Chapter 2

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Snow whipped around with her heart thumping. A pair of yellow eyes burst from the bush with teeth and claws glinting from the moon's bright glow. Snow stood frozen, not sure what to do. Screaming, Snow tried to side-step but was too slow. Yelping with fright as her attacker bowled her over, Snow batted her paws frantically trying to throw her opponent off. Howling, Snow twisted and her teeth caught on her opponent's ear, and the shrill sound that came out of her attacker's mouth pierced her ears made Snow want to dive into the lake and bury herself into the sand.

At last, her attacker leaped away and Snow caught a glimpse of gray-colored fur with strong muscles rippling underneath the skin. A wolf... Male, it looks like, but I don't recognize him. Finally escaping successfully, but bleeding, Snow staggered under a strong-smelling pine tree just in time as her legs collapsed. Panting with exhaustion, Snow's tongue lolled out of her mouth as she flopped her head on the ground. Feeling safe as the needles on the branches obscured her scent and covered her from sight, Snow tried to relax as her beating heart started to slow. She flicked her head as a drop of water landed on her nose. Great, now the weather hates me. She thought as the small crystals fell from the sky and every once and a while, a drop of water would weave through the branches and plop on Snow's body. Whimpering, Snow licked the stinging wounds and curled up into a ball and pulled her tail close to her body as she thought about her future.

Will this keep on happening? Who was that wolf? Why did he attack me? Thoughts whirled across her head as she tried to make out a speck of sense. Snow froze as she heard paw steps coming her way. Is it another attack? Snow crouched into a defensive position as the other animal revealed itself. To Snow's surprise, a female wolf stepped out of the shadows with 3 wolf pups scrambling over each other trying to catch up.

The female's eyes brightened as she spotted the pine tree that Snow was hiding under,"Pups, we found shelter," the female called tiredly. Pups, yelping with excitement trotted over to the pine and threw themselves into the needles. Sighing, the female nosed her way into the pine when she spotted Snow. Yelping with fright and shock, the female stammered, "S-sorry, we didn't see you there. W-we'll find another place- we'll leave you alone."

Snow shook her head and replied, " Are you crazy? Look at all the rain out there. Your pups will freeze to death before you find another place; stay here for the night."

Blinking with gratitude, the female bundled her pups up and laid her head down.


Snow tried her hardest to fall asleep but the racket made by the pups kept her awake. Snow grumbled inwardly as the pups giggled and played tricks on their mother who was trying her best to keep them silent. In the end, the female gave up and fell asleep herself.

"Let's pretend the other wolf is an enemy!" One pup whispered mischievously.

"No, mother said not to disturb her, remember?" The gentle female pup woofed anxiously.

"Well, she also said to be quiet, and we're not exactly doing that either."

The female shook her head and snuggled deeper into her mother's belly. The other two males started sneaking up on Snow as they emitted little bouts of laughter,"Go away," Snow mumbled as one pup accidentally stepped on Snow's paw. Whipping her tail to push the pups away, she toppled one of the pups over without meaning to and the two pups crashed into each other.

Wailing, the pups ran back to their mother, " Breeze! That mean wolf pushed us over!" One of the pups howled.

"I-I didn't mean too, I'm sorry," Snow stammered.

Breeze shook her head and replied, "It's fine, they're just pups," thinking for a second, she added, "It's about time for them to grow up and defend themselves."

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