Chapter 10: Bluey's House

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(As we reached Bluey stop, I started to head off the bus with her since I had texted Mike if I could go to Bluey's house just from the bus and he said it was ok, so I started getting off and said bye to all the people there and I continued the conversation I was having with Bluey when we started walking)

Oliver: So who'd you decide to invite to your house in the end?

Bluey: Well I'll definitely have you, Vance, Winnie, Mackenzie and almost guaranteed Lucky too. I don't think my parents will let me invite that many people so I'll see if I can invite more than that and if I can I'll probably invite whoever.

Oliver: I mean, I don't have any qualms with anybody since I just met them today, so I don't care who you invite or how many you invite.

Bluey: Thanks Oliver...What even is a "qualm"?

(I just rolled her eyes at her as she just put a slightly angry but playful face at me)

Bluey: Whatever, we're here anyways *pointing to the house just up ahead of us* That's the house.

(She started sprinting towards the house, which I soon followed after her and although she was pretty fast, I was easily able to beat her with my shear speed)

Bluey: Wow...You're a really fast runner Oliver!

Oliver: *opens the door* It's not that fast, I haven't done training in a while to get faster.

(As I looked in front of me I saw both Bandit and Chilli sitting on the couch watching the news together)

Bandit: Hey Bluey, (not turning around) how was your day.

Bluey: Oh it was nice, have any idea where Bingo is?

Chilli: Oh Bingo is staying after school to try out for the girl's soccer team.

Bluey: I thought the middle school team tryouts were last week mum!

Bandit: Well she was good enough to where the coach invited her to the High school team tryout, so we'll see if she made it or not, but how was your day at school honey?

Bluey: Oh, it was pretty good, the classes were easy as ever but I also met-What?

(Both Chilli and Bandit turned around to look at Bluey but I guess Bluey didn't tell her parents about me since they seemed pretty surprised I was there)

Oliver: Hi Mr. Heeler and Mrs. Heeler.

Chilli: Oh, you didn't tell us you were having company Bluey! Oh, and Oliver, just call us Aunt Chilli and Uncle Bandit.

Oliver: Alright Mrs-Aunt Chilli

Bluey:  But mum, I texted you, but you just didn't respond and you almost always let me invite friends so I thought it was fine. 

Bandit: It's fine Bluey, just make sure you ask next time, you two go up to Bluey's room for now I can probably swing by for some pizza.

Bluey: Ok, thanks Dad, but I also have some other people I wanna bring too.

Chilli: Bluey I said-

Bandit: Ay, Oliver, do you mind going up stairs to Bluey's room while we talk to just her?

(I nodded in response)

Bandit: Alright, thanks mate.

(I ran up the stairs as I went down the hallway, I saw four doors and I realized; I probably should've ask, I decided to check down the hallway first and I was pretty sure I was in the right room as I entered it. It seemed a lot bigger than I thought it would actually be. The room had a bunch of plushies. I sat on soft bed as I pulled out my phone to just listen to some videos. I actually sat there watching videos for a lot than I thought I did, since when I looked up to see Bluey in front of me, it was already 4 o'clock)

Oliver: What took you so long? It's been over an hour and a half!

Bluey: Sorry Olly, I was doing some homework downstairs and I got so caught up in doing other things I completely forgot I had you over. It didn't help you just sat in my room this whole time, you didn't go through my stuff right?

Oliver: Yeah, no. But what's the plan for tonight, is it just me and you, Winnie, Vance, who's coming?

Bluey: Wellll, Winnie and Vance are definitely gonna be here at 4:30, and Lucky and Mackenzie will probably be here at around 6 or 6:30. They might not come because they got called in for like a last minute practice or something which is why their late in the first place, but yeah...You wanna grab some the snacks downstairs?

Oliver: Sure, beats continuing to sit here doing nothing.

(We both headed downstairs to living room as we passed Bingo playing on their Wii and we reached the kitchen and I saw all the snacks laid out on the table. Alot of them were new to me and were completely unique to Australia)

Oliver: Wow-Are these the normal foods for Australia?

Bluey: Uh, yeah? Well-I guess it's a bit different than where you're from.

Oliver: Are you kidding? This looks like it's actually GOOD for you instead of all the foods in America that are all Junky.

Bluey: I mean none of them are healthy for you but-

Oliver: Certainly a lot better than American foods.

(As I finished up that sentence the doorbell rang and me and Bluey both immeaditely ran to the door to see who it was and as Bluey opened the door, I saw Vance and Winnie both waiting outside the door)

Winnie: Hey Bluey and Oliver!

Vance: Ay, Blues!

Bluey: What're you both doing here, (in a teasing tone) at the same time?

Vance: Just a coincidence,  but hey-

Winnie: (rolling her eyes) Don't even, (She said as she put her hand to his face)

Vance: You don't even know what I was gonna say

Bluey: She was smart enough to cut you off before said anything

(The 4 continued talking as the walked to the dining room, ate some snacks, and continued to talk)

Chapter 10 End

Authors note: I finished this chapter basically a year ago (minus a few changes) might pick this back up for a few more chapters since I like the story

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