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"Hyunjin! We are gonna be late for the auditions hurry up!" I yelled all the way across the hall. Me and Hyunjin were close, so we often stayed at each others houses. "Hyun- I'm coming geez!" Hyunjin yelled back at Me. "Are you excited? I know I am." He said. "No, I'm nervous. What if something goes wrong, what if I mess up or forget part of my rap. Lots of things could happen you know?" I said. "Your overthinking like you always do, this isn't some life or death situation. This is just an audition. If you don't make it, there will be other companies out there." The tall blue haired boy stated. "Just an audition? I've worked so hard, if I fail my family will be hurt, I will be hurt, my life will be over!" I said dramatically. "Calm down, it's not like your gonna mess up. Your one of the best rappers I have seen." Hyunjin said. His words were always so uplifting that's why he is my best friend. Sometimes I wonder why do I have the friends I have? I'm constantly crying, or whining about everything, and he sits there and listens and talks it out with me. I have come to realize that one day, he will get tired of me constantly talking about my life, I kinda do feel bad considering he never talks about himself. Other than wanting to be a trainee as much as I do. Even though he says he is "fine" or "it doesn't bother him" I can't help thinking that he is lying.                                              ————————————————————————— "Oh! We are here
already, that wasn't to bad of a drive right?" He says. "Nope, but I'm still nervous. I don't think I can even go into the building." I said playing around with the rings on my finger. "Jisung, I've already told you. Everything will be fine, stop worrying all the damn time about silly things!" He says laughing while talking. I mean I guess he was right, I do have a problem. I overthink to much, I guess that's the reason why I can't focus on anything. "I guess your right, let's go into this building and crush it!" I say. He smiled and got out the car and I did aswell. Once we got to the entrance we saw a long line of contestants waiting to get in. "Oh shit, this is gonna be even harder." I mumbled quietly. When we finally got inside, I saw a large stage and a lot of people filled up the rows of the seating areas. "I can't handle all of these lazy people by myself! I don't understand why I have to teach dance to over 200 contestants that aren't even good!" I heard a voice behind me, and when I turned around I saw a tall brown haired boy yelling at None other than JYP himself. "Minho. Do this just once, I don't know what happened to the other dance teachers and I cannot control it." JYP said. Minho sighed looking away for a moment. "Out of all people this just has to happen to me." He thought in his head. As if I wasn't nervous enough I also found out the brown haired boy has to teach everyone a dance before anything. I think it's to test how well we will memorize choreo. "Hyunjin you got this, your amazing at dancing." I said. On the other hand me..? Im not a dancer but hyunjin has taught me alot before this so I can be prepared.

Did you like chapter 1? Pls let me know I have worked so hard on this :)

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