Chapter 15

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Star shivered, her pelt hot with fever. Snow gazed at her with concern. She had been giving her as much food as possible, and all her water, but nothing was working. A week had passed, and no one had come for them.

"We have to go," Star coughed.

Snow didn't want to agree, but she knew Star was right.

Snow sighed. "But how?"

Star shakingly stood up. "I used to be a part of his pack, remember? He won't hurt me. You go."

Snow shook her head. "No, he'll kill you. I can run, you go."

Star lifted her head, her eyes glassy. "I'll try."

Snow darted out of the den, pouncing on one of the two guards assigned to watch the prisoners. She drove the guard's head down to the ground, making him unconscious. Snow whipped around, looking at the other guard who seemed nervous, backing away from Snow, and fled.

Snow whipped around, which way is camp? Snow dashed into the woods and skid to a stop behind a creek. I need to cover up my scent. Rolling in a patch of mud, Snow scrunched her nose in disgust as the slimy liquid slid into her fur and touched Snow's skin.

Hearing a scream, Snow ran back to Vengeance's camp in horror, seeing Star huddled with the pups in the middle of the clearing. "Where did she go?" Vengeance's voice slithered. "Come on now, tell me and I'll let you go," his voice became soft and full of honey.

"I'm not telling you!" Star screamed again as Vengeance dug his claws deeper into her flank, and the pups wail with fright.

I need to get help.

Snow slid away from the camp and looked around. North—I think.

Snow hurled away as she thought about what Vengeance would do to Star. He would kill her, wouldn't he? Unless... he knew I would come back and save her. She would be a bargaining chip.

Her heart soared with relief as she saw the entrance to the cave. "Help!" she howled.

Icicle padded out with confusion. "Who's making that racket?"

Snow growled with frustration. "Icicle, it's me. Yes, I know, I was missing for a week, yada yada, but I need help."

Icicle snapped his head towards Snow. "Snow, is that you?" he sniffed. "You smell like mud!"

Snow shook out her pelt, and Icicle yelped, backing up to avoid the mud. "Better?" she asked. "Now, gather the wolves, we need to save Star!" Snow pushed past Icicle, into the camp.

It looked so beautiful there, compared to Vengeance's camp. "Moon!" Snow called.

"He's out finding herbs," Icicle said. "Now tell me, he put me in charge. What happened? Why were you missing? Who is Star?"

Snow growled again. "I was captured by Vengeance when I was trying to save the pups. Star tried to help, but we failed AND NOW SHE IS GETTING ATTACKED AND WE NEED TO GO HELP HER."

Icicle grunted. "Feisty one are you? Just like your mother." He looked at Snow. "Moon is in the valley. Go get him, I'll gather the pack."

Snow almost stumbled with relief. "Thank you!" she woofed, bounding away.

The valley....

"Moon!" Snow barked, her voice echoing. He must be able to hear that.

"Snow?" Moon's voice appeared behind her. Whipping around, Snow's heart sang with joy.

"Moon!" Snow dash towards him. "Help, we need you at camp."

"Did something happen?" Moon's tone was worried. "Snow, you've been missing for a week! Now you come back something happens?"

Snow shook her head. "I was captured, ok? By Vengeance. Now I need your help saving the pups. Hurry!"

As Snow's backup approached Vengeance's camp, Snow's heart sank as she saw the fear in Star's eyes and heard her desperate cries for help.

Without hesitation, Snow sprang into action. With stealth and cunning, she circled around the guards, carefully avoiding their notice. As Vengeance's wolves watched with amusement at Star's weak blows and attempts to protect the pups. It seemed impossible for her to win.

Why doesn't he just kill her? To make her death as bloody and slow as possible. Snow realized with horror.

Snow flicked her tail, signaling to attack. Snow bunched up her muscles, and leaped, landing on a bewildered wolf as her pack pounced onto the unsuspecting enemies.

Star, trembling with gratitude and relief, looked up at Snow with shock and admiration. Snow nodded. "Run," she whispered. "Camp is north," she said, nodding in the direction of camp. As Star ran with the pups stumbling at her feet, Snow screeched as she felt teeth closing onto her tail. Lashing out her back legs, Snow kicked her opponent and slashed her claws onto the head of the wolf.

"Retreat!" Vengeance's voice howled. "They got what they wanted. There is no point in fighting," his eyes as twinkling with hatred, his voice as cold as ice.

Sorry for not uploading in so long guys, I was working on another story and forgot to work on this one! Ehehehe.... Well, the other book I'm writing is called "Peacemaker's Memory" A WoF Fanfic. Make sure to read!

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