17 1 0

I saw lix and bin cuddled up in a corner, it was really cute. For some reason I still wanted to know how they got back together. I mean I'm happy for them, but I can't believe lix just forgave him like that.

I walked over to them. "Hey felix~" I said in a jokingly way.

"Hey sung, whats up?" He asked.

"Can I talk to ya?" I pointed my finger to the kitchen.

"Sure! One second bin I'll be back." He told Changbin as he kissed his nose tip. I just laughed.

"So.. what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked me looking confused.

"When we're you going to tell me that you and bin were together?" I said.

I wasn't mad, I was just shocked. If anybody ever did me wrong like that, it would give me some time to even regain therye trust. But I guess not everybody has the same mindset right?

"Well.. I was going to but then again, why would I need to? I haven't told any of the others and they were perfectly fine with me being with him without even having to tell them."

"I guess, but Seungmin looked really bothered by it. He still is upset from the situation, did you ever take his feelings into consideration?"

"Min will be fine. He doesn't own my life, I never asked him to get mad, he did it himself. I don't control anybody's anger issues." He rolled his eyes.

What is wrong with him? Just a few days ago he wouldn't stop crying over that jerk and here he is now, going right back to him.

"I cannot believe this." I said.

"Believe what.?" Seungmin said as he walked into the kitchen.

"It's none of your concern, just stay out of it." Lix replied back to him.

Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? I'm just a concerned friend who genuinely wants his friend to be okay.

"Oooh, tough crowd. Ji why is he so mad?" Min asked.

"I don't know. I guess it's because I asked him why didn't he tell any of us that he got with bin?"

"Im standing right here, and for any of your guy's information, my love life is not your concern."

"So, it's okay for you to not tell us? But it's not okay for us to be concerned got it." Seungmin said sounding annoyed. I guess he figured out quickly, and to be honest it looked like he was waiting a long time to talk about this.

"I don't need to tell you guys, your not my mom or dad."

"I don't have to be your parents to tell you the truth, your just denying it because your blindly in love with a jerk that doesn't love you back."

"Ouch.." He was right, but I wish it hadn't came out the way it did. Lix is a very sensitive person whether he does something bad or not.

"Whatever, your just mad because you can't even get in a relationship with your own crush. You have too many issues."

I didn't expect that out of him, usually he will start to cry then we make up. I don't know what has taken over him, but it's kinda getting on my nerves.

"That's enough okay? Lix you cannot get mad because we're concerned. Nobody is trying to enter in your business, if you didn't want me to ask you could've just said that. Seungmin you express yourself too much, that how some people end up getting hurt. He could be hurting inside and your just making it worse okay? Both of you need to stop." I said. I felt a lot better after that.

"Whatever, I cannot believe your just acting like this lix? I thought that you knew better? It's like your a whole new person."

"I don't care what you think. I don't care what any of you think. I just want everybody to stay out of my business."

"Fine. I quit, I don't want to see your face again."

"You know what?" I got up off of the chair and walked away.

All of this just because of a question? I kinda felt bad though, lix just wanted to be happy. If lying to your friends and staying with somebody who makes you happy atleast? Gets you to where you wanna be then so be it. I just didn't want any part of it anymore, so I left and went to the library.
Which is outside of the dorms area of course.

I needed to clear my head, with everything that has happened since I've been here, it's all been overwhelming. I really needed a small break from the place. From lessons to lessons to dance to vocal, and then a bunch of other things outside of university? Yeah I couldn't take it any longer.

I didn't know who to call. My parents would never allow me to come home at the start of the semester. They would just pull me out if they knew how draining it would be. It was worth a shot though right?

I decided to call them.

"Hello? Ji? Honey is this you?"

"Yeah it's me, I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh how are you? What's up? Is everything okay with university?" I loved when my mom showed that she cared for me. I was under a lot of pressure in the moment and that really helped.

"Could I come home for a couple of days? It's break so I have the choice."

"Your doing so well. But if you want to come I'll gladly let you in with open arms."

"Could you come get me tomorrow? I need a break from this place."

"I don't have a free schedule, how about tonight?"

"Sure, I'll get my stuff ready."

"Alright honey, see you soon. Bye love you lots"

"Bye mom."

I might revise I still need to add more changlix

How was this chapter?

I feel like this all went by to quick 😭

Also, these chapters are drafts that I've been waiting to post so most of this stuff is old

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