Chapter I

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Young gray wolf Snow had been born in the mountains and was forced to trudge with the rest of the pack to this forest. Finally getting the chance to stop and rest with the rest of her pack, Snow had no choice but to get on with chores back and forth every day. With raw paws, Snow carried barrels of moss for the pack to sleep on. She was tempted to chew on moss because of how hungry she was. Starving... She thought. Winter was the hardest season to live through.

Trudging back to the caves where her pack was sheltering with moss in her mouth, Snow started remaking nests for wolves of all ages to sleep in. By sunset, she had finished. Taking a scrawny hare from the pile of fresh-killed prey, Snow padded to her younger siblings and settled down to share the prey.

"Couldn't you get something better?" Coral complained.

Snow glared at her brother and snapped, "This was the best I could get, you're even lucky to get any, Coral bowed his head shamefully, took a bite, and swallowed.

Coral was playful, but he had no friends. The reason why Snow would never know. He always had energy. Maybe that was why. He had energy to play, but never worked.

"Tough that we were born in winter, aren't we?" Moon woofed,"I always wonder what the other seasons are like," he added mournfully, chewing. Moon thought about that. Gazing thoughtfully at the rippling lake, he murmured, " What if you could get the softest, dryest moss in the forest? Or the juiciest elk? Haven't had those things in a long time..."

"Spring is only a few sunrises and sets!" Coral howled with jubilance. Every wolf around him raised their heads and glared at him. Coral glanced at Snow sheepishly with a grin. Rolling her eyes, Snow yearned to give her brother a cuff over his still-furry ear.

"Come on, don't you still have chores to do?" Snow asked,"The elders might want some food and water, I'll come too, it's always worth a story," Snow added,"I'll get the water, and you guys get the food."

Bounding away, Snow clamped her mouth on the moss-pile and tugged. Ripping away a cloud of moss, Snow ran to the lake to soak the moss in water. As she ran back, drops of water fell onto her chest, slowly making their way to Snow's skin. Fluffing her fur out, Snow poked her head into the den where the elders slept and heard one of them telling a story,"Snow, want to join in with the story?" Daisy asked.

"No, thanks, I sometimes like to take a walk around the lake, and maybe take a dip," Snow replied. She set down the moss, and Daisy lapped at it gratefully. Leaving, Snow took a path into the woods and let her thoughts wander. Finding peace, Snow sat and looked and the pink strokes across the sky. Pushing herself to her paws, Snow wadded into the lake, and dove in. Opening her eyes, Snow held her breath underwater and looked at the fish under her, swimming close to her fur in weaving through Snow's paws. Why couldn't life be like that; where we can enjoy ourselves? Why are humans killing us? What happened?

Snow's thoughts wandered as she paddled effortlessly through the lake, enjoying the refreshing coolness of the water as it washed away the dirt and sweat from her fur and sank into her skin.


As the sun started to disappear behind the mountains, Snow hulled herself out of the water. Shaking vigorously, Snow tucked her paws closer to her chest and watched the sunset, and reflected on her life. Moon, gentle Moon, he might make a great mate one day, or even a leader. But Coral? If he doesn't grow up, he might not understand why we need to survive. But the pack will take care of him for now. They're still young, younger than me, and I don't even understand everything yet. We still have time to grow.

Snow yawned as the last flecks of sunlight disappeared. Shaking out her half-dried fur, Snow padded back to camp.

Snow listened to Daisy's deep voice rumble about her olden days. Her heart was as gentle as a queen would be to her pups.

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