rusty, and Jack. But even with all those people, I kinda just started tuning everything out as I just wanted to get through the day, so I didn't talk to that many people. Heading to Biology, I had class with Bluey, Mackenzie, and Honey, it was actually a really fun class and when we headed to third lunch, it turned out that almost everyone at breakfast, minus J.C. Judo, Chloe, and Snickers had that lunch too! History was super boring since the only people I knew in the class were Judo, Snickers, and Mackenzie and we just did a ton of boring work all day. But the entire day led up to Wind Ensemble, everyone I was meet friends with at the time had the class and I just was super excited being able to do something that could remind me of home. Playing an instrument and playing basketball were my two main passions in the states and... I looked at the music and the notes flowed beautifully, the conductor, Mr. Hellenberg, even said my playing was the best he had seen in 20 years, but that didn't matter to me as much as just being able to play my instrument. As me, Winnie, Mackenzie, Vance, and Bluey were walking to the bus talking casually, Bluey said)

Bluey: You guys wanna hang out after school today?

Vance: Can't, Touch Football game at 5

Winnie: I can though!

Oliver: Same here,

Mackenzie: Depends till when cause if it's at too early I won't make it till later.

Bluey: Uhhh, 330-830?

Winnie: Jeez that's long!

Bluey: Yeah it is, if you guys want more people to come I'll ask some.

Vance: Oh invite Lucky, and maybeeeee Jean Luc?

(Bluey scoffed at Vance as she shot a disgusted look towards him before we all started getting on the bus, we sat in the same way we sat before but Vance sat across from my seat so we could talk better)

Bluey: I already asked Jean Luc, he said he didn't wanna go, but Lucky can

Vance: Alright, Mackenzie, I'll be at the game just pick me up. Oliver I'll tell dad you're going straight to Blueys if that's alright?

Bluey: Oh yeah it's fine.

Winnie: Wait but what about your homework?

Vance: New kids don't get any for the first week, so he'll be fine. Me and Mackenzie will be there at 5 and also invite more people if YOU want to Bluey, it's your house. Same thing goes if you don't wanna invite someone.

(We all just continued to talk as the bus left and the day... the day was nice. I felt like I was on a vacation of some sorts, Australia may not have been that bad, but it's still not the same)

End of Chapter 9 

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