Chapter 18

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Snow hacked, a mound of vomit beside her on a leaf. The fire inside her waned to a mere flicker, but finally, she could draw breath again.

"How'd it go?" Moon's eyes glittered with anticipation.

"We did it," Snow croaked, her throat raw. After a moment, she added, "And I've got a lead on Luna's pack."

Moon bounded with excitement. "Will they join us?" he pressed.

Snow rose, nodding. "Yeah, let's spread the news to the pack."

A grin lit up Moon's face. "They'll be thrilled," he predicted.

Exiting the log, Snow dashed to the camp's center. "Let's tell Daisy first," she suggested. Snow
ducked under the ferns which grow out of a tree stump, providing shade and had space for a wolf to sleep in. As usual, Daisy was there, lying on the ground with her eyes closed, and her tail flicking lazily.

"Daisy, Moon and I want to tell you something," Snow said, not sure how to start.

"Snow had a dream last night, about the trapped spirit's and Luna's group," Moon said, taking over.

Snow looked at him with gratitude. "I found out that they were trapped inside a cave by Vengeance," she said.

"An—," Moon started, but was cut off.

"Whoa, slow down. I'm taking a nap, you know?" Daisy said with mock grumpiness. She shook her pelt out and settled back down. "What did you young ones do again? Nothing too dangerous, I presume?"

Snow eyed Moon. Yeah, I poisoned myself into a coma and rescued Luna and the wolves that used to be alive in our pack.

"Uhm–we kind of poisoned Snow," Moon muttered.

"WHAT?" Daisy's head jerked up. "Why didn't you tell me? You could have died!"

Snow sighed. "Please Daisy, it was for a good cause."


Snow shrunk in her pelt. And Daisy sighed. "Look, I'm sorry Snow, but what you did was too dangerous," Daisy said sternly. "But tell me what you did."

Snow sighed with relief. "As I said, I had a dream. So I was in this tunnel, and on the other side there was a cage with Luna's group and our ancestors. I tried to free them but there was an...invisible barrier blocking me. I talked with Marigold and she said that only the dead or near-dead wolves could get past," she started.

Daisy's eyes clouded. "Marigold's dead?" she asked.

Snow shook her head quickly. "No, but somehow her pack was so close to death that they were trapped too." she paused. "Anyways, so I told Moon and he poisoned me, so I could get past."

Daisy tensed. "I see."

Snow winced. "At first the vines were too strong, I couldn't get them out. But at the end, I told Marigold about you, and her hope made the vines snap. Luna realized that I was the fear and hate that gave the cage power, so soon after, we freed them. Luna's pack is alive again, and she's coming towards us right now."

Daisy was silent for a moment. She bowed her head. "I can't believe I didn't know."

"Oh, but Daisy, it wasn't your fault," Moon reassured.

Daisy nodded glumly. "So are you going to tell the pack?" she guessed.

Snow nodded. Daisy stood up, shaking leaves from her pelt and scattering fur all over the place. It looked like she never groomed her pelt after she lost Marigold.

Snow squinted out in the heat.

"Hi Snow!" Rain bounced up. "Drizzle's taking a break, so I'm bored."

"Where are your siblings?" Moon asked.

"Eating, I finished my share," Rain replied.

"Well, can you ask them to come out? Snow has something really important to say," Daisy said.

Rain nodded, and scurried off. Moon ducked into the prey cave to get the wolves there.

"Snow, why is everyone coming out?" Rain said, surprising Snow.

"I want to tell them something," Snow simply said. "Actually, you should probably come too," she added.

Snow waited patiently at the edge of a rock, her tail flicking, with Rain by her side as the group emerged.

I really need another word than group.

Moon padded towards Snow and settled down next to her with a haroomph.

"Hey, why do Moon and Rain get to sit there?" Twig protested

Daisy glared at him. "Because Moon is Snow's brother and Rain is the deputy."

Twig looked away, muttering, "I never got to sit next to Luna."

"Twig's just grumpy," Rain reassured. "He misses his sister."

Snow nodded gratefully. "Thank you for coming," Snow started. "I came to gather you because of a great discovery."

"Great discovery? The only thing they could discover would be a bee's nest," Twig muttered loud enough for Snow to hear. Rain glared at him, which shut him up.

"I had a dream last night about a cage, and I found out that Luna and her pack was inside," Snow continued, and Twig tensed. "There was an invisible barrier between me and the cage, as when I woke up, Moon and I tried something. I poisoned myself."

The group gasped, and guilt flashed in Daisy's eyes. "Don't worry, I'm fine," Snow said, quickly. "But I freed them, and hopefully Luna is coming over right now."

"We are," a voice said, and Twig's ears perked. His body trembled, and he pushed into the bushes.


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