Cheif grey- meredith

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Description- y/n went to go meet Meredith for lunch and saw helm flirting with her so she was jealous all day.


Y/n's pov-

"Darling I'll see you at lunch." Meredith laughed as I refused to get off her so she could get ready for work.

"No, I don't wanna get out of bed." I groaned and tucked my face into her neck.

"Darling, you have surgery and I have a meeting." She laughed and tried to push me away.

"But this is the first time in forever we got to stay in bed together without one of the kids-" and just as I was about to finish my sentence there was a knock at the door. "Interrupting."

"Mama? Can you help me get ready for school?" Zola's voice asked through the door.

"I'm coming sweetheart, why don't you  go wash your face and wet your hair for me and I'll be right there." I called back before laying fully on Meredith. "I guess I'll see you at lunch Mer."

I quickly kissed her lips before going to deal with getting our five amazing kids ready for school and daycare.

Mer's three kids she came into the marriage with, my daughter I came into the marriage with and our son we had together almost a year ago.

Zola was the oldest at 9, then it's my biological daughter Darcy at 8, Bailey who's 7, Ellis who is 4 and our baby boy Camren who is turning one next month.


My surgery got canceled so I took Ellis and cam out for breakfast and I've just dropped them off at day care.

"Hey Amy!" I smiled and hugged my sister in law before getting comfortable on the desk chair at the nurses station.

"You and Meredith are doing another round of ivf?" She asked but it sounded more like a statement.

"Yeah, we want one more kid." I confirmed before tilting my head. "How do you know?"

"I heard Meredith telling helm about it." She told me with a smile. "So have you already done it or is it booked?"

"I had the transfer a week ago and we get the results in two days." I replied but I couldn't help but wonder why she was telling the resident who is openly in love with her that we are trying for another baby.

"So you might be pregnant right now? I might have another niece or nephew." She asked as she ran around the nurses station to put her hand on my stomach.

"Yup, do you know why mer was telling helm?" I asked and thanked a nurse when she handed me a chart, pushing Amelia's hand off of me.

"Not really, I was busy but I heard that." She shrugged and smiled at me again. "Who would of known that when I dragged my relationship hating bestfriend and her daughter here she would become my sister and give me amazing niece and nephew and maybe one more."

"Darcy was already your niece." I laughed an shook my head at my best friend.

"No she was my god daughter there's a difference."

"Whatever, I'm going to check on my patients before finding something to do until mine and Mer's lunch date." I laughed before walking off to find something to do.

I walked past a patients room and I saw Meredith, helm and Maggie looking over a patient.

"So you and dr y/L/n are having a kid together?" Helm asked not even looking at her patient.

"Helm, it's dr grey-y/l/n and yes we are having another kid." My wife sighed and looked at the unconscious man's wounds.

"Why? You're like amazing and she's just a attending, she's not even a head of a specialty."

"Um, chief." I sighed and stepped into the room. "I have to cancel our lunch."

Before she could even reply I walked out of the room and to the daycare room deciding I needed some Ellis and cam cuddles.

Meredith's pov-

"Is Mrs grey okay?" Helm asked as my wife walked away from me.

"Dr grey, she is Dr grey." I snapped and turned her annoyed. "She is my wife but she is a surgeon aswell! She is a surgeon and a attending at that so you will give her respect, you will give the mother of my children respect."

"Technically she's only the mother of one of your children and your step kid."

"They are all both of our kids, Darcy is my daughter and Zola, Bailey and Ellis are her kids aswell." I told her and handed Maggie the charts. "Helm, I have no interest in ever seeing you more than a resident. I love my wife more than anything."

Taking a deep breath, I walk out to go find Y/n.

I found her in the day care with Ellis in her lap with Camren running around them with a car in his hand.

I was about to make myself known when Ellis spoke up.


"Yes baby?" Y/n asked as she moved so she could see her face.

"Your my mama bug you didn't give birth to me like other mommies so how are you my mama?"

I was about to make myself known and help y/n out but she started speaking and I didn't want to interrupt.

"Well being a mommy isn't always about if you give birth to a kid, I love you, Zola and Bailey so much and I see you as my kids just as much as Darcy and camcam. And you see me as your mama even though I didn't give birth to you don't you?" She explained the best she could ad Ellis smiled and hugged y/n tightly.

"Love you so much mama!"

"I love you baby."

"Mommy!" Camren shouted as he ran over to me, making my wife look up at me and she looked slightly annoyed.

"How about I take my oldest and two youngest loves to lunch?" I asked as I picked up my son. "Honey?"

"Let's go get some food." She sighed , getting up and following me to sign the kids out for lunch.


It's been two days and we haven't really talked about helm or her being upset as we have rules in place, no arguing in front of kids or after 6 pm as that's our chill and cuddle time.

"Meredith!" She screamed and ran into our bedroom where I was getting ready to go to work, she has took the weekend off to spend it with the kids.

"What's up?" I asked with a smile.

"I'm pregnant! We are having another baby!" She squealed again and tackles me on to the bed with a hug.

"You can't tell helm, I don't care how annoyed or jealous I get you aren't allowed to tell her first like how you told her we were trying."

"I know, I'm sorry for doing that my love. She just annoyed me so much. "

"I understand but next time you are annoyed at her just fire her?"

"I wish I could my love but that's not very fair to risk her career because she had a crush on me."

"What ever you say chief grey." Y/n said as she rolled her eyes at me.

"I gotta get to work, give the kids a hug from me when they wake up. I love you doctor grey."

Not proof read
1244 words

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