27 | The nightmare

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I sigh silently and caress Minho hyung's hair gently. I've been awake since three in the morning and watched how attractively Minho hyung sleep. He certainly have been so exhausted last night. He have been tortured for god knows how long then fight with Chan-hyeok's men last night, he got a fresh wound too but he still took care of me. He still use his last energy to keep me okay until I fell asleep.

"What are you thinking, little squirrel?"

I blink twice and saw Minho hyung already awake and frowning while looking at me.

"You're awake." I said, stating the obvious and blushing because of the pet name.

"Hmm." He hummed and pull me more closer to him. "I woke up when you stop caressing my hair." He said with his morning deep voice.

Hot. I thought.

I bring down my hand to his cheek and caress it gently and smile.

"I just thought how lucky I am." I said to him, trying not to gay panic in front of him.

"Then keep meee." He whined that made me chuckles. "C'mon, let's go downstairs. I wanna see my mom."

I tried to leave but he just pulled me back, "Five minutes please."

I sigh and agree to him. I just lay back and cuddled him to let him sleep for five minutes but unfortunately, I fell asleep too.


My father cleared his throat to break the silence between us all in the dining area. All of us look at him and wait for what he'll say.

"Chan-hyeok is now on the Deborah Island along with the last two bastard." He informed.

"Deborah Island?" Chan hyung asked.

"Well, it's an island where RM punish people. Instead on the underground prison, the heads send them to Deborah to suffer from heat of the sun, thirstiness, hungriness and more basic things people should have." Jeongin shrugged.

"How do you know it?" Chan asked him.

"He works under my command." I answered.

"What?" Hyunjin shocked. "As what?"

"Informant." I said.

"So that's the reason why you're not shock and just bit confused when Hyunjin said Minho was a spy." Chan hyung said.

"You're a spy?" I frowned at Minho hyung.

Minho hyung tsked, "Hyunjin assumed that."

"Yah! Who wouldn't? You were always with him." Hyunjin defending himself  and point at me.

I rolled my eyes, "We wouldn't go public if we're working together, duh."

Hyunjin huffed but eventually apologize.

Minho hyung shook his head, "Let's not dwell on it. It's was in the past already."

"I would agree but..." I looked at my father who were quite watching us. "We still deserve answers."

Chan hyung nodded as he agreed. My father clear his thoat again before looking to mom. Mom just smile and nod at him.

"I'll tell you everything then ask questions after." He said and we all nod.


Years ago...

"Han Sangwoo, come here!" His mother yelled downstairs.

Sangwoo immediately obeyed 'cause he knew his mom hates waiting and if she did, his ass will be dead later.

"Yes, mom? What is it?" He asked as he walked to the living room and saw his parents with another kid who was the same height with him.

His dad stood up with the kid, "This is Chan-hyeok, your half brother."

"Half?" He frowned.

"Yes and don't ask more questions." His father said.

He nodded and smile to the kid and he did too.

After days, they became more close like real brothers do. They found out Chan-hyeok was older than Sangwoo in just a year. Sangwoo adored him so much because unlike him, Chan-hyeok was really so smart in their class and so kind. Chan-hyeok was a very care-free person, not like him even just expressing himself can't do.

Years and years, the two were inseparable as if their hips were one. They even like same girl who is Jisoo who they met in business party weeks ago. They agreed to who ever Jisoo likes between them, then one should just accept it and move on like a real man. Everything was fine not until...

"He said in his will that everything will be Sangwoo's now." The old attorney said.

"Isn't should be half? 'cause I had a brother who is his son too." Sangwoo frowned

"I'm the older one, why am I not the heir?" Chan-hyeok asked angrily.

Sangwoo's mother scoffed, "You're just an illegitimate child so why would you be the heir?"

"Mrs. Han is right, Chan-hyeok. The heir cannot be an illegitimate child. I'm sorry." The attorney said.

"But we can just half it–"

"We will not, Sangwoo!" Mrs. Han yelled. "C'mon, leave that bastard brother of yours." She pulled Sangwoo out of the office of the attorney.

That's the last time they saw each other... as a brother. Sangwoo became more busy being a new CEO but still find a little time to date Jisoo. One time, Sangwoo and Jisoo agreed to see each other at the park but that day something's up on the company so he came a bit late. When he came to the place Jisoo was nowhere to be seen. He came to her home, he called her, he even went to her friends' home one by one but none of them saw Jisoo after the girl told them she'll having a date again with him. That night, Jisoo totally vanished.

Little did he know, Chan-hyeok kidnapped her. He forced himself to her and told her that she deserved it because she loves Sangwoo, his brother. He tortured her by hitting and kicking her. Then, one time he didn't touch her nor feed him. She thought Chan-hyeok finally realized his mistake but she was wrong. Three days after, Chan-hyeok invited his friends and told them to have fun with her. That night Chan-hyeok gave her the whole hell experience.

Almost three years after, unexpectedly they ran into each other again in a convenience store in Australia. Jisoo was totally different from Jisoo he dated. She was skinner and paler than before and...

"Ma!" The two years old baby boy called Jisoo.

Jisoo smile awkwardly and hold into a man who were wearing police officer uniform and holding the baby. They didn't talk and he just left the family alone there– thinking that the woman he loves is now married. He tried to move on but fate brought them again and one by one unfold the things he didn't know. Of course, he still loves her even though Jisoo got raped by nine people and pregnant. He still accepted her whole heartedly and married her.

"It means... I–"

"This why your mom and I didn't like to tell you. We don't want you to think of it." My father said sincerely.

We're now at the living room, still listening to my father's story.

"You're a gift, Chris. A blessing who gave me light after what happened." Mom said while caressing Chan hyung's cheeks.

"Mom..." Chan hyung called in a low voice. "What about the story about my father?" He asked.

"Kristoff Bang was a police officer who helped us. He gave us place to stay and keep us safe until your dad found me again." Mom told him. "Unfortunately, your dad was not just who found me. H-he f-found us too." Mom starts to sob. "T-that's why Kristoff died..."

I bit my lower lip and let my own tears fall while looking at mom and Chan hyung crying.

So this is the nightmare our family been dwelling. The nightmare called past.

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