Chapter 24

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Snow stood up with a grunt as she sun peeked over the ocean, its rays reflecting the waves.

"Get Daisy and Hail, they're the elders," Moon said. "They can bury her."

Snow nudged Daisy awake and she gazed at her mournfully. She sighed and prodded Hail. Whispering to him, they padded outside and began digging a hole next to a young sapling.

"This was her favorite tree," Daisy said, pawing out dirt. Hail set the body inside and began covering her.

"May you paws be ever restless as you run. May you never be hungry or tired, and surrounded by friends," Daisy murmured and the last pawful of dirt was tossed into the ditch.

Snow prodded Moon. "The Spirits are back," she whispered. "My father visited me last night. He said 'Rain will flow and the leaves will fall'. Any idea what it means?" She asked.

Moon cocked his head. "I mean, the most obvious one will be that a storm will come that knocks the leaves off the trees?" he woofed thoughtfully. "I mean, this heat is impressive, some rain would be nice. It's tiring carrying water back and forth for my herbs."

Snow nodded. "Finally once when they state the actual meaning," she concluded. But a prick of doubt made her uncomfortable.

"Yeah, they have been talking in riddles haven't they?" Moon realized. "Now there are three prophecies."

"Mm," she agreed.

"Moon! I have a thorn in my pad!" Sky wailed, shaking his paw and hopping on three legs.

"Calm down," Moon sighed. I'll get you something and pull it out." He turned around. "Twig, can you give me a dock leaf, thanks!" he called out.

"Yeah, sure," Twig replied from inside the den. He ducked out with a leaf in his south and set it down beside Moon. "Hey Snow," he greeted, bowing his head.

"Hi," Snow replied. "Can you see me?" she asked, hopefully.

"No," Twig said ruefully. He blinked. "But it's not so bad. I can still help. I'm thinking of being Moon's helper, actually. I'm the one who's going to chew up all those bitter herbs." He rolled his eyes.

"If Twig is grouchy then his spirit must be back," Snow laughed as Twig glared at her.

"I found a mouse," Sky said as Moon scraped his tongue over the thorn. "But I stepped on a thorn. I'm so stupid!" he wailed.

"Did you catch the mouse?" Moon asked.


"Then you're not stupid."

Sky cocked his head. "I guess so."

"Ok," Moon said, slapping on the last of the mixture. "Shake yourself, will you? I've seen you've started learning to hunt," Moon recommended, plucking a twig out of his fur. "I won't be surprised if you picked up a few ticks. Let me see."

"I'll get the dung," Twig sighed, Tugging off a cloud of moss from the stash in the back of the den and padding outside, but he held his head and tail high. Sky shook out his pelt and SNow leaped back to avoid the debris.

"I meant outside," Moon said, exasperated. "Nevermind. I'll sweep it up later." He nosed through the pup's fur and tugged on a burr. "You're losing your pup-fluff," Moon noticed, poking Sky's die with a paw. "Maybe Snow should get you a mentor," he said, looking at Snow.

Snow sighed. "Alright."

"Ow!" Sky cried as Moon raked his claws through his fur.

"Sor-ree," Moon muttered as he cracked a flea between his teeth.

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