Laid- april kepner

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Description: April keeps complaining to everyone that she needs to get laid and after a four hour surgery of y/n having to hear how much April wants sex she snaps and gives her what she's asking for.

Slight Smut

Y/n's pov-

I groaned and leaned against my sister Amelia as April started one of her many daily rants about having sex once again.

"I need sex!" She groaned and threw her head back.

"Sleep with Jackson then. It wouldn't be the first time, I mean you have a kid with him I'm sure he would have sex with you." Amelia said and pushed me off of her. "Now I have to go find Owen and have mind blowing sex."

"Now you are just being a bitch." April called after her. "She knows I came out as gay and got disowned like 4 months ago right?"

"Probably not, she's been so wrapped up in having sex and being with Owen she doesn't even pay attention to my drama anymore." I laughed at watched my sister stop owen and then scurry off to an on call room. "What is probably a really good thing."

I really thought her whining about how much she need sex was finished but after a moment she went onto whine about how hard it is to pick a woman up was and asking me how I did it.

Thank god we both got paged because I was getting fed up.

I was operating on a kids leg while April was doing whatever she was to his liver.

Once again she was talking about how much she needs to get laid.

"You know it's like an itch on your back that I can't quite reach to itch yourself so you have to get someone to help but no one will help. That's what my need to have sex feels like right now."

"April-" I tried to get her to stop but she continued to whine and I just zone out.

"So I just need sex you know-"

"That's it, follow me." I sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her to the closest on call room and locked the door when I made sure no one was in there.

"What's going on?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Take off your clothes." I demanded as I took of my scrub top.


"Do you want sex or not? I'm fed up of this whinging so if you really need to get laid so bad take off your clothes and kiss me."

This time instead of questioning me again, she stripped down before pushing me against the door and pulling me into a hot kiss.

"Thank you.." she whispered breathlessly as we stubbled toward the bed, pushing her down on the bed and climbing onto of her.

I moved again so I was laid between her legs, gently kissing her thighs before pushing myself back up and latching myself onto her boobs.

I heard a trail of moans leaving her mouth as her hands found my waist.

"Y/n please." She whines and tried to push my head down to between her legs again.


"God, I needed that." April smiled as she laid against my bare chest.

My pager went off, I quickly got out from under and got dressed before leaning down to kiss her.

"Me too, I don't want to hear any more whining about needing sex." I sighed before walking out of the on call room and to the room I was paged to.


"You slept with April?" Meredith asked with a laugh as I was sat in her bed with zola and Ellis who were sleeping after they demanded they had a sleepover with me and Mer.

"Yes- she kept on complaining that she needed sex and I did too and-"

"And you have a crush on her so best way to get over someone is under them."

"I did not get under her to get over her." I groaned as Maggie poked her head into the room.

"April is here and she wants to talk to you." Maggie smiled and came over to me, lifting zola's head off my lap and taking my place when I was up.

"Don't you dare." I laughed when I saw Meredith go to speak before going downstairs to see April stood by the door rocking her two year old.

"Oh is that my favorite little miss Harriet!" I cooed and took her into my arms and looked at April who smiled at me.

"I was wondering if we could talk?" She asked and leaned forward to kiss Harriet's cheek when she started to play with my hair. "Gentle hands, we don't want to hurt y/n/n. Do we baby?"

"Y/n/n? What happened to Aunty y/n/n?" I asked slightly upset that us having had sex might have lost my role in Harriet's life.

"We'll, I came here to ask you out and it would be kinda weird if I dated my daughters aunt." She sighed but smiled up at me. "Just imagine her in high school my mom is dating my aunt."

"You see us dating in 13 years?" I smiled back at her, leaning against her as she played peek a boo with a kid.

"I see us married and with a few more kids by then but yeah. I've like you for ages, before I married Jackson I was just scared to admit it because when I did I was disowned." She admitted, moving away and taking Harriet into her arms again. "So go on a date with me?"

"My house tomorrow after work, we can order in and have a movie night." I answered and kissed Harriet's cheek and then her mothers as the got ready to leave.

"It's a date, you want a lift home?"

"I'm staying here tonight, I promised Zola I would sleepover and take her to school."
-a few years later-

"I need sex." April said as she walked into our shared bedroom as I was getting ready for work.

"I just got dressed-"

"So?" She asked with a smirk.

"So, I am five months pregnant with your son and daughter and it is a work out getting dressed." I laughed and pushed pasted her playfully to go wake up Harriet.

"Baby, wake up we have to get ready for daycare." I whispered into her ear as I gently rubbed her back to walk her up.

I can't believe she was starting first grade today, I can't believe she's 5 almost six.

She was only 3 when I took a mother role in her life and now that was almost 3 years ago.

"First day of school mama?" She asked doing the same adorable head tilt that April does.

"Yup, now let's get up and dressed because after school you get to come meet your baby siblings like you wanted."

We had agreed she could come to my appointment after school today as she kept on asking to come.

"Now,go eat while I pick your clothes out." I told her and saw April walk into the room once Harriet was gone.

"I'm so happy you had sex with me." She joked as she wrapped her arms around my bump.

"Me too, it got you to stop whining about wanting sex."

"Rude." She laughed and poked my side. "I love you Y/n Madeline kepner."

"I love you to April kepner."

Not proof read
1252 words

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