Chapter 16

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Star twitched as she slept, her pelt sour and matted. Two days had passed and her condition has worsened.

"Should we make her nest damp so she can cool off?" Snow asked anxiously.

Moon shook his head. "I'm running out of feverfew," he said. "Can you come with me?''

Snow tilted her head, puzzled why Moon changed the subject. "Sure, I guess."

"It's hard now that Coyote's left," Moon commented sadly. As they headed towards the river. 

Snow nodded sympathetically. "He's lived in that barn for years," she reasoned. "We can visit, maybe."

"Hey, Snow, you still remember when we were pups? When– Luna was still our leader?" Moon whispered.

Snow nodded. "Leaf would put frogs in Coral's nest so he would grow up!" she chuckled. "Not like he ever did."

Moon bounded ahead, tugging a mouthful of daisy-like flowers.

Snow wrinkled her nose as she picked a bundle. "Ugh, ith biffer!" she cried with her mouth full.

Moon shoved her playfully "Of course it is. Now quit whining and let's go back."

Snow rolled her eyes, "You sound like Mother now."

Leaping onto a rock, Snow's hind legs scrabbled and her tail spun wildly for balance. "Careful, Snow!" Moon said, spitting out the herbs on top of the ravine, even though his body trembled with laughter.

"Shut up," Snow muttered, joining her brother and pulling ahead of him, towards camp.


Moon spat out the rest of the feverfew and shoved it in a hole in the log.

"Hopefully these will dry by morning," Moon commented. "Go sleep."

Snow rolled her eyes. She padded to her den and turned in a circle, and flopped down. For once, she realized how exhausted she was. Closing her eyes, it felt like minutes before Snow was asleep.




Snow padded in a tunnel, as the rain over her head battered the rocky tunnel. The darkness enveloped her, making the tunnel feel uncomfortably small. Specks of claustrophobia threatened to take hold, but Snow felt like something was calling to her at the end of the tunnel. She took a breath and jogged forward.

It seemed like hours before Snow finally saw light.

"Snow," a voice whispered. "Snow!"

Snow tilted her head, forcing herself to go faster. Bursting out of the tunnel, the light blinded her as she realized there was a cage made of thorns in front of her.

"Hello?" she called out cautiously.

"Snow, is that you?" a familiar voice said.

Snow felt panic rising in her. "Father? Are you in there?"


Snow rushed to the cage, but halfway, she was blocked by an invisible force.

"I can't get to you! Something's blocking me," Snow cried.

"This cage is in between the border of life and death. The only way you could reach us is if you were dying... or dead," a voice said.

"Marigold, you're just saying she should kill herself!"

Marigold hesitated. "I'm sorry. I got ahead of myself."

"Who's with you?" Snow called out.

"Everyone. All the wolves who used to be part of our pack who are dead; and the other part of the pack you were split up with are almost dead. Enough to join us," Snow's father said mournfully.

Snow stood on her hind legs, placing her front paws on the barrier. "I-I'll be back. I'll free you somehow."

And the dream melted away.

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