Chapter 11

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Hey!!! Weather's bad so I decided to stay home and work on the story. Hope you guys are driving safe and staying warm!

Snow thumped her tail irritably, stirring up dust and making her sneeze. How long do we have to live here?

The pups were no help, tumbling and rolling in the dust, and looking like giant dust furballs. "I have burrs in my fur!" Storm bleated, bouncing up the Snow.

"Go find Moon, he should know what to do," Snow replied crankily.

"Thanks Snow!" The pup bounded off.

If you roll in more hay, you'll become a burr.

"I'm hungry!" Sky wailed.

"Here, have a mouse," Coyote offered.

"I can't tear it open!"

"Then I'll do it for you."

As Coyote regurgitated food from his belly-basket, Snow padded up to him. "Sorry that the pups have latched onto you," she started.

"No problem! The pups are great company," he said, happier than Snow has seen him for a while.

A whole moon has passed since Snow moved into the barn, and surprisingly, life here was not bad. Except for the dust.

"Hey, pups, have a good shake outside before you stir up more dust!" Coyote called. "And wash yourselves in a puddle or something."

Squeaking with delight, the four pups bounded outside and shook rigorously.

Turning back, Snow murmured, "Coyote, you don't happen to know a good, flat area that has trees and rivers?"

Coyote cocked his head. "You're not thinking of leaving are you?" He asked.

Snow sighed. "We love to stay, but if the pups want to grow up strong, this is no place for them to be."

Coyote's eyes flared. "So that's what you want! To take the pups from me."

Snow stammered. "N–no, in fact, you can come too."

Coyote stepped forward. "Actually, I do know a place," he started.

Snow nodded. "I'm listening."

"The dangerous thing is, it's upon a cliff."

Snow shrugged. "We can build barriers."

Coyote sighed. "When you follow the sun when it's starting to set, you will reach the ocean. If you look right, there will be a forest. If you look left, there will be a shallow gorge with a river flowing through. In the middle is a patch of grass humans sometimes come with a basket and a blanket to eat. On the cliff face, there will be caves that you could use for the first night. And usually the water washes up debris and seaweed that you could use for nests and den-building."

Snow nodded. "That sounds good. We'll go at sunset."

Coyote nodded with tears in his eyes. "I'll miss having you."

Snow sighed. "You're coming too," she said. "The pups need you."

Coyote looked taken aback. "N-no, this is my home!"

Snow was silent. "But think of the endless possibilities! Live like a real wolf; in a pack. Not a loner who lives in tattered human-made barns knowing that the roof could fall onto your head any minute."

Coyote shook his head. "Snow, I've lived here for longer than I can remember. I know every ancient tree by heart, every good place to hunt or sleep. It's a part of me."

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